DNS: Re: INET: POSSIBLE SCAM! Aniversary Payements Part 2

DNS: Re: INET: POSSIBLE SCAM! Aniversary Payements Part 2

From: Ramin <ramin§consultco.com.au>
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 1996 18:05:48 +1000
I am not sure about the SCAM part and the issue there would need to be
very clear statements about exit costs and service level agreements on
transfers w.  These need to be in place so that a competitor will have a
very clear product to sell without any fear, uncertainty or doubt about
what happens on the part of the client.
Given the current state of affairs, I hope that the money gets put to
good use in improving services (and some liability insurance).
But maybe I missed the part about guaranteed service levels on all
aspects this new arrangement (not just the transfers), so please do not
ridicule my possible lack of knowledge.  I hope that the Victorian
Government and the Minister for all things new media and Internet
ensures fair play.
Ramin Marzbani
Received on Tue Nov 19 1996 - 17:35:10 UTC

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