Quoting Don Cameron on Monday November 19, 2001: | | Being only partly independent of Government controls, (noting correspondence | from the Minister to auDA advising that the Government remains the | overriding authority for .au administration), auDA may or may not be subject | to the requirements of Australian Standard 4390 (Records Management), and if | so this would certainly apply to entries in AUNIC. The Registry RFT reads: The Registry Operator is to be responsible for the maintenance of paper records (e.g. manuals, printed reports) in accordance with the requirements of the Australian Record Management Standard AS4390. So whether or not auDA is required to comply with AS4390, future registry operations will be required by auDA to comply. kim -- This article is not to be reproduced or quoted beyond this forum without express permission of the author. 321 subscribers. Archived at http://listmaster.iinet.net.au/list/dns (user: dns, pass: dns) Email "unsubscribe" to dns-request§auda.org.au to be removed.Received on Mon Nov 19 2001 - 11:59:17 UTC
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