*************************************************** The domain name news is supported by auDA *************************************************** U.S. Will Delay Plan to Give Up Internet Powers < <http://www.nationaljournal.com/tech/u-s-will-delay-plan-to-give-up-internet -powers-20150610> http://www.nationaljournal.com/tech/u-s-will-delay-plan-to-give-up-internet- powers-20150610> US Congress oils up, jumps over ropes into DNS wrestling match < <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/06/10/congress_iana_contract_process/> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/06/10/congress_iana_contract_process/> New gTLD Program Reviews: Data Collection and Analysis < <https://www.icann.org/news/blog/new-gtld-program-reviews-data-collection-an d-analysis> https://www.icann.org/news/blog/new-gtld-program-reviews-data-collection-and -analysis> We aren't the copyright cops, ICANN's president says < <http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2015/06/09/we-arent-the-c opyright-police-says-icanns-president/> http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2015/06/09/we-arent-the-co pyright-police-says-icanns-president/> New gTLD Registrations Surge Past 6 Million With More Winners and a Few Losers < <http://www.domainpulse.com/2015/06/09/new-gtld-registrations-surge-past-6-m illion/> http://www.domainpulse.com/2015/06/09/new-gtld-registrations-surge-past-6-mi llion/> .xyz starts to plummet - NetSol freebies to blame? < <http://domainincite.com/18660-xyz-starts-to-plummet-netsol-freebies-to-blam e> http://domainincite.com/18660-xyz-starts-to-plummet-netsol-freebies-to-blame > ********************** GOVERNANCE ********************** U.S. Will Delay Plan to Give Up Internet Powers June 10, 2015 The U.S. government will likely keep control over important Internet management powers until next year. That's because ICANN won't be ready to run independently from the U.S. government on time, the group's leader said. < <http://www.nationaljournal.com/tech/u-s-will-delay-plan-to-give-up-internet -powers-20150610> http://www.nationaljournal.com/tech/u-s-will-delay-plan-to-give-up-internet- powers-20150610> Lawmakers advance oversight bill on Internet domain transition A House subcommittee approved a bill Wednesday that would require the Obama administration to give Congress 30 days to review any final plan before handing off oversight of the back end of the Internet. < <http://thehill.com/policy/technology/244521-lawmakers-advance-oversight-bil l-on-internet-domain-transition> http://thehill.com/policy/technology/244521-lawmakers-advance-oversight-bill -on-internet-domain-transition> US Congress oils up, jumps over ropes into DNS wrestling match The US Congress is trying to insert itself into the transition of the IANA contract from the Department of Commerce to domain-name overseer ICANN. < <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/06/10/congress_iana_contract_process/> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/06/10/congress_iana_contract_process/> House panel adds requirements to ICANN transition [IDG] A U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee has approved a bill that would add new requirements before a government agency ends its oversight of ICANN. < <http://www.computerworld.co.nz/article/577140/house-panel-adds-requirements -icann-transition/> http://www.computerworld.co.nz/article/577140/house-panel-adds-requirements- icann-transition/> < <http://www.computerworld.com.au/article/577140/house-panel-adds-requirement s-icann-transition/> http://www.computerworld.com.au/article/577140/house-panel-adds-requirements -icann-transition/> US Will Delay Plan to Give Up Internet Powers The U.S. government will likely keep control over important Internet management powers until next year. < <http://www.nextgov.com/cio-briefing/2015/06/us-will-delay-plan-give-interne t-powers/114964/> http://www.nextgov.com/cio-briefing/2015/06/us-will-delay-plan-give-internet -powers/114964/> IANA Transition, Accountability Will Remain Central at June ICANN Meeting in Argentina Plans to transition remaining U.S. oversight of key domain name system functions to the global multistakeholder community and to enhance ICANN's accountability in the process will be front and center at the organization's public meeting in Buenos Aires later this month. < <http://www.bna.com/iana-transition-accountability-n17179927473/> http://www.bna.com/iana-transition-accountability-n17179927473/> FIFA Scandal is Bad News for Obama Administration and U.S. Proponents of ICANN Internet Transfer by David Mitnick The headlines surrounding bribes and corruption within FIFA are an ominous sign for those in the United States, especially the White House, who are advocating for the transfer of control of the main root zone of the Internet to ICANN. Specifically, these charges against FIFA are undermining the public's trust in quasi-government organizations like FIFA, ICANN, the United Nations and the International Olympic Committee ("IOC") (to name a few), that operate outside the purview of a national government. < <http://www.circleid.com/posts/20150608_fifa_scandal_is_bad_news_for_obama_a dministration_icann_transfer/> http://www.circleid.com/posts/20150608_fifa_scandal_is_bad_news_for_obama_ad ministration_icann_transfer/> ********************** DOMAIN NAMES ********************** ********************** - ICANN ********************** New gTLD Program Reviews: Data Collection and Analysis When will ICANN open another application round for new gTLDs? The next round is on the horizon, but ICANN must first focus on executing a comprehensive, multidimensional examination of how well the New gTLD Program met its original goals, a topic I first wrote about in January 2015. < <https://www.icann.org/news/blog/new-gtld-program-reviews-data-collection-an d-analysis> https://www.icann.org/news/blog/new-gtld-program-reviews-data-collection-and -analysis> GNSO Review Draft Report Posted for Public Comment - Provide Your Feedback and Make Your Voice Heard! by Jen Wolfe, Chair, GNSO Review Working Party During this very busy period leading up to ICANN53, I encourage you to make time to provide your feedback on the Draft Report: Review of the GNSO. Why is this important? < <https://www.icann.org/news/blog/gnso-review-draft-report-posted-for-public- comment-provide-your-feedback-and-make-your-voice-heard> https://www.icann.org/news/blog/gnso-review-draft-report-posted-for-public-c omment-provide-your-feedback-and-make-your-voice-heard> Maximising the Community Wiki As I've said before in my blogs, the aim of the ICANN Digital Services team is to develop digital tools which will allow for better access to information and enable more efficient, and collaborative, working. < <https://www.icann.org/news/blog/maximising-the-community-wiki> https://www.icann.org/news/blog/maximising-the-community-wiki> Hardening ICANN's IT and Digital Services During ICANN52, many community members inquired after the state of ICANN's digital-services. In addition, in response to one of my blog posts, some of you met with Chris Gift, VP of Digital Services, and me to gain a deeper understanding of status and plans. And in a recent announcement, ICANN stated that we would share more about our multi-year "digital-services hardening" efforts. I am writing this blog to start this process of keeping you - our community - informed and engaged on our many current and planned IT activities. < <https://www.icann.org/news/blog/hardening-icann-s-it-and-digital-services> https://www.icann.org/news/blog/hardening-icann-s-it-and-digital-services> The Third Africa DNS Forum to Take Place in Nairobi, Kenya This is the third Africa DNS forum following on the successful forums in Durban, South Africa (2013), and Abuja, Nigeria (2014). < <https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2015-06-08-en> https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2015-06-08-en> WHOIS: Continuous Improvements in the Works I am truly impressed by the pace of WHOIS related milestones recently achieved by the community. These are on top of the heavy workload related to the IANA stewardship transition. Since the Singapore Meeting, the community has tackled difficult WHOIS issues, such as internationalized registration data, new access protocols, and proposed rules for privacy and proxy services. < <https://www.icann.org/news/blog/whois-continuous-improvements-in-the-works> https://www.icann.org/news/blog/whois-continuous-improvements-in-the-works> Letter from Marika Konings, ICANN Sr. Policy Director and Team Leader for the GNSO, to ICANN Board Preliminary Issue Report on the next-generation gTLD RDS to replace Whois < <https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/konings-to-icann-08jun 15-en.pdf> https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/konings-to-icann-08jun1 5-en.pdf> We aren't the copyright cops, ICANN's president says The Internet is inching ever closer to becoming the equal, nonpartisan network it was always meant to be. And one of the top officials leading that charge is vowing not to let any single corporate or government actor derail that project - including the United States. < <http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2015/06/09/we-arent-the-c opyright-police-says-icanns-president/> http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2015/06/09/we-arent-the-co pyright-police-says-icanns-president/> ICANN'S MANY TRIPS UP CAPITOL HILL, PART 1 Looking back on the two recent congressional hearings involving ICANN - the May 13 morning House Judiciary Committee hearing Stakeholder Perspectives on ICANN: The .Sucks Domain and Essential Steps to Guarantee Trust and Accountability in the Internet's Operation and the House Commerce Committee matinee later that afternoon Stakeholder Perspectives on the IANA Transition - I wondered, "How many times has Congress held a hearing about ICANN?" < <http://www.bna.com/icanns-trips-capitol-b17179927466/> http://www.bna.com/icanns-trips-capitol-b17179927466/> A Review of Fadi Chehade's Incomplete Legacy at ICANN by Sophia Bekele Fadi Chehade, the incumbent President and CEO of ICANN, on 21 May 2015 announced his intention to leave ICANN by March 2016. No actual reasons were given for his summary and unexpected decision to stop being the head of an organization that he has led since 2012 -- against the background that Fadi Chehade had recently received an ICANN Board-approved contract extension up till 30 June 2017; together with a slate that has a long list of things to do with many uncompleted assignments. < <http://www.circleid.com/posts/20150608_a_review_of_fadi_chehades_incomplete _legacy_at_icann/> http://www.circleid.com/posts/20150608_a_review_of_fadi_chehades_incomplete_ legacy_at_icann/> ********************** - ccTLD & gTLD NEWS ********************** Romania enforces diacritical marks on domain registration - how does this impact the market? Nowadays, many Romanians don't use diacritical marks when writing in Romanian anymore, so the recent decision to include diacritical marks in local domain names has taken the market by surprise. < <http://www.romania-insider.com/romania-diacritical-marks-domain/150456/> http://www.romania-insider.com/romania-diacritical-marks-domain/150456/> ********************** - NEW TLDS ********************** New gTLD Registrations Surge Past 6 Million With More Winners and a Few Losers New gTLD registrations are still surging upwards with the six millionth registration occurring on 7 June according to nTLDstats.com. Currently there are over 6.033 million domains registered. < <http://www.goldsteinreport.com/article.php?article=23904> http://www.goldsteinreport.com/article.php?article=23904> < <http://www.domainpulse.com/2015/06/09/new-gtld-registrations-surge-past-6-m illion/> http://www.domainpulse.com/2015/06/09/new-gtld-registrations-surge-past-6-mi llion/> .xyz starts to plummet - NetSol freebies to blame? XYZ.com has been seeing its .xyz zone file shrink rapidly over the last five days, likely as a result of free domains pushed out to Network Solutions customers starting to expire. < <http://domainincite.com/18660-xyz-starts-to-plummet-netsol-freebies-to-blam e> http://domainincite.com/18660-xyz-starts-to-plummet-netsol-freebies-to-blame > The Hunger Games is first to use a .movie domain Donuts has signed up an impressive anchor tenant for its upcoming .movie gTLD in the form of The Hunger Games series of movies. < <http://domainincite.com/18662-the-hunger-games-is-first-to-use-a-movie-doma in> http://domainincite.com/18662-the-hunger-games-is-first-to-use-a-movie-domai n> How to use brand Sydney to your benefit One way innovative businesses have tapped into consumers' love for all things Sydney has been to align their businesses with the city. < <http://www.iconic.sydney/media-release/how-to-use-brand-sydney-to-your-bene fit/> http://www.iconic.sydney/media-release/how-to-use-brand-sydney-to-your-benef it/> Rightside CEO Taryn Naidu - DNW Podcast #36 A discussion with the CEO of Rightside, the company behind eNom and Name.com, a whole bunch of TLDs, and part-owner of NameJet. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2015/06/08/rightside-ceo-taryn-naidu-dnw-podcast- 36/> http://domainnamewire.com/2015/06/08/rightside-ceo-taryn-naidu-dnw-podcast-3 6/> ********************** - DNS SECURITY ********************** EU Cybersecurity Strategy - 2nd High Level Conference This Conference took stock of the progress of the EU Cybersecurity strategy, two years after its adoption. It also provided information on the state of play of the implementation of the five main priorities of the Strategy and showcased highlights of the main actions in the Strategy. < <https://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/news/eu-cybersecurity-strategy-2nd-h igh-level-conference> https://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/news/eu-cybersecurity-strategy-2nd-hi gh-level-conference> Federal Agencies to Move to HTTPS-Only Connections Following the lead of many major Web services, the White House on Monday announced that it would move all of the federal government's public sites and services to HTTPS-only. < <https://threatpost.com/federal-agencies-to-move-to-https-only-connections/1 13221> https://threatpost.com/federal-agencies-to-move-to-https-only-connections/11 3221> Only a third of federal sites protect your Web traffic from prying eyes. That's about to change. The White House just took a big step toward making government Web sites more secure for visitors. On Monday, the Office of Management and Budget issued a directive that requires all publicly accessible federal Web sites and services to adopt encryption using HTTPS. < <http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2015/06/09/only-a-third-o f-federal-sites-protect-your-web-traffic-from-prying-eyes-thats-about-to-cha nge/> http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2015/06/09/only-a-third-of -federal-sites-protect-your-web-traffic-from-prying-eyes-thats-about-to-chan ge/> US to require HTTPS for all government websites [IDG] The U.S. government is mandating the use of the HTTPS security protocol on all of its public websites and web services by the end of 2016. < <http://www.computerworld.co.nz/article/576942/us-require-https-all-governme nt-websites/> http://www.computerworld.co.nz/article/576942/us-require-https-all-governmen t-websites/> < <http://www.computerworld.com.au/article/576942/us-require-https-all-governm ent-websites/> http://www.computerworld.com.au/article/576942/us-require-https-all-governme nt-websites/> US army shuts website after hacking attack The US army has temporarily taken down its website after a hacking attack. It says an element of the army.mil website was compromised and preventative measures had to be taken to ensure there was no breach of data. < <http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-33058755> http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-33058755> Cyber attack on German parliament still active, could cost millions: media A cyber attack on the German Bundestag lower house of parliament reported last month is still stealing data and could force officials to spend millions of euros replacing the entire computer system, German media reported on Wednesday. < <http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/06/10/us-germany-cybersecurity-idUKM1KBN 0OQ2GA20150610> http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/06/10/us-germany-cybersecurity-idUKM1KBN0 OQ2GA20150610> Freeparking hit by DDoS, vexed customers scream into abyss Email and hosting biz Freeparking has run into yet more trouble after being hit by a DDoS attack today. < <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/06/09/freeparking_hit_by_ddos_attack/> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/06/09/freeparking_hit_by_ddos_attack/> Cyber-Espionage Nightmare: A groundbreaking online-spying case unearths details that companies wish you didn't know about how vital information slips away from them. On a wall facing dozens of cubicles at the FBI office in Pittsburgh, five guys from Shanghai stare from "Wanted" posters. Wang Dong, Sun Kailiang, Wen Xinyu, Huang Zhenyu, and Gu Chunhui are, according to a federal indictment unsealed last year, agents of China's People's Liberation Army Unit 61398, who hacked into networks at American companies-U.S. Steel, Alcoa, Allegheny Technologies (ATI), Westinghouse-plus the biggest industrial labor union in North America, United Steelworkers, and the U.S. subsidiary of SolarWorld, a German solar-panel maker. Over several years, prosecutors say, the agents stole thousands of e-mails about business strategy, documents about unfair-trade cases some of the U.S. companies had filed against China, and even piping designs for nuclear power plants-all allegedly to benefit Chinese companies. < <http://www.technologyreview.com/featuredstory/538201/cyber-espionage-nightm are/> http://www.technologyreview.com/featuredstory/538201/cyber-espionage-nightma re/> ********************** - DOMAIN DISPUTES & SEIZURES ********************** Important UDRP precedent shows that TLDs are carrying more and more weight [registration] In a recent decision under the UDRP before the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), a London-based investment management company has successfully obtained the transfer of a domain name reproducing its trademark under the new gTLD '.capital'. < <http://www.worldtrademarkreview.com/daily/detail.aspx?g=ed3c5f1f-5015-4da9- bdd5-7ac46faadf4c> http://www.worldtrademarkreview.com/daily/detail.aspx?g=ed3c5f1f-5015-4da9-b dd5-7ac46faadf4c> Court returns stolen 224.com, 605.com and 452.com domain names A U.S. Federal Court has ordered the domain names 224.com, 605.com and 452.com be returned to Traffic Names, Ltd. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2015/06/09/court-returns-stolen-224-com-605-com-a nd-452-com-domain-names/> http://domainnamewire.com/2015/06/09/court-returns-stolen-224-com-605-com-an d-452-com-domain-names/> ********************** - MISCELLANEOUS ********************** For ccTLD Registries: 4 Steps To Guaranteed Success In this guest post, Clifford deSouza of LogicBoxes explains how ccTLD Registries can leverage automation & grow their business. < <http://www.domainpulse.com/2015/06/10/for-cctld-registries-4-steps-to-guara nteed-success-guest-post/> http://www.domainpulse.com/2015/06/10/for-cctld-registries-4-steps-to-guaran teed-success-guest-post/> Uncovering PPC Best Practices With Allstate Insurance When it comes to PPC, the insurance industry is a highly competitive one. And with such fierce competition, keywords and getting noticed tend to cost more. However, the success of one's PPC campaign isn't necessarily determined by the amount you spend, but the way in which you invest in your resources. < <http://www.clickz.com/clickz/news/2411488/uncovering-ppc-best-practices-wit h-allstate-insurance> http://www.clickz.com/clickz/news/2411488/uncovering-ppc-best-practices-with -allstate-insurance> 8 Things to Look for in a Registrar Automation Platform by Aditya Chauhan In today's world, domain name registrars play a very important role in the functioning of the domain name ecosystem. This is in stark contrast from the Registry-dominated industry most of us have been used to seeing over the past decade. After the introduction of New gTLDs, Registrars have been elevated to a strategic and important pedestal because they're the first contact point to end customers of domain names. < <http://www.circleid.com/posts/20150610_8_things_to_look_for_in_a_registrar_ automation_platform/> http://www.circleid.com/posts/20150610_8_things_to_look_for_in_a_registrar_a utomation_platform/> Melbourne IT buys app developer Outware Mobile Melbourne IT has made another big acquisition, picking up a controlling stake in local app development outfit Outware Mobile in a $21.7 million deal. < <http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/technology/melbourne-it-buys-app-d eveloper-outware-mobile/story-e6frgakx-1227391178176> http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/technology/melbourne-it-buys-app-de veloper-outware-mobile/story-e6frgakx-1227391178176> Melbourne IT buys 50.2pc of app developer Outware Mobile for $21.7m Melbourne IT has made its second acquisition for the year, buying a 50.2 per cent stake in app developer Outware Mobile for $21.7 million. < <http://www.afr.com/technology/melbourne-it-buys-502pc-of-app-developer-outw are-mobile-for-217m-20150609-ghhiku> http://www.afr.com/technology/melbourne-it-buys-502pc-of-app-developer-outwa re-mobile-for-217m-20150609-ghhiku> How to Maximise Registrations Through Effective Registrar Relationships by Ryan Baker There are some surefire ways to get channel engagement and drive registrations, but doing what everyone else is doing is not going to cut it in the world of new TLDs. Successful Registrar engagement requires an investment of time far in advance of what some Registry Operators appear to be expecting, both in terms of ongoing relationship management as well as continually providing tools which make it easier for Registrars to sell your extension over other TLDs. < <http://www.circleid.com/posts/20150609_how_to_maximise_registrations_throug h_registrar_relationships/> http://www.circleid.com/posts/20150609_how_to_maximise_registrations_through _registrar_relationships/> ********************** - DOMAINING & AFTERMARKET ********************** Parking company monetizes typos - with the TM holder's permission A new domain name parking service promises to help people monetize brand related domain names, such as typos, in a way that brand owners support. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2015/06/08/parking-company-monetizes-typos-with-t he-tm-holders-permission/> http://domainnamewire.com/2015/06/08/parking-company-monetizes-typos-with-th e-tm-holders-permission/> MM.com Domain Sells After $1.2 Million Purchase The domain name MM.com has been confirmed sold! The transaction took place last Wednesday, June 3, 2015 with the domain name being acquired by Jinxin Wang Luo of Fujian, China according to whois records. < <http://www.thedomains.com/2015/06/09/mm-com-domain-sells-after-1-2-million- purchase/> http://www.thedomains.com/2015/06/09/mm-com-domain-sells-after-1-2-million-p urchase/> (Some of) May's top NameJet sales Each month, NameJet disseminates its list of domain auctions that closed above $2,000, and various domain blogs publish that list basically as is. Personally, I've tried to dig a bit deeper, grouping sold domains by type and providing month-to-month statistics on overall market-place performance. Unfortunately, that approach is too time consuming; so I'm reverting to a simpler list format. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2015/06/10/some-of-mays-top-namejet-sales/> http://domainnamewire.com/2015/06/10/some-of-mays-top-namejet-sales/> ------ David Goldstein email: <mailto:david at goldsteinreport.com> david at goldsteinreport.com web: <http://goldsteinreport.com/> http://goldsteinreport.com/ Twitter: <https://twitter.com/goldsteinreport> https://twitter.com/goldsteinreport phone: +61 418 228 605 - mobile; +61 2 9663 3430 - office/home "Every time you use fossil fuels, you're adding to the problem. Every time you forgo fossil fuels, you're being part of the solution" - Dr Tim Flannery -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <http://lists.cynosure.com.au/mailman/private/dns/attachments/20150611/2c035fd3/attachment-0001.html>Received on Wed Jun 10 2015 - 22:14:14 UTC
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