Re: [DNS] international domain news

Re: [DNS] international domain news

From: Don Cameron <donc§>
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 22:11:32 +1100
>>ICANN forum warns of Web vulnerability. The Internet is vulnerable to
hacker and terrorist attacks across a broad front.

Hello David and all,

A timely reminder. Terrorist attacks may or may not be high on any data
integrity threat analysis, however the matter of records management is
topical with the global implementation of ISO15489 last month (the
International Standard on Records Management) at the Montreal ARMA

Being only partly independent of Government controls, (noting correspondence
from the Minister to auDA advising that the Government remains the
overriding authority for .au administration), auDA may or may not be subject
to the requirements of Australian Standard 4390 (Records Management), and if
so this would certainly apply to entries in AUNIC.

Most of Government will be audited over the next few months, and (certainly
in our case) this includes companies or subsidiaries who hold records under
our authority. It is likely that auDA may be similarly audited to ensure
compliance with the standards.

Personally I would view this as a good thing, because it's all about
disaster recovery and ensuring the integrity of our information. Plus it now
seems a bit ironic that in our discussions concerning privacy legislation,
the matter of records management compliance was not raised, because this
also covers the privacy issues.


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