*************************************************** The domain name news is supported by auDA *************************************************** ICANN's FY16 Objective, Goal and Portfolio Shepherds < <https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2015-11-13-en> https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2015-11-13-en> Vierteljahres-Bericht von .au liegt vor < <http://www.domain-recht.de/domain-registrierung/laender-endungen-cctld/cctl ds-vierteljahres-bericht-von-au-liegt-vor-64860.html> http://www.domain-recht.de/domain-registrierung/laender-endungen-cctld/cctld s-vierteljahres-bericht-von-au-liegt-vor-64860.html> Should businesses be using location-based domain names? < <http://www.smartcompany.com.au/technology/49112-should-businesses-be-using- location-based-domain-names.html> http://www.smartcompany.com.au/technology/49112-should-businesses-be-using-l ocation-based-domain-names.html> Booking.com Buys Rights To Operate .HOTELS For $2.2 Million < <http://www.domainpulse.com/2015/11/19/booking-com-hotels-2-2-million/> http://www.domainpulse.com/2015/11/19/booking-com-hotels-2-2-million/> Twitter Just Won Twitter.com.au Off An Aussie Domain Name Squatter < <http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2015/11/twitter-just-won-twitter-com-au-off-an-au ssie-domain-name-squatter/> http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2015/11/twitter-just-won-twitter-com-au-off-an-aus sie-domain-name-squatter/> ********************** GOVERNANCE ********************** Internet Governance Forum: Ten Years After Ten years after feeble beginnings, the Internet Governance Forum, once the baby of the United Nations World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), stood last week in Joao Pessoa. But in all these years, did it also learn to walk? The IGF is more popular than ever but also perhaps more inadequate than ever at containing and advancing the many views and concerns that are raised there by a multitude of global stakeholders. < <http://www.ip-watch.org/2015/11/16/internet-governance-forum-ten-years-afte r/> http://www.ip-watch.org/2015/11/16/internet-governance-forum-ten-years-after /> Looking Beyond IGF 2015 to WSIS+10 by Kathy Brown IGF 2015 in Jo?o Pessoa, Brazil will be seen as a milestone for the global Internet community. After 10 years of intense work, the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) has earned the right to celebrate its success and prepare itself for the future. As we come out of the meeting, we are urging all who want to be heard at this important moment in the evolution of the Internet to join over 110 organizations and individuals who have already signed on to a message to the UN General Assembly that will 1) help safeguard the IGF for the future; 2) preserve the multistakeholder model of governance; and 3) help keep us focused on the work at hand. < <http://www.internetsociety.org/blog/public-policy/2015/11/looking-beyond-ig f-2015-wsis10> http://www.internetsociety.org/blog/public-policy/2015/11/looking-beyond-igf -2015-wsis10> IGF 2015: Running in place by Milton Mueller The Internet Governance Forum, held this year in the Brazilian beach resort town of Jo?o Pessoa, completed its 10th annual meeting Friday November 13. The IGF Secretariat claims that nearly 5,000 people attended. Moreover, it looks as if its existence will be continued for another 10 years when the UN meets in New York later this year. Vint Cerf declared it ?the best IGF ever? in the closing open microphone session. But how good is ?best?? < <http://www.internetgovernance.org/2015/11/16/igf-2015-running-in-place/> http://www.internetgovernance.org/2015/11/16/igf-2015-running-in-place/> Multistakeholder vs. Multilateral ? WSIS +10 Consultations at IGF by Cathy Handley, Executive Director of Government Affairs and Public Policy, ARIN Day one at the IGF focused on the UN Consultation currently underway to review the WSIS outcomes. In 2005, when the original WSIS outcomes were accepted, they included the call for a ten-year overall review in order to take stock of the progress that has been made and to address gaps and areas for continued focus. < <http://teamarin.net/2015/11/17/multistakeholder-vs-multilateral-wsis-10-con sultations-at-igf/> http://teamarin.net/2015/11/17/multistakeholder-vs-multilateral-wsis-10-cons ultations-at-igf/> ********************** ICANN ********************** ICANN's FY16 Objective, Goal and Portfolio Shepherds Recent comments from the ICANN community suggest providing a consolidated view of the already published information on Shepherds to bring greater visibility into which executives are responsible for collecting and communicating cross-functional performance relevant to work at ICANN. < <https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2015-11-13-en> https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2015-11-13-en> Results Available for 18 November 2015 New gTLD Program Auction On 18 November 2015, Power Auctions LLC, ICANN's authorized auction service provider, conducted a New gTLD Program Auction to resolve string contention for one new gTLD contention set: .HOTELS/.HOTEIS. < <https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2015-11-18-en> https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2015-11-18-en> Business Engagement and the IANA Stewardship Transition by Christopher Mondini The past twenty months have been extremely busy for the ICANN community, and for both Business Engagement and North America Stakeholder Engagement at ICANN. Let me explain why. < <https://www.icann.org/news/blog/business-engagement-and-the-iana-stewardshi p-transition> https://www.icann.org/news/blog/business-engagement-and-the-iana-stewardship -transition> ICANN Launches First DNS Entrepreneurship Center in Egypt by Fadi Chehade Earlier this week, ICANN, together with Egypt?s National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (NTRA) announced the launch of a first of its kind regional DNS Entrepreneurship Center (DNS-EC) in Egypt. This is an important initiative to support Internet growth in the communities of Africa and the Middle East. < <https://www.icann.org/news/blog/icann-launches-first-dns-entrepreneurship-c enter-in-egypt> https://www.icann.org/news/blog/icann-launches-first-dns-entrepreneurship-ce nter-in-egypt> Candidates for Competition, Consumer Trust and Choice Review Team Announced ICANN today announced 72 individuals applied to serve on the team that will review the New gTLD Program in relation to competition, consumer trust and consumer choice (CCT). Candidates hail from Bahrain, China, Kenya, Jamaica, Spain and many other countries. < <https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2015-11-16-en> https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2015-11-16-en> ICANN Announces Conclusion of 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement Whois Accuracy Program Specification Review ICANN announces the completion of the first formal review of the 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement's Whois Accuracy Program Specification. < <https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2-2015-11-16-en> https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2-2015-11-16-en> gTLD Marketplace Health Index Proposal: Call for Comments and Volunteers Purpose: ICANN seeks community input to facilitate the creation of a gTLD Marketplace Health Index. This Index will analyze the overall health and diversity of the global gTLD marketplace. < <https://www.icann.org/public-comments/gtld-marketplace-health-2015-11-17-en > https://www.icann.org/public-comments/gtld-marketplace-health-2015-11-17-en> Letter from Paul Diaz, Chair | Registry Stakeholder Group, to Steve Crocker RySG Letter re GAC Advice on Use of 2-Letter Country Codes < <https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/diaz-to-crocker-09nov1 5-en.pdf> https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/diaz-to-crocker-09nov15 -en.pdf> How one registrar allegedly dodges ICANN Compliance A Chinese registrar has been accused by ICANN of playing games to avoid complying with Whois policy. < <http://domainincite.com/19626-how-one-registrar-allegedly-dodges-icann-comp liance> http://domainincite.com/19626-how-one-registrar-allegedly-dodges-icann-compl iance> ********************** ccTLD & gTLD NEWS ********************** Vierteljahres-Bericht von .au liegt vor AusRegistry Pty Ltd., Registry Operator f?r die australische L?nderdomain .au, hat ihren viertelj?hrlichen Bericht ?Behind the Dot ? State of the .au Domain? ver?ffentlicht. < <http://www.domain-recht.de/domain-registrierung/laender-endungen-cctld/cctl ds-vierteljahres-bericht-von-au-liegt-vor-64860.html> http://www.domain-recht.de/domain-registrierung/laender-endungen-cctld/cctld s-vierteljahres-bericht-von-au-liegt-vor-64860.html> As .Com registrations surge, is Verisign a good buy? There was a rather spirited conversation over at DomainSherpa today about the landrush on short domain names. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2015/11/18/as-com-registrations-surge-is-verisign -a-good-buy/> http://domainnamewire.com/2015/11/18/as-com-registrations-surge-is-verisign- a-good-buy/> Two-letter .ie domains open to registration Two-letter .ie domains, like aa.ie and hp.ie, will be available to register to anyone with a related registered trademark from 9am on Monday, 16 November, the IE Domain Registry (IEDR) announced today. < <https://www.iedr.ie/2015/11/two-letter-ie-domains-open-to-registration/> https://www.iedr.ie/2015/11/two-letter-ie-domains-open-to-registration/> One and two-letter .ie domain names now up for grabs Registration for both one and two-letter .ie domain names is now open for those with relevant trademarks, with 676 possible titles of the latter up for grabs. < <https://www.siliconrepublic.com/comms/2015/11/16/one-and-two-letter-ie-doma in-names-now-up-for-grabs> https://www.siliconrepublic.com/comms/2015/11/16/one-and-two-letter-ie-domai n-names-now-up-for-grabs> Domain Name Commission launches second .nz WHOIS consultation The Domain Name Commission (DNCL) has today launched its second public consultation on the .nz WHOIS ? asking for the community?s views on what information should be displayed in the WHOIS and how. < <http://dnc.org.nz/story/domain-name-commission-launches-second-nz-whois-con sultation?m=309> http://dnc.org.nz/story/domain-name-commission-launches-second-nz-whois-cons ultation?m=309> .PRO Domains Now Available to All Afilias plc announced that beginning today, .PRO is an unrestricted TLD open to all registrants. That means that everyone is now eligible to register a domain name ending .PRO, such as afilias.pro or yourname.pro. < <http://registry.pro/newsroom/press-release/pro-domains-now-available-all> http://registry.pro/newsroom/press-release/pro-domains-now-available-all> .pro now open to all Afilias today made the .pro gTLD available to anyone, regardless of their professional qualifications. < <http://domainincite.com/19619-pro-now-open-to-all> http://domainincite.com/19619-pro-now-open-to-all> spreadbetting: This new TLD costs $30,000 per year to register We?ve seen some sky-high prices for domain name registrations in new TLDs. .Rich for about $2,500 a year comes to mind. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2015/11/16/this-new-top-level-domain-name-costs-3 0000-per-year-to-register/> http://domainnamewire.com/2015/11/16/this-new-top-level-domain-name-costs-30 000-per-year-to-register/> ********************** NEW TLDS ********************** Should businesses be using location-based domain names? Small businesses across Australia are snapping up location-based domain names for their websites as new URLs become available. < <http://www.smartcompany.com.au/technology/49112-should-businesses-be-using- location-based-domain-names.html> http://www.smartcompany.com.au/technology/49112-should-businesses-be-using-l ocation-based-domain-names.html> Booking.com Buys Rights To Operate .HOTELS For $2.2 Million The hullaballoo over the contentious .hotels/.hoteis gTLD applications, largely due to their similarity, has been resolved with the .hotels applicant prevailing and buying the rights to operate .hotels for $2.2 million, making it the equal ninth highest price paid. Two applicants participated and Booking.com B.V., applicant for .hotels, prevailed. < <http://www.domainpulse.com/2015/11/19/booking-com-hotels-2-2-million/> http://www.domainpulse.com/2015/11/19/booking-com-hotels-2-2-million/> Booking.com buys .Hotels domain name for $2.2 million Hotel booking company Booking.com has won exclusive rights to run the .hotels TLD for $2.2 million. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2015/11/18/booking-com-buys-hotels-domain-name-fo r-2-2-million/> http://domainnamewire.com/2015/11/18/booking-com-buys-hotels-domain-name-for -2-2-million/> This week?s new TLDs: Save the .Earth, .Forex and more Earlier today I wrote about two new TLDs that launched today: .broker and .forex. Investment opportunities are limited since .broker will set you back about $700 and .Forex is over $1,000 per year. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2015/11/16/new-tlds-earth/> http://domainnamewire.com/2015/11/16/new-tlds-earth/> ********************** DNS SECURITY ********************** UK to double cyber spending to prevent militant attacks via web - Osborne Britain will nearly double its spending on cyber security to prevent Islamic militants from launching online attacks on the country, Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said on Tuesday. < <http://in.reuters.com/article/2015/11/17/britain-security-cybersecurity-idI NKCN0T601B20151117> http://in.reuters.com/article/2015/11/17/britain-security-cybersecurity-idIN KCN0T601B20151117> Microsoft, Once Infested With Security Flaws, Does an About-Face Microsoft was once the epitome of everything wrong with security in technology. Its products were so infested with vulnerabilities that the company?s co-founder, Bill Gates, once ordered all of Microsoft engineers to stop writing new code for a month and focus on fixing the bugs in software they had already built. < <http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/18/technology/microsoft-once-infested-with-s ecurity-flaws-does-an-about-face.html> http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/18/technology/microsoft-once-infested-with-se curity-flaws-does-an-about-face.html> Microsoft?s Biggest Contribution to Security Is Free Windows Upgrades Microsoft Corp. CEO Satya Nadella on Tuesday described his company?s bold moves to protect Windows users from digital security threats. But the company has already made its most significant contribution to cyber security: free Windows 10 upgrades. < <http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2015/11/17/microsofts-biggest-contribution-to-s ecurity-is-free-windows-upgrades/> http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2015/11/17/microsofts-biggest-contribution-to-se curity-is-free-windows-upgrades/> Microsoft gets serious about security as Apple eyes the enterprise market In the mid-2000s, Microsoft?s security reputation was so bad that Apple made fun of it in TV commercials. < <https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2015/11/17/microsoft-gets -serious-about-security-as-apple-eyes-the-enterprise-market/> https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2015/11/17/microsoft-gets- serious-about-security-as-apple-eyes-the-enterprise-market/> DDoS And The Internet's Liability Problem DDoS has become a major and growing threat to the world's economy. DDoS is a form of asymmetric warfare where a weak attacker can challenge a strong defender. Think of the playing field as being remarkably non-level, such that an angry ex-customer or competitor can for an investment of about 15 EUR per hour hire an attack that will cost thousands of EUR per day to repel. < <http://www.darkreading.com/perimeter/ddos-and-the-internets-liability-probl em/a/d-id/1323197> http://www.darkreading.com/perimeter/ddos-and-the-internets-liability-proble m/a/d-id/1323197> ********************** DOMAIN DISPUTES & SEIZURES ********************** Twitter Just Won Twitter.com.au Off An Aussie Domain Name Squatter ... A man from Cessnock in New South Wales, who bought the Twitter.com.au domain just after Twitter?s online debut, has lost the right to hold the URL he offered to sell to any interested party for $500,000. < <http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2015/11/twitter-just-won-twitter-com-au-off-an-au ssie-domain-name-squatter/> http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2015/11/twitter-just-won-twitter-com-au-off-an-aus sie-domain-name-squatter/> WIPO Gives EFF Control Over Bogus Domain Used To Distribute Keyloggers And Other Malware WIPO has actually used its powers for good, stopping an Indonesian citizen from spreading malware while taking the name of the EFF in vain. < <https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20151118/06451432850/wipo-gives-eff-contr ol-over-bogus-domain-used-to-distribute-keyloggers-other-malware.shtml> https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20151118/06451432850/wipo-gives-eff-contro l-over-bogus-domain-used-to-distribute-keyloggers-other-malware.shtml> EFF seizes deceptive website used for high-level phishing attacks The domain name of a website created to spread malware to computers has been handed over to an organisation following a complain to UN agency WIPO. < <http://www.scmagazine.com/eff-seizes-deceptive-website-used-for-high-level- phishing-attacks/article/454698/> http://www.scmagazine.com/eff-seizes-deceptive-website-used-for-high-level-p hishing-attacks/article/454698/> Read this UDRP before registering Monte Carlo domain names Soci?t? des bains de mer de Monaco has lost a UDRP it filed against the domain names MonteCarlo.biz and MonteCarlo.ws. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2015/11/16/monte-carlo-domain-name/> http://domainnamewire.com/2015/11/16/monte-carlo-domain-name/> NAF Panelist Flubs another UDRP Decision Earlier this year I was dumbfounded by the actions of panelist Bruce Meyerson in a UDRP case at National Arbitration Forum. He literally asked the complainant to change its argument so he could find in its favor. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2015/11/17/naf-panelist-flubs-another-udrp-decisi on/> http://domainnamewire.com/2015/11/17/naf-panelist-flubs-another-udrp-decisio n/> ********************** REGISTRAR NEWS ********************** Google cross promoting domain names to existing customers One of the reasons domain name registrars are keeping a close eye on competition from Google Domains is the search giant?s massive user base of small business customers. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2015/11/18/google-cross-promoting-domain-names-to -existing-customers/> http://domainnamewire.com/2015/11/18/google-cross-promoting-domain-names-to- existing-customers/> ********************** MISCELLANEOUS ********************** Oversee.net co-founder Lawrence Ng launches $10 million incubator Lawrence Ng today announced the launch of OnRamp Fund, a new incubator with $10 million to invest in early-stage startups. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2015/11/18/lawrence-ng-launches-incubator/> http://domainnamewire.com/2015/11/18/lawrence-ng-launches-incubator/> Monte Cahn ? DNW Podcast #59 Monte Cahn founded domain name registrar Moniker and later sold it, and now is a partner with domain name consultancy Right of the Dot. On today?s program, Monte talks about how the domain name business has changed over the past 20 years, and how it might change in the future. He discusses current domain investing trends and the upcoming domain auction at NamesCon. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2015/11/16/monte-cahn-dnw-podcast-59/> http://domainnamewire.com/2015/11/16/monte-cahn-dnw-podcast-59/> ********************** WEBHOSTING ********************** Web Hosts? Use of Live Chat Gives Industry Top Marks in Customer Satisfaction: Report The web hosting industry is using quality live chat experiences to boost customer satisfaction, according to a report from LiveChat. < <http://www.thewhir.com/web-hosting-news/web-hosts-use-of-live-chat-gives-in dustry-top-marks-in-customer-satisfaction-report> http://www.thewhir.com/web-hosting-news/web-hosts-use-of-live-chat-gives-ind ustry-top-marks-in-customer-satisfaction-report> ********************** DOMAINING & AFTERMARKET ********************** Be careful about domain name pumping It?s no secret that money is being made with short domain names right now. It has moved beyond 2 and 3 character domains to longer domain names. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2015/11/17/be-careful-about-domain-name-pumping/> http://domainnamewire.com/2015/11/17/be-careful-about-domain-name-pumping/> With 24 hours to go, all .Club domains in auction have 2+ bids The .Club numeric domain name auction on Sedo is a rare sight: All 37 domain names have bids and will sell when the auction closes tomorrow. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2015/11/18/numeric-club-auction/> http://domainnamewire.com/2015/11/18/numeric-club-auction/> Chinese Numeric and Acronym Boom or Bubble? Numerics and acronyms are hot and seemingly increase in price by the week (and sometimes day). < <http://www.domainsherpa.com/discussion-20151118/> http://www.domainsherpa.com/discussion-20151118/> ********************** INTERNET USE ********************** Cybersickness: The new 'illness' sweeping the nation Up to 80 per cent up the population are experiencing headaches and nausea caused by "cybersickness", according to researchers at Coventry University < <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/news/12001743/Cybersickness-The-new- illness-sweeping-the-nation.html> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/news/12001743/Cybersickness-The-new-i llness-sweeping-the-nation.html> ********************** MOBILE/WIRELESS ********************** New smartphone battery can charge to 48% in five minutes A smartphone battery that lasts longer than a day might be out of reach of most people for the moment, but a large one that charges to 48% in five minutes is on the way. < <http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/nov/16/smartphone-battery-huawei -technology-charge-48-per-cent-five-minutes> http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/nov/16/smartphone-battery-huawei- technology-charge-48-per-cent-five-minutes> ********************** PRIVACY & SURVEILLANCE ********************** Foiling Electronic Snoops in Email IT didn?t take much for Florian Seroussi, a technology investor in Manhattan, to become suspicious of his email. < <http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/19/technology/personaltech/foiling-electroni c-snoops-in-email.html> http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/19/technology/personaltech/foiling-electronic -snoops-in-email.html> Telegram messaging app acts to block Islamic State sites Telegram, a mobile messaging service that's been adopted as a promotional and recruitment platform by Islamic State, said it was taking action to block the channels being used by the group. < <http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/11/18/us-france-shooting-telegram-shutdo wn-idUKKCN0T734R20151118> http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/11/18/us-france-shooting-telegram-shutdow n-idUKKCN0T734R20151118> < <http://in.reuters.com/article/2015/11/19/france-shooting-telegram-idINKCN0T 72LU20151119> http://in.reuters.com/article/2015/11/19/france-shooting-telegram-idINKCN0T7 2LU20151119> Microsoft?s revised privacy policy curbs Windows 10 fears with more specificity Microsoft?s privacy policy is looking a little less frightening with a set of revisions that quietly landed last month. < <http://www.pcworld.com/article/3005768/windows/microsofts-revised-privacy-p olicy-curbs-windows-10-fears-with-more-specificity.html> http://www.pcworld.com/article/3005768/windows/microsofts-revised-privacy-po licy-curbs-windows-10-fears-with-more-specificity.html> au: Privacy commissioner to audit businesses? data retention schemes Australia?s privacy commissioner, Timothy Pilgrim, is planning to conduct privacy assessments of organisations that are forced to collect so-called telecommunications ?metadata? to comply with the government?s data retention regime. < <http://www.computerworld.com.au/article/589165/privacy-commissioner-audit-b usinesses-data-retention-schemes/> http://www.computerworld.com.au/article/589165/privacy-commissioner-audit-bu sinesses-data-retention-schemes/> ************************** GOVERNMENT & POLICY ************************** au: No date yet for release of govt?s cyber-security review A date is yet to be set for the release of the government?s Cyber Security Review. The review had been due to be released in mid-2015. < <http://www.computerworld.com.au/article/589169/no-date-yet-release-govt-cyb er-security-review/> http://www.computerworld.com.au/article/589169/no-date-yet-release-govt-cybe r-security-review/> nz: Online GST - An old tax on new services? The government?s recent introduction of a taxation bill which proposes to charge GST for online services is a hit to the pocket that won?t be popular with Joe Public, according to leading market firm Grant Thornton New Zealand. < <http://www.computerworld.co.nz/article/589116/online-gst-an-old-tax-new-ser vices/> http://www.computerworld.co.nz/article/589116/online-gst-an-old-tax-new-serv ices/> nz: Online GST changes a mixed bag for Internet users InternetNZ has analysed today's announcement regarding Goods and Services Tax (GST) treatment for online purchases, and found it to be a mixed bag for New Zealand's Internet users. < <https://internetnz.nz/news/online-gst-changes-mixed-bag-internet-users> https://internetnz.nz/news/online-gst-changes-mixed-bag-internet-users> nz: iTunes, Netflix, could have GST added The price of Netflix, iTunes, e-books and other foreign online services could jump by up to 15 per cent next year. < <http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=1154625 7> http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11546257 > ------ David Goldstein email: <mailto:david at goldsteinreport.com> david at goldsteinreport.com web: <http://goldsteinreport.com/> http://goldsteinreport.com/ Twitter: <https://twitter.com/goldsteinreport> https://twitter.com/goldsteinreport phone: +61 418 228 605 - mobile; +61 2 9663 3430 - office/home "Every time you use fossil fuels, you're adding to the problem. Every time you forgo fossil fuels, you're being part of the solution" - Dr Tim Flannery -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <http://lists.cynosure.com.au/mailman/private/dns/attachments/20151119/fc80253a/attachment-0001.html>Received on Thu Nov 19 2015 - 05:00:34 UTC
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