ICANN further implicated in .Africa controversy < <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/07/24/icann_dot_africa/> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/07/24/icann_dot_africa/> Australia??s .au domain celebrates 3 million registrations < <http://www.ausregistry.com.au/australias-au-domain-celebrates-3-million-reg istrations> http://www.ausregistry.com.au/australias-au-domain-celebrates-3-million-regi strations> < <http://www.auda.org.au/news/2015/australias-au-domain-celebrates-3-million- registrations/> http://www.auda.org.au/news/2015/australias-au-domain-celebrates-3-million-r egistrations/> Australia's ccTLD Reaches 3 Million Registrations < <http://www.domainpulse.com/2015/07/24/australias-cctld-reaches-3-million-re gistrations/> http://www.domainpulse.com/2015/07/24/australias-cctld-reaches-3-million-reg istrations/> Australia's .AU Reaches 3 Million Registrations Solidifying Its Place Among the World's Top 10 ccTLDs < <http://www.dnjournal.com/archive/lowdown/2015/dailyposts/20150724.htm> http://www.dnjournal.com/archive/lowdown/2015/dailyposts/20150724.htm> .au domain registrations hit the 3 million mark < <http://www.itwire.com/your-it-news/internet-of-things/68759-au-domain-regis trations-hit-the-3-million-mark> http://www.itwire.com/your-it-news/internet-of-things/68759-au-domain-regist rations-hit-the-3-million-mark> au: An interview with Graham McDonald ?C Independent auDA Board Director: First in the series - Spotlight on a Board Director < <http://www.auda.org.au/blog/grahammcdonald/> http://www.auda.org.au/blog/grahammcdonald/> More Than 5,500 Applications Received for .BANK Implementation Guide for .BANK < <https://www.ftld.com/WP/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/fTLD-Momentum-Release-20 150723.pdf> https://www.ftld.com/WP/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/fTLD-Momentum-Release-201 50723.pdf> Verisign Hiking .NET Registration Fee 10% < <http://www.domainpulse.com/2015/07/26/verisign-hiking-net-registration-fee- 10/> http://www.domainpulse.com/2015/07/26/verisign-hiking-net-registration-fee-1 0/> Phishing Trends: Who Are Fraudsters Targeting Now? < <https://www.markmonitor.com/mmblog/> https://www.markmonitor.com/mmblog/> Moneybags Bloomberg whips out checkbook to gobble spoof website < <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/07/24/bloomberg_files_to_get_back_spoofed _website/> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/07/24/bloomberg_files_to_get_back_spoofed_ website/> ********************** GOVERNANCE ********************** The Emergence of Contention in Global Internet Governance by Samantha Bradshaw, Laura DeNardis, Fen Osler Hampson, Eric Jardine, and Mark Raymond Internet governance has rapidly shifted from a technocratic area of governance to one characterized by considerable contention. This shift is unprecedented among the large and increasing number of technocratic regimes essential to contemporary global governance, and is of broader interest and significance beyond Internet governance scholars and practitioners. < <https://www.cigionline.org/publications/emergence-of-contention-global-inte rnet-governance> https://www.cigionline.org/publications/emergence-of-contention-global-inter net-governance> CIGI-Windsor Law IP law clinic offers model to protect early-stage innovations on global stage The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and the University of Windsor??s Faculty of Law are filling a crucial innovation gap in business services available to entrepreneurs in Canada by providing early-stage startups with access to pro bono intellectual property legal advice. The joint law clinic serves as a model to raise Canada??s innovation profile on a global scale. < <https://www.cigionline.org/articles/cigi-windsor-law-ip-law-clinic-offers-m odel-protect-early-stage-innovations-global-stage> https://www.cigionline.org/articles/cigi-windsor-law-ip-law-clinic-offers-mo del-protect-early-stage-innovations-global-stage> ********************** DOMAIN NAMES ********************** ********************** - ICANN ********************** EXTENDED: Draft Report: Review of the Generic Names Supporting Organization The Public Comment period for the Draft Report: Review of the GNSO has been extended by an additional week. In view of the current community workload and the impact the recommendations will have on the workload of the community and staff, the comment period has been extended to 31 July 2015 23:59 UTC at the request from the members of the GNSO Review Working Party. < <https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2015-07-24-en> https://www.icann. org/news/announcement-2015-07-24-en> Volume 8: An Update on IANA Stewardship Discussions by Samantha Dickinson ICG The IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) has announced that it intends to launch the public comment period for the Interim Final Proposal to Transition the Stewardship of the IANA Functions on 31 July, with an end date of around 8 September. < <https://www.icann.org/news/blog/volume-8-an-update-on-iana-stewardship-disc ussions> https://www.icann.org/news/blog/volume-8-an-update-on-iana-stewardship-discu ssions> Letter from Christine Willett, Vice President, GDD Operations | ICANN, to Alain Artero New gTLD application for .RADIO < <https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/willett-to-artero-24ju l15-en.pdf> https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/willett-to-artero-24jul 15-en.pdf> Letter from Akram Atallah, President, Global Domains Division | ICANN, to Thomas Schneider Release of two-character labels at the second level < <https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/atallah-to-schneider-2 2jul15-en.pdf> https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/atallah-to-schneider-22 jul15-en.pdf> ICANN further implicated in .Africa controversy Staff at domain-name overseer ICANN repeatedly rejected independent expert advice to ensure the .africa TLD was won by their preferred applicant ?C and then tried to hide their influence by censoring the results of an independent inquiry into the affair. < <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/07/24/icann_dot_africa/> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/07/24/icann_dot_africa/> Majority Comments say ??No URS by Contract at .Cat & .Pro?? ?C While Staff Report on .Travel Comments is Two Weeks Past Due by Philip Corwin Once again, as it was with .Travel, the vast majority of comments on the proposed renewal Registry Agreements (RAs) for the legacy .Cat and .Pro gTLDs are united in their opposition to imposition of Uniform Rapid Suspension (URS) and other new gTLD rights protection mechanisms (RPMs) by contract, arguing that this is a consensus policy decision that can only be fairly made through the policy development process (PDP). < <http://www.internetcommerce.org/no-urs-at-cat-and-pro/> http://www.internetcommerce.org/no-urs-at-cat-and-pro/> ICANN 53: Accountability, Brand Policy & New Round of New gTLDs by Kiran Malancharuvil In June, MarkMonitor joined our colleagues once again at ICANN's 53rd public meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Several high-profile and contentious issues were on the agenda, many of which have significant impact on the interests of intellectual property and brand owners. Among these are the ongoing ICANN Accountability issues and the impending departure of ICANN CEO Fadi Chehad??; registrant information (Whois) transparency, accuracy and accessibility; and the timing of the next round of new gTLD applications/delegation. < <http://www.circleid.com/posts/20150723_icann_53_accountability_brand_policy _new_round_of_new_gtlds/> http://www.circleid.com/posts/20150723_icann_53_accountability_brand_policy_ new_round_of_new_gtlds/> Domain name registrar??s suspension stayed after it files for arbitration Domain name registrar OpenTLD, which had its ability to register new TLDs suspended by ICANN, is back in action for now. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2015/07/23/domain-name-registrars-suspension-stay ed-after-it-files-for-arbitration/> http://domainnamewire.com/2015/07/23/domain-name-registrars-suspension-staye d-after-it-files-for-arbitration/> ********************** - ccTLD & gTLD NEWS ********************** Australia??s .au domain celebrates 3 million registrations Australia??s Internet community today celebrates a significant milestone with the .au domain namespace surpassing 3 million domain names under management. < <http://www.ausregistry.com.au/australias-au-domain-celebrates-3-million-reg istrations> http://www.ausregistry.com.au/australias-au-domain-celebrates-3-million-regi strations> < <http://www.auda.org.au/news/2015/australias-au-domain-celebrates-3-million- registrations/> http://www.auda.org.au/news/2015/australias-au-domain-celebrates-3-million-r egistrations/> Australia's ccTLD Reaches 3 Million Registrations The Australian ccTLD, .au, has reached the three million registrations milestone today (24 July) putting it easily within the top ten ccTLDs. < <http://www.goldsteinreport.com/article.php?article=24036> http://www.goldsteinreport.com/article.php?article=24036> < <http://www.domainpulse.com/2015/07/24/australias-cctld-reaches-3-million-re gistrations/> http://www.domainpulse.com/2015/07/24/australias-cctld-reaches-3-million-reg istrations/> Australia's .AU Reaches 3 Million Registrations Solidifying Its Place Among the World's Top 10 ccTLDs With the arrival of hundreds of new gTLDs over the past year the always popular major ccTLDs probably haven't been getting as much press as they deserve, especially since they continue to thrive in what has become a very crowded domain extension marketplace. A good example is Australia's venerable .AU ccTLD that reached a major milestone this week when it passed 3 million domains registered. < <http://www.dnjournal.com/archive/lowdown/2015/dailyposts/20150724.htm> http://www.dnjournal.com/archive/lowdown/2015/dailyposts/20150724.htm> .au domain registrations hit the 3 million mark Australia now has 3 million .au domains under management, putting us in the top 10 of all countries by volume. < <http://www.itwire.com/your-it-news/internet-of-things/68759-au-domain-regis trations-hit-the-3-million-mark> http://www.itwire.com/your-it-news/internet-of-things/68759-au-domain-regist rations-hit-the-3-million-mark> au: An interview with Graham McDonald ?C Independent auDA Board Director: First in the series - Spotlight on a Board Director Graham describe for our blog readers your role on the auDA board: As an independent auDA board member I see it as my role to consider the public interest in the maintenance of Australia??s domain name administration. In this capacity it is the role of the independent directors to maintain a strategic overview in ensuring Board approved policies are implemented (i.e. governance oversight), that auDA??s financial capacity is sufficient to fulfill its mandate and that auDA is positioned to fully participate in future changes which may arise in the ever changing and dynamic Internet world. < <http://www.auda.org.au/blog/grahammcdonald/> http://www.auda.org.au/blog/grahammcdonald/> More Than 5,500 Applications Received for .BANK Implementation Guide for .BANK Today fTLD Registry Services announced that more than 5,500 .BANK applications have been received from members of the global banking community. Top locations for .BANK registrations come from banking institutions across the United States, as well as countries including South Africa, the United Kingdom and Spain. < <https://www.ftld.com/WP/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/fTLD-Momentum-Release-20 150723.pdf> https://www.ftld.com/WP/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/fTLD-Momentum-Release-201 50723.pdf> Banks Line Up for .Bank Domain Names to Help Prevent Cyberattacks More than 5,500 global banks ?? including JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo ?? have applied for the dot-bank domain to protect their institutions and customers from cyber breaches, according to Washington, D.C.-based fTLD Registry Services, which manages the domain. < <http://www.thinkadvisor.com/2015/07/23/banks-line-up-for-bank-domain-names- to-help-preven> http://www.thinkadvisor.com/2015/07/23/banks-line-up-for-bank-domain-names-t o-help-preven> be: Striving for a healthy domain name zone We dare say it with pride: we have a quality zone. This applies for .be, .vlaanderen and .brussels. All new registrations are screened daily in an effort to limit phishing, among other things. We make every effort to ensure that domain names are not used for illicit practices so as to keep the zone ??clean.?? < <http://www.dnsbelgium.be/en/blog/striving-healthy-domain-name-zone> http://www.dnsbelgium.be/en/blog/striving-healthy-domain-name-zone> ca: ORION offers complimentary cloud service with .CA D-Zone Anycast DNS The Ontario Research and Innovation Optical Network (ORION) is pleased to partner with the Canadian Internet Registry Authority (CIRA) to provide its D-Zone Anycast DNS solution to ORION??s connected institutions. < <http://cira.ca/news/orion-offers-complimentary-cloud-service-ca-d-zone-anyc ast-dns> http://cira.ca/news/orion-offers-complimentary-cloud-service-ca-d-zone-anyca st-dns> CNNIC Report: 27.9% Of Chinese Netizens Live In Rural Areas China Internet Network Information Center's latest Internet statistics showcase the breadth of the country's online population. ... The report also pointed out that by June 2015, China had 22.31 million domain names, including 12.25 million .cn domain names. At the same time, there were 3.57 million websites in China, an increase of 6.6% over half year ago. < <http://www.chinatechnews.com/2015/07/27/21925-cnnic-report-27-9-of-chinese- netizens-live-in-rural-areas> http://www.chinatechnews.com/2015/07/27/21925-cnnic-report-27-9-of-chinese-n etizens-live-in-rural-areas> At the 5th Anniversary of Delegation, Global ??.?????? Application Flourishes Have you ever seen such domain names as ????????????.??????, ????????.?? ????, ??????????.??????? Five years ago on this day, ??.?????? was delegated into the DNS root zone. Now, a large number of domestic and foreign companies and organizations show a keen interest in website design & operation and brand promotion via Chinese domain names. < <http://www1.cnnic.cn/AU/MediaC/rdxw/2015n/201507/t20150703_52495.htm> http://www1.cnnic.cn/AU/MediaC/rdxw/2015n/201507/t20150703_52495.htm> A Sunrise Period starts for the .JPRS new gTLD Purpose of the .JPRS new gTLD: ".jprs" is a TLD that has the purpose of research and development related to the Internet. It is aiming to provide an environment where autonomous research pertaining to the Internet can be conducted and to serve a wide purpose with the knowledge gained through its operations.".jprs" will be used not only for studies carried out by JPRS, but also for collaborative research and development with the relevant technology communities, academic institutions and accredited business partners" < <http://blog.guillon.com/2015/07/a-sunrise-period-starts-for-jprs-new.html> http://blog.guillon.com/2015/07/a-sunrise-period-starts-for-jprs-new.html> Verisign Hiking .NET Registration Fee 10% Verisign??s registration numbers for .com and .net are motoring along nicely, according to their financial results for the second quarter of 2015, but the sting came at the end of their announcement: they are hiking the registry fee, the fee charged to registrars by ten percent. < <http://www.domainpulse.com/2015/07/26/verisign-hiking-net-registration-fee- 10/> http://www.domainpulse.com/2015/07/26/verisign-hiking-net-registration-fee-1 0/> Verisign to hike .Net prices 10% Verisign announced that it is raising its wholesale price for .net domain names in February. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2015/07/24/verisign-to-hike-net-prices-10/> http://domainnamewire.com/2015/07/24/verisign-to-hike-net-prices-10/> For .sucks Web domains, the currency seems to be paid in reputations To tens of thousands of Massachusetts Turnpike commuters, the ??NewYork.sucks?? billboard recently erected outside Fenway Park is a mere statement of the obvious. To visiting natives of the Big Apple, it??s a fifth-grade taunt to be returned in kind, ideally during the next Red Sox-Yankees matchup. < <http://www.betaboston.com/news/2015/07/23/sleazy-internet-domain-sucks-up-t he-bucks/> http://www.betaboston.com/news/2015/07/23/sleazy-internet-domain-sucks-up-th e-bucks/> Dot SUCKS: the ultimate vanity domain by John Levine When last we wrote, trademark lawyers had written an outraged letter to ICANN about the $2500 price to preregister trademark.sucks names, and ICANN, reliably panicking in the face of legal threats, wrote to the US Federal Trade Commission and Canadian Office of Consumer Affairs saying please tell us that's illegal so we can shut down this registry with whom we just signed a long-term contract. < <http://jl.ly/ICANN/ultvanity.html> http://jl.ly/ICANN/ultvanity.html> Changes to .UK WHOIS policy In response to the increasing desire for privacy online, following a consultation, Nominet is planning to introduce a new framework for privacy services within .UK. At the same time, we will be clarifying the criteria for individuals who opt out of publishing details in the WHOIS. < <http://www.nominet.org.uk/news/latest/changes-uk-whois-policy> http://www.nominet.org.uk/news/latest/changes-uk-whois-policy> vn: Ministries seek answers to domain-name fights A circular jointly issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Information and Communications is necessary to regulate domain name registrations tightly, a conference was told. < <http://vietnamnews.vn/economy/273563/ministries-seek-answers-to-domain-name -fights.html> http://vietnamnews.vn/economy/273563/ministries-seek-answers-to-domain-name- fights.html> vn: Calls to solve conflicts over domain names A circular jointly issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Information and Communications is necessary to regulate domain name registrations tightly, a conference was told. < <http://www.vir.com.vn/calls-to-solve-conflicts-over-domain-names.html> http://www.vir.com.vn/calls-to-solve-conflicts-over-domain-names.html> ********************** - NEW TLDS ********************** ??Spa Community?? gets .Spa domain name Asia Spa and Wellness Promotion Council Limited has won (for now) the sole right to operate the .Spa TLD after winning a Community Priority Evaluation for the name. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2015/07/23/spa-community-gets-spa-domain-name/> http://domainnamewire.com/2015/07/23/spa-community-gets-spa-domain-name/> Out of .Africa - Process Failures Don't Change the Facts by Andrew Mack I've heard a lot of discussion of the .africa controversy of late -- from conspiracy theories to questions about staff competence to concerns about the role of the GAC. And it's hard not to find faults galore in the way this process and the IRP reporting has played out. But before we get too lost in the weeds of procedure or the future of ICANN, lets not lose track of what this debate was first and still is fundamentally about: a string. < <http://www.circleid.com/posts/20150724_out_of_dot_africa_process_failures_d ont_change_the_facts/> http://www.circleid.com/posts/20150724_out_of_dot_africa_process_failures_do nt_change_the_facts/> ********************** - DNS SECURITY ********************** Phishing Trends: Who Are Fraudsters Targeting Now? Traditionally, the financial industry has always been a primary target for phishing attacks. And so far, that trend seems to remain true. In the first half of 2015, 41% of the phishing attacks targeted the financial industry. It??s still an issue and financial institutions must continue to proactively focus on their anti-fraud strategies. < <https://www.markmonitor.com/mmblog/> https://www.markmonitor.com/mmblog/> Global Cyberspace Is Safer than You Think: Real Trends in Cybercrime What are the real trends in cybercrime? Recent media coverage has been rife with stories of large-scale data breaches, hacks and online financial crime. IT security firms publish yearly reports that generally show the security of cyberspace to be poor and often getting worse, but, as argued in this paper, the level of security in cyberspace is actually far better than the picture we??re given. Currently, numbers on the occurrence of cybercrime are almost always depicted in either absolute numbers or year-over-year terms. To get a more accurate picture of the security of cyberspace, cybercrime statistics ?? including mobile vulnerabilities, malicious web domains, zero-day exploits and web-based attacks, among others ?? need to be expressed as a proportion of the growing size of the Internet. < <https://www.cigionline.org/publications/global-cyberspace-safer-you-think-r eal-trends-cybercrime> https://www.cigionline.org/publications/global-cyberspace-safer-you-think-re al-trends-cybercrime> Fixing hundreds of websites in one day In recent weeks the Angler exploit kit has become the dominating tool for DriveBy attacks. Cleaning Angler compromised web servers is a challenge which has been well mastered in Switzerland, thanks to the close collaboration of Swiss hosters and SWITCH. < <http://securityblog.switch.ch/2015/07/24/fixing-hundreds-of-websites-in-one -day/> http://securityblog.switch.ch/2015/07/24/fixing-hundreds-of-websites-in-one- day/> Africa needs better online security, experts say Building trust online remains a big hurdle to fully taking advantage of the Internet in Africa, and at the Africa Domain Name System Forum meeting in Nairobi earlier this month, experts called for more rapid implementation of security mechanisms on the central elements of the Internet infrastructure and recommended the use of DNS security (DNSSEC) extensions to counter the issue. < <http://www.mis-asia.com/tech/security/africa-needs-better-online-security-e xperts-say/> http://www.mis-asia.com/tech/security/africa-needs-better-online-security-ex perts-say/> The Web-Connected Car Is Cool, Until Hackers Cut Your Brakes When the history of the connected car is written, this week may go down as a pivotal moment for consumers worried about security. < <http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/24/business/the-web-connected-car-is-cool-un til-hackers-cut-your-brakes.html> http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/24/business/the-web-connected-car-is-cool-unt il-hackers-cut-your-brakes.html> Fiat Chrysler Recalls 1.4 Million Cars After Software Bug is Revealed A few days after issuing a patch and reassuring owners that the attack that shut down the transmission and other systems remotely on a Jeep was not a huge risk, Fiat Chrysler has decided to recall nearly 1.5 million vehicles as a result of the bug exposed in the research. < <https://threatpost.com/fiat-chrysler-recalls-1-4-million-cars-after-softwar e-bug-is-revealed/113936> https://threatpost.com/fiat-chrysler-recalls-1-4-million-cars-after-software -bug-is-revealed/113936> Jeep Hack Shows Why the DMCA Must Get Out of the Way of Vehicle Security Research Security researchers Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek have once again exposed automobile security flaws that allow attackers to take over a vehicle??s crucial systems. In their latest work, they learned how an attacker could remotely control a car over the Internet. < <https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2015/07/jeep-hack-shows-why-dmca-must-get-out -way-vehicle-security-research> https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2015/07/jeep-hack-shows-why-dmca-must-get-out- way-vehicle-security-research> Why cracking down on hackers would be bad for innovation Every week seems to bring a new hacking story ?C the massive hacking attack on the U.S. government??s databases and the attacks on the U.S. health care system are just two of the bigger stories ?? so it??s perhaps no surprise that the knee-jerk reaction is to take the fight directly to the hackers. By making the penalties tougher, by expanding the scope of federal anti-hacking statutes and making it easier to prosecute wrongdoers, it??ll convince hackers that it??s just not worth the risk, right? < <http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/innovations/wp/2015/07/23/why-cracking- down-on-hackers-would-be-bad-for-innovation/> http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/innovations/wp/2015/07/23/why-cracking-d own-on-hackers-would-be-bad-for-innovation/> < <http://www.nzherald.co.nz/technology/news/article.cfm?c_id=5&objectid=11486 278> http://www.nzherald.co.nz/technology/news/article.cfm?c_id=5&objectid=114862 78> < <http://www.stuff.co.nz/technology/digital-living/70578374/hackers-can-be-go od-for-innovation> http://www.stuff.co.nz/technology/digital-living/70578374/hackers-can-be-goo d-for-innovation> Smartwatches open to cyberattack says HP The best-selling smartwatches on the market all have security problems, according to US tech giant Hewlett-Packard. < <http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-33642728> http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-33642728> How security experts protect themselves online With news of a big hack almost every week, the Internet can be a scary place. So how's an Internet user supposed to stay safe? < <https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2015/07/24/how-security- experts-protect-themselves-online/> https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2015/07/24/how-security-e xperts-protect-themselves-online/> Africa needs better online security, experts say Building trust online remains a big hurdle to fully taking advantage of the Internet in Africa, and at the Africa Domain Name System Forum meeting in Nairobi earlier this month, experts called for more rapid implementation of security mechanisms on the central elements of the Internet infrastructure and recommended the use of DNSSEC extensions to counter the issue < <http://www.cso.com.au/article/580361/africa-needs-better-online-security-ex perts-say/> http://www.cso.com.au/article/580361/africa-needs-better-online-security-exp erts-say/> Emerging Web Infrastructure Threats A secure cloud relies on some weak Internet infrastructure with some new BGP vulnerabilities that will be disclosed at Black Hat USA. < <http://www.darkreading.com/cloud/emerging-web-infrastructure-threats/d/d-id /1321443> http://www.darkreading.com/cloud/emerging-web-infrastructure-threats/d/d-id/ 1321443> Canadian Government Assigns $142M to National Cybersecurity Programs The Canadian federal government has allocated over $142 million in new funding for national cybersecurity programs, Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney announced Wednesday. < <http://www.thewhir.com/web-hosting-news/canadian-government-assigns-142m-to -national-cybersecurity-programs> http://www.thewhir.com/web-hosting-news/canadian-government-assigns-142m-to- national-cybersecurity-programs> Make Your Password Exponentially More Secure If you??ve used the internet, you??ve probably created a password. There??s a lot of advice out there about creating passwords: use uppercase! use lowercase! Use numbers! Symbols! Don??t use a dictionary word! Use many dictionary words in a passphrase! Don??t write it down! Store it in a password manager! There is so much advice, and so much of it is conflicting, and often it comes without any explanation. In this blog post, I??ll detail what a good password is (and why), give you some tools to help remember your password, and give a few other simple ways to help protect your account. < <https://cdt.org/blog/make-your-password-exponentially-more-secure/> https://cdt.org/blog/make-your-password-exponentially-more-secure/> ********************** - DOMAIN DISPUTES & SEIZURES ********************** Moneybags Bloomberg whips out checkbook to gobble spoof website Bloomberg has filed with the National Arbitration Forum (NAF) to get hold of the domain name that embarrassed the organization and boosted Twitter's share price temporarily last week. < <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/07/24/bloomberg_files_to_get_back_spoofed _website/> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/07/24/bloomberg_files_to_get_back_spoofed_ website/> UDRP Spotlight ?C A ??Vail?? of Whois Fraud There are many situations in which one division of a company will register domain names on its own and without telling its legal team or other company departments. Maybe an eager marketing person grabs a domain to use for a particular promotion or a brand manager decides to be proactive and register a name for a new product. < <http://blog.fairwindspartners.com/udrp-and-urs/udrp-spotlight-a-vail-of-who is-fraud> http://blog.fairwindspartners.com/udrp-and-urs/udrp-spotlight-a-vail-of-whoi s-fraud> BMW Files UDRP on The Domain Hack B.MW BMW has filed a UDRP seeking control of the domain name hack B.MW with the World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO. .MW is the ccTLD for Malawi. < <http://www.thedomains.com/2015/07/24/bmw-files-udrp-on-the-domain-hack-b-mw /> http://www.thedomains.com/2015/07/24/bmw-files-udrp-on-the-domain-hack-b-mw/ > Domain Names and Cybersquatting as Deadly Threats to Trade Marks: Any Remedy Under the Nigerian Law? by Afolake Obawunmi, Joseph Onele & Alade Temidayo Abstract: Although the process for registering domain names is a separate one from trademark registration, many countries have reached the conclusion that there is a strong need to take precautionary measures to prevent conflicts between trademarks and use of domain names. However, since the advent of the internet and the birth of domain names, Nigeria has failed to adapt its trademarks protection framework to the exigent demands of participating in the network of computers on the World Wide Web. < <http://ssrn.com/abstract=2633156> http://ssrn.com/abstract=2633156> uk: Diet pills website ??should have been shut down?? a year before student??s death The website believed to have sold diet pills to Eloise Parry, a 21-year-old student who died in April after taking eight of them, should have been shut down a year before her death. ... A letter sent by the office of criminal investigations at the FDA on 11 June named Parry and said she ??likely received the DNP?? from a site registered with Tucows. It went on: ??In addition to the correspondence you already received from Health Canada dated June 5, 2015 (attached), we are again asking Tucows to suspend and lock these domain names before any additional people die or become seriously ill.?? < <http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/jul/25/diet-pills-website-parry-stu dent-death> http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/jul/25/diet-pills-website-parry-stud ent-death> ********************** - IPv4/IPv6 ********************** The Mobile Internet: Home of IPv6 The Internet Society??s 2015 Global Internet Report this year focuses on the Mobile Internet, and with good reason: it??s a revolutionary step for the Internet. < <http://blog.apnic.net/2015/07/20/the-mobile-internet-home-of-ipv6/> http://blog.apnic.net/2015/07/20/the-mobile-internet-home-of-ipv6/> ********************** - MISCELLANEOUS ********************** Patent troll applies for domain name management patent Intellectual Ventures wants patent related to managing domain names and web hosting. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2015/07/23/patent-troll-applies-for-domain-name-m anagement-patent/> http://domainnamewire.com/2015/07/23/patent-troll-applies-for-domain-name-ma nagement-patent/> Verisign Reports Second Quarter 2015 Results VeriSign ... today reported financial results for the second quarter of 2015. ... Verisign Registry Services added 0.52 million net new names during the second quarter, ending with 133.5 million .com and .net domain names in the domain name base, which represents a 3.1 percent increase over the base at the end of the second quarter in 2014, as calculated including domain names on hold for both periods. < <http://www.verisigninc.com/en_US/internet-technology-news/verisign-press-re leases/articles/index.xhtml?artLink=aHR0cDovL3ZlcmlzaWduLm13bmV3c3Jvb20uY29t L2FydGljbGUvcnNzP2lkPTE5NzAyMTU%3D> http://www.verisigninc.com/en_US/internet-technology-news/verisign-press-rel eases/articles/index.xhtml?artLink=aHR0cDovL3ZlcmlzaWduLm13bmV3c3Jvb20uY29tL 2FydGljbGUvcnNzP2lkPTE5NzAyMTU%3D> Are IDN .com owners about to get screwed? Verisign finds way to sign ICANN contract, but it might come at the expense of IDN investors. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2015/07/24/are-idn-com-owners-about-to-get-screwe d/> http://domainnamewire.com/2015/07/24/are-idn-com-owners-about-to-get-screwed /> 3 ??New?? Risks to Verisign??s Business .Com registry Verisign released its earnings and filed its quarterly report with the SEC yesterday. Using Intelligize, I compared Q2??s SEC report to Q1 to look for changes. I found three interesting risk factors added to the most recent report. Some of these aren??t new risk factors, but they weren?? t disclosed in the Q1 report. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2015/07/24/3-new-risks-to-verisigns-business/> http://domainnamewire.com/2015/07/24/3-new-risks-to-verisigns-business/> Verisign: Brands Are Keeping Their .Com: Don??t See Anybody Abandoning .Com for .Brand or Another TLD.?? In the Verisign earnings call yesterday the following question was asked by Fred Ziegel, Topeka Capital Markets. Fred Ziegel (Analyst - Topeka Capital Markets): "In your .brand customer base that you are working with, what's your sense of how they are thinking about it from the perspective of -- are they going to move from .com to .xyz or whatever? < <http://www.thedomains.com/2015/07/24/verisign-brands-are-keeping-their-com- dont-see-anybody-abandoning-com-for-brand-or-another-tld/> http://www.thedomains.com/2015/07/24/verisign-brands-are-keeping-their-com-d ont-see-anybody-abandoning-com-for-brand-or-another-tld/>S Neustar Adds Simple Failover Service to UltraDNS Neustar, Inc. ... announced the inclusion of Simple Failover, a website traffic management capability that will be offered as a standard feature of UltraDNS, its managed authoritative DNS service. < <https://www.neustar.biz/about-us/news-room/press-releases/2015/neustar-adds -simple-failover-service-to-ultradns> https://www.neustar.biz/about-us/news-room/press-releases/2015/neustar-adds- simple-failover-service-to-ultradns> With India's 2nd Annual DomainX Conference 2 Weeks Away Registrations Have Already Doubled Last Year's Total After drawing approximately 350 attendees to their successful inaugural show last summer in Hyderabad, organizers of India's DomainX conference are experiencing explosive growth as they prepare for their 2nd annual show coming up August 7-8, 2015 at the Taj West End Hotel in high tech hotbed Bangalore, India. < <http://www.dnjournal.com/archive/lowdown/2015/dailyposts/20150723.htm> http://www.dnjournal.com/archive/lowdown/2015/dailyposts/20150723.htm> ********************** - WEBHOSTING ********************** July 2015 Web Server Survey In the July 2015 survey we received responses from 849,602,745 sites and 5,350,323 web-facing computers. This represents a net loss of 13.5 million websites, but a gain of 3,700 additional computers. < <http://news.netcraft.com/archives/2015/07/22/july-2015-web-server-survey. html> http://news.netcraft.com/archives/2015/07/22/july-2015-web-server-survey.htm l> ********************** - DOMAINING & AFTERMARKET ********************** Numeric Domains Help .Coms Sweep 19 of 20 Entries on This Week's Sales Chart .Com reminded everyone it's good to be king this week as they swept every position but one on our latest all extension Top 20 Sales Chart. We were also again reminded that it is good to have Chinese buyers in the market as they continued to pay premium prices for short domains, especially of the 3-letter or numeric variety. < <http://dnjournal.com/archive/domainsales/2015/20150722.htm> http://dnjournal.com/archive/domainsales/2015/20150722.htm> ********************** MOBILE/WIRELESS ********************** OECD broadband statistics update Mobile broadband penetration has risen to 81.3% in the OECD area, meaning just over four wireless subscriptions for every five inhabitants, according to data for December 2014 released by the OECD today. The penetration rate was 72.03% in December 2013. < <http://www.oecd.org/sti/broadband/broadband-statistics-update.htm> http://www.oecd.org/sti/broadband/broadband-statistics-update.htm> ********************** PRIVACY & SURVEILLANCE ********************** The Secret Agents Who Stake Out the Ugliest Corners of the Internet When President Obama launched his Twitter account in May, people noticed his rapid accumulation of followers, a silly back-and-forth with President Clinton, but also something more serious: the number of hostile and threatening messages directed at the president. < <http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2015/07/secret-service-online -threat-president/399179/> http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2015/07/secret-service-online- threat-president/399179/> ************************** GOVERNMENT & POLICY ************************** TPP's Copyright Trap: Our Last Stand Against Undemocratic International Agreements That Ratchet up Term Lengths and Devastate the Public Domain Few arguments around copyright are as self-evidently fact-free as the length of its term. Defying economic reasoning, the astonishingly long period of restrictions has only grown over the years, and frequently the newer, longer terms have been retroactively applied to earlier works. The argument against term extension, and retroactive term extension in particular, is so obvious that the Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman reportedly agreed to sign a Supreme Court brief opposing the most recent extension only on the condition that it used the word ??no-brainer.?? < <https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2015/07/tpp-copyright-trap-our-last-stand-aga inst-undemocratic-international-agreements> https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2015/07/tpp-copyright-trap-our-last-stand-agai nst-undemocratic-international-agreements> Would TPP allow a ban on foreign home buyers? Groser speaks Trade minister Tim Groser says a legal challenge against any future government ban on foreign property buyers can??t be ruled out under the Trans-Pacific Partnersship (TPP) agreement. But he says the ??real issue?? is whether it could succeed. < <http://www.nbr.co.nz/article/would-tpp-allow-ban-foreign-home-buyers-groser -speaks-176133> http://www.nbr.co.nz/article/would-tpp-allow-ban-foreign-home-buyers-groser- speaks-176133> The race to a risky Trans-Pacific Partnership deal The largest hurdle for the 12-member Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement ?C the US president's ability to get Trade Promotion Authority, or fast track ?C was cleared in June. Many people think that the TPP can be wrapped up in a few months. < <http://www.afr.com/opinion/the-race-to-a-risky-transpacific-partnership-dea l-20150726-gikn68> http://www.afr.com/opinion/the-race-to-a-risky-transpacific-partnership-deal -20150726-gikn68> TPP: Australia on verge of preliminary deal Trade ministers from 12 Pacific Rim countries including Australia are on the brink of striking a preliminary deal on a major new trade and investment pact that would boost trade across the fast-growing region and cement America's leadership in Asia. < <http://www.afr.com/news/economy/trade/tpp-australia-on-verge-of-preliminary -deal-20150726-gik8vl> http://www.afr.com/news/economy/trade/tpp-australia-on-verge-of-preliminary- deal-20150726-gik8vl> TPP: Australia on the verge of joining huge new Pacific trade deal Australia is on the cusp of joining a huge new United States-led trade deal which will "set the rules" for doing business in the region at the expense of China. < <http://www.smh.com.au/national/tpp-australia-on-the-verge-of-joining-huge-n ew-pacific-trade-deal-20150725-gikgne.html> http://www.smh.com.au/national/tpp-australia-on-the-verge-of-joining-huge-ne w-pacific-trade-deal-20150725-gikgne.html> ------ David Goldstein email: <mailto:david at goldsteinreport.com> david at goldsteinreport.com web: <http://goldsteinreport.com/> http://goldsteinreport.com/ Twitter: <https://twitter.com/goldsteinreport> https://twitter.com/goldsteinreport phone: +61 418 228 605 - mobile; +61 2 9663 3430 - office/home "Every time you use fossil fuels, you're adding to the problem. Every time you forgo fossil fuels, you're being part of the solution" - Dr Tim Flannery -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <http://lists.cynosure.com.au/mailman/private/dns/attachments/20150727/935150f8/attachment-0001.html>Received on Mon Jul 27 2015 - 02:58:02 UTC
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