DNS: Repeat - Want some clarification...

DNS: Repeat - Want some clarification...

From: Robert Dal Santo <robert§psy.uq.edu.au>
Date: Fri, 04 Jul 1997 10:51:12 +1000
	I can't be the only one who sees lots of long and some quite well 
written messages about ADNA, ISOC, .COM.AU, AU, DNAs, 2LDs etc but stil
don't see clearly what the specific problems are.

	Could someone PLEASE answer the following for me:

	What are the current problems with DNA in Australia right now?
	(A succint answer please)

	Do the current volunteer DNAs for the other 2LDs feel they can't
	continue to provide quality service for their 2LD? ie, do they want
	out of the job?

	Does the current DNA for .AU feel he can't provide the service as 
	a volunteer anymore? ie does he want out of the job? 

	Who are the current DNAs answerable to?

	Who will ADNA be answerable to? 

	How will ADNA fix the problems that exist right now?

	How do other countries manage the TLD and 2LDs?

	I think the answers tho the above questions will go a ways to 
clarify whats going on here and whats needs to be done and what is being 

	My understanding up until all this occurred was that there were problems with 
.COM.AU and that ADNA was working towards fixing them. I seem
to have missed why everythng under .AU as well as .AU is now in need of


Received on Fri Jul 04 1997 - 11:40:39 UTC

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