Re: [DNS] Advertising on AUNIC - Competitive neutrality?

Re: [DNS] Advertising on AUNIC - Competitive neutrality?

From: Hoffy <hoffy§>
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 07:16:31 +1000
Ok .. you win :~)

What is in the banner that can't be said in a nicely formatted table with a
bit of colour????  I really do fail to understand why people put words into
graphics ..  I guess it's an image thing.

> service. I do however hope that you agree it is a far better service than
> was provided previously.

True .. true

> Your choice: would you prefer to have no AUNIC and no ads or AUNIC with

I'd prefer a publically funded AUNIC after all .. who exactly is .au for?
Does it belong to the country, the government and it's population or to
auDA? Sure .. they have the responsibility of driving .au, someone has too
.. but who for?

> would be added to the cost of .au domain names eventually as auDA would
> have had to pay for it somehow.

So ... if it's circa $100K to provide this service, how much of a fee from
every hosted domain would it take to fund this service from yearly domain
renewals/registrations? Probably another dumb idea of mine.

Actually .. I must apologise, I felt this overwhelming urge to argue over a
sensitive and petty issue.  I guess my actions are simply effects from the


[insert banner ad here]
Received on Fri Jul 20 2001 - 05:19:35 UTC

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