*************************************************** The domain name news is supported by auDA *************************************************** Tim Berners-Lee calls for internet bill of rights to ensure greater privacy < <http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/sep/28/tim-berners-lee-internet-bill-of-rights-greater-privacy> http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/sep/28/tim-berners-lee-internet-bill-of-rights-greater-privacy> Online privacy: Big Brother plans from ICANN < <http://www.emilytaylor.eu/online-privacy-icann-ewg/> http://www.emilytaylor.eu/online-privacy-icann-ewg/> ccTLDs Growth Outstrips Legacy gTLDs: CENTR Report < <http://www.domainpulse.com/2014/09/26/cctlds-growth-outstrips-gtlds/> http://www.domainpulse.com/2014/09/26/cctlds-growth-outstrips-gtlds/> Out with the .co and .org, and in with the .nz < <http://www.stuff.co.nz/technology/digital-living/61506316/out-with-the-co-and-org-and-in-with-the-nz> http://www.stuff.co.nz/technology/digital-living/61506316/out-with-the-co-and-org-and-in-with-the-nz> Second new gTLD round ?possible? but not ?probable? in 2016 < <http://domainincite.com/17434-second-new-gtld-round-possible-but-not-probable-in-2016> http://domainincite.com/17434-second-new-gtld-round-possible-but-not-probable-in-2016> Research reveals brand hijacking habits in new gTLDs < <http://www.worldtrademarkreview.com/Blog/detail.aspx?g=679f2763-dc11-4016-88ef-9391c0e6d50b> http://www.worldtrademarkreview.com/Blog/detail.aspx?g=679f2763-dc11-4016-88ef-9391c0e6d50b> Will .Health Make It More Likely That You?ll Get Scammed? < <http://nepr.net/news/2014/09/26/will-health-make-it-more-likely-that-youll-get-scammed/> http://nepr.net/news/2014/09/26/will-health-make-it-more-likely-that-youll-get-scammed/> APWG Report: Apple Most Frequent Phishing Target in the World < <http://www.domainpulse.com/2014/09/26/apple-phishing-target-apwg/> http://www.domainpulse.com/2014/09/26/apple-phishing-target-apwg/> Exploring Future Internet Architectures by Burt Kaliski < <http://blogs.verisigninc.com/blog/entry/exploring_future_internet_architectures> http://blogs.verisigninc.com/blog/entry/exploring_future_internet_architectures> ********************** GOVERNANCE ********************** My visit to the US - ICANN, net neutrality, women in ICT and more: Neelie Kroes making the case for a transatlantic digital single market I recently came back from an official trip to the USA: Washington, D.C. and New York. As ever a busy visit ? and it's hardly slowed down since my return ? so just time now to reflect and blog about my experiences. The USA is a key strategic partner in many areas ? and the digital world is no exception. Just last March, the EU-US summit discussed many important digital topics: the transatlantic digital economy, online freedom and security, internet governance, and research cooperation. < <https://ec.europa.eu/commission_2010-2014/kroes/en/blog/my-visit-us-icann-net-neutrality-women-ict-and-more> https://ec.europa.eu/commission_2010-2014/kroes/en/blog/my-visit-us-icann-net-neutrality-women-ict-and-more> Tim Berners-Lee calls for internet bill of rights to ensure greater privacy The inventor of the world wide web has warned that the freedom of the internet is under threat by governments and corporations interested in controlling the web. < <http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/sep/28/tim-berners-lee-internet-bill-of-rights-greater-privacy> http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/sep/28/tim-berners-lee-internet-bill-of-rights-greater-privacy> The Internet Ecosystem?s Alphabet Soup Next week, the World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT) will provide a gathering place for business, media, academics, policymakers, technology professionals, and organizations in Guadalajara, Mexico. The conference brings this diverse community in information and communication technology together in order to provide a ?proper platform for the industry, policy makers and academy to show their peers, how ICT innovations are helping them to create new alternatives for a challenging world? ? a discussion platform rather than a meeting that ends with policy or regulation decisions. < <http://gtldstrategy.com/2014/09/25/the-internet-ecosystems-alphabet-soup/> http://gtldstrategy.com/2014/09/25/the-internet-ecosystems-alphabet-soup/> The Internet Balkanization Discourse Backfires by io Alves Jr. [University of California, Berkeley - School of Law] Abstract: Recent references to the dangers of "Internet Balkanization" are all over the media. Paradoxically, that is the future being created and reinforced by leading representatives of the Internet community, whose statements employ this term as one of their key rhetorical strategies against a globally segregated Internet. < <http://ssrn.com/abstract=2498753> http://ssrn.com/abstract=2498753> ********************** DOMAIN NAMES ********************** ********************** - ICANN ********************** The Chairman's Blog by Steve Crocker One of the messages we're hearing these days is that the Board is not visible enough and the community doesn't understand what the Board does. Perhaps most telling was a comment an incoming Board member, Markus Kummer, made after attending our recent workshop two weeks ago. Markus headed the Secretariat supporting the IGF for several years and chaired the IGF preparation process last year. He also served as a senior official at the Internet Society, which is integrally involved with the ICANN community, so he's familiar with many of our activities. Nonetheless, after seeing what the Board does during a workshop he was surprised at how actively engaged we are on the issues, and how forcefully but constructively we interacted with each other and ICANN staff. < <https://www.icann.org/news/blog/chairman-s-blog> https://www.icann.org/news/blog/chairman-s-blog> Monthly Update by Theresa Swinehart Important headway has been made over the past few weeks to ensure that the two processes necessary for achieving the transition of stewardship of the IANA functions are on track, aligned and positioned for success. As we look ahead, ongoing engagement and collaboration throughout the global multistakeholder community will be key to achieving our common objectives. < <https://www.icann.org/news/blog/monthly-update-by-theresa-swinehart> https://www.icann.org/news/blog/monthly-update-by-theresa-swinehart> Call for Observers to Join Cross Community Working Group to Develop an IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions The organizations that have adopted the charter for the Cross Community Working Group (CWG) to develop an Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions call for observers to join this effort. The primary goal of the CWG is to produce a consolidated transition proposal for the elements of the IANA Functions relating to the Domain Name System. < <https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2014-09-26-en> https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2014-09-26-en> Online privacy: Big Brother plans from ICANN Buy a domain and your personal details will be held in a giant database by a controversial nonprofit in California. And this is the same time that the world of domains is being hugely expanded. The Internet itself works and has worked because it is decentralised. The only component that isn?t ? ICANN ? naturally enough thinks everything should be centralized and given to it. But the problems are obvious and huge. < <http://www.emilytaylor.eu/online-privacy-icann-ewg/> http://www.emilytaylor.eu/online-privacy-icann-ewg/> Korean registrar suspended ICANN has suspended the accreditation of Korean registrar Dotname Korea over failures to comply with Whois accuracy rules. < <http://domainincite.com/17442-korean-registrar-suspended> http://domainincite.com/17442-korean-registrar-suspended> ********************** - ccTLD & gTLD NEWS ********************** DomainWire (September 2014) Global TLD Report The latest of CENTRs 'DomainWire Stat Report' is available (Edition 9 - September 2014). The report provides a global status update on TLDs (legacy gTLDs, new gTLDs and ccTLDs) with a focus on European ccTLDs. < <https://centr.org/news/09-25-2014/domainwire-sep14-global-tld-report> https://centr.org/news/09-25-2014/domainwire-sep14-global-tld-report> ccTLDs Growth Outstrips Legacy gTLDs: CENTR Report The growth rate for the 248 ccTLDs around the world has been higher than that for the 21 legacy gTLDs in the three months to the end of August according to the latest CENTR DomainWire report. < <http://www.domainpulse.com/2014/09/26/cctlds-growth-outstrips-gtlds/> http://www.domainpulse.com/2014/09/26/cctlds-growth-outstrips-gtlds/> < <http://www.domainnews.com/cctlds-growth-outstrips-gtlds.html> http://www.domainnews.com/cctlds-growth-outstrips-gtlds.html> TRA reveals an increasing up to 120,000 registrations in the UAE?s national (.ae) domain The UAE?s Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) announces today, that the number of registrations on the national .ae domain increased over the last six months reaching 121,320. The UAE ranks as first in the region for the number of registrations within the nation?s respective range. This apparent increase provides hard evidence that the prevalence of Arabic e-content is indeed rising. The significant increment indicates to the wider spread on Arabic content on the web, which is one of the main strategic goals of the UAE. < <http://tra.gov.ae/news_TRA_reveals_an_increasing_up_to_120%2C000_registrations_in_the_UAE%92s_national_%28.ae%29_domain_-653-1.php> http://tra.gov.ae/news_TRA_reveals_an_increasing_up_to_120%2C000_registrations_in_the_UAE%92s_national_%28.ae%29_domain_-653-1.php> TRA releases data on UAE registrar market share The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) has released data on the UAE?s registrar market share, revealing the .ae domain name registration until January 2014. < <http://aeda.ae/aeda/eng/news.php?id=111> http://aeda.ae/aeda/eng/news.php?id=111> DK Hostmaster continues to manage the dk domain names Following a public consultation, the Minister of Business and Growth has decided to extend DIFO?s permission to be registry for the .dk domain names. < <https://www.dk-hostmaster.dk/english/news/news-single/artikel/dk-hostmaster-continues-to-manage-the-dk-domain-names/> https://www.dk-hostmaster.dk/english/news/news-single/artikel/dk-hostmaster-continues-to-manage-the-dk-domain-names/> Out with the .co and .org, and in with the .nz Thousands of Kiwi websites are planning to ditch the "co" and go with simpler new rules heralding changes to web addresses. < <http://www.stuff.co.nz/technology/digital-living/61506316/out-with-the-co-and-org-and-in-with-the-nz> http://www.stuff.co.nz/technology/digital-living/61506316/out-with-the-co-and-org-and-in-with-the-nz> nz: Domain names set to change People will have the opportunity to register their website domain under a new format from tomorrow. < <http://tvnz.co.nz/national-news/domain-names-set-change-6094353> http://tvnz.co.nz/national-news/domain-names-set-change-6094353> nz: A domain by any other name... Opinion: If you thought you had obtained the best possible New Zealand domain name for your business, stand by to be screwed. < <http://www.stuff.co.nz/technology/digital-living/61490980/a-domain-by-any-other-name> http://www.stuff.co.nz/technology/digital-living/61490980/a-domain-by-any-other-name> Just days to go until more choice in .nz domain names In just a few days the second level .nz hierarchy you?re so used to seeing will undergo a major change. < <http://techday.com/start-up/news/just-days-to-go-until-more-choice-in-nz-domain-names/191148/> http://techday.com/start-up/news/just-days-to-go-until-more-choice-in-nz-domain-names/191148/> ********************** - NEW TLDS ********************** Second new gTLD round ?possible? but not ?probable? in 2016 If there are any companies clamoring to get on the new gTLD bandwagon, they?ve got some waiting to do. Based on a sketchy timetable published by ICANN this week, it seems unlikely that a second application round will open before 2017, and even that might be optimistic. < <http://domainincite.com/17434-second-new-gtld-round-possible-but-not-probable-in-2016> http://domainincite.com/17434-second-new-gtld-round-possible-but-not-probable-in-2016> Research reveals brand hijacking habits in new gTLDs The fear of managing and policing the hundreds of new gTLDs has long been a concern for brand owners. As the number of registrations approaches 2.5 million, and with ICANN announcing preparations for the next round of applications, we undertook research that reveals the different approaches brands are taking with new generic TLDs and geographic TLDs. And in both types, domain hijackers appear to be capitalising. < <http://www.worldtrademarkreview.com/Blog/detail.aspx?g=679f2763-dc11-4016-88ef-9391c0e6d50b> http://www.worldtrademarkreview.com/Blog/detail.aspx?g=679f2763-dc11-4016-88ef-9391c0e6d50b> WRU and Millennium Stadium sign up for .wales and .cymru domain names Just days before the first websites in Wales switch to .wales and .cymru, Nominet has today confirmed that the Welsh Rugby Union and Millennium Stadium will adopt the new domain names. < <http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/wru-millennium-stadium-sign-up-7841424> http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/wru-millennium-stadium-sign-up-7841424> Will .Health Make It More Likely That You?ll Get Scammed? You wake up feeling gross ? stuffy and full of aches. A quick Google search of your symptoms confirms that yes, you probably have a cold and not the plague. But what if you were directed to a site that had a legitimate sounding name but wasn?t really accurate at all? < <http://nepr.net/news/2014/09/26/will-health-make-it-more-likely-that-youll-get-scammed/> http://nepr.net/news/2014/09/26/will-health-make-it-more-likely-that-youll-get-scammed/> Iraq to get IDN ccTLD Iraq was this week granted the right to use a new Arabic-script ccTLD. < <http://domainincite.com/17440-iraq-to-get-idn-cctld> http://domainincite.com/17440-iraq-to-get-idn-cctld> Brewers Association backs .beer Continuing its strategy of getting well-known anchor tenants involved in its new gTLD launches, Minds + Machines has recruited the Brewers Association to back its just-launched .beer. < <http://domainincite.com/17437-brewers-association-backs-beer> http://domainincite.com/17437-brewers-association-backs-beer> Does .COM show the prospects for .XYZ, .CLUB and .GURU? One of the most difficult aspects of the new gTLDs is estimating the demand for a new gTLD. The past can sometimes provide some good data for this process. Comparing the new gTLD extension against the currently registered domain names can provide a list of prospects and an indication of how that new gTLD could do well in the future. < <http://newgtldnews.com/2014/09/22/prospects-xyz-club-guru/> http://newgtldnews.com/2014/09/22/prospects-xyz-club-guru/> Safeway pulls all four new gTLD apps Retail giant Safeway has removed itself from the new gTLD program entirely, last week withdrawing all four of its applications. < <http://domainincite.com/17444-safeway-pulls-all-four-new-gtld-apps> http://domainincite.com/17444-safeway-pulls-all-four-new-gtld-apps> nyc: The Rush Is On for Web Addresses That End With Panache Perhaps you didn?t know it, but New York City is in the last leg of an officially decreed 60-day land rush to claim a web address that ends in .nyc. < <http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/26/nyregion/the-rush-is-on-for-web-addresses-that-end-with-panache.html> http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/26/nyregion/the-rush-is-on-for-web-addresses-that-end-with-panache.html> With Launch of .NYC, How Are Other Geographic Domains Doing? New York City is not the only municipality getting in on the domain name game. < <http://blogs.wsj.com/metropolis/2014/09/25/with-launch-of-nyc-how-are-other-geographic-domains-doing/> http://blogs.wsj.com/metropolis/2014/09/25/with-launch-of-nyc-how-are-other-geographic-domains-doing/> New gTLD Auctions See Questionable Amounts Paid Minds + Machines have announced they gained aggregate cash of approximately $6.2 million from withdrawing its applications to .design, .flowers, .group, .realestate and .video in private auctions. The net cash to M+M includes the amounts paid for .vip and .law, and is also net of auction fees and refunds received from ICANN for withdrawing applications. < <http://www.domainpulse.com/2014/09/25/new-gtld-auctions-questionable-amounts-paid/> http://www.domainpulse.com/2014/09/25/new-gtld-auctions-questionable-amounts-paid/> < <http://www.domainnews.com/new-gtld-auctions-see-questionable-amounts-paid.html> http://www.domainnews.com/new-gtld-auctions-see-questionable-amounts-paid.html> Experts call for a moratorium on use of new internet domain .health As ICANN moves forward with plans to launch health-related gTLDs, such as .health and .doctor, a coalition of health policy academics and clinicians are raising concerns about a process they say "favor[s] business interests and the generation of profits over the future integrity of the Health Internet." < <http://www.sciencecodex.com/experts_call_for_a_moratorium_on_use_of_new_internet_domain_health-142410> http://www.sciencecodex.com/experts_call_for_a_moratorium_on_use_of_new_internet_domain_health-142410> Medical Experts Worry That Commercial Interests Are Quietly Taking Over Health Resources On The Internet A coalition of health policy academics and clinicians believe commercial interests and the generation of profits will take over the future integrity of what they call the Health Internet. ICANN plans to launch health-related gTLDs such as .health and .doctor. < <http://www.businessinsider.com.au/medical-experts-worry-that-commercial-interests-are-quietly-taking-over-health-resources-on-the-internet-2014-9> http://www.businessinsider.com.au/medical-experts-worry-that-commercial-interests-are-quietly-taking-over-health-resources-on-the-internet-2014-9> NSW govt predicts 'online real estate' boom for .sydney The new .sydney Internet domain will fuel an "online real estate boom" for NSW's capital according to the state's finance and services minister, Dominic Perrottet. < <http://www.cmo.com.au/article/555944/nsw-government-predicts-online-real-estate-boom-sydney/> http://www.cmo.com.au/article/555944/nsw-government-predicts-online-real-estate-boom-sydney/> Top Level Design wins .design contention set The .design TLD will be run, fittingly, by Top Level Design. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2014/09/25/top-level-design-wins-design-contention-set/> http://domainnamewire.com/2014/09/25/top-level-design-wins-design-contention-set/> New '.Church' Domain Names Get Off To a Good Start, Growing in Popularity Congregations across the United States are adopting new domain names using '.church' made available last week for Internet addresses and early indicators show that they are increasing in popularity, according to experts. < <http://www.christianpost.com/news/new-church-domain-names-get-off-to-a-good-start-growing-in-popularity-126889/> http://www.christianpost.com/news/new-church-domain-names-get-off-to-a-good-start-growing-in-popularity-126889/> ********************** - DNS SECURITY ********************** APWG Report: Apple Most Frequent Phishing Target in the World The new Global Phishing Survey released by APWG Thursday at the association?s annual research conference shows that Apple is the most phished brand in the world, accounting for 17 percent of all phishing reports sampled and analysed from the first half of 2014. < <http://www.domainpulse.com/2014/09/26/apple-phishing-target-apwg/> http://www.domainpulse.com/2014/09/26/apple-phishing-target-apwg/> < <http://www.domainnews.com/apple-most-frequent-phishing-target-in-the-world-apwg-report.html> http://www.domainnews.com/apple-most-frequent-phishing-target-in-the-world-apwg-report.html> Small Signs of Progress on DNSSEC DNS doesn?t have a lot of friends. It?s old, it?s kind of creaky and it has some insecurity issues. The few friends it has have tried to help it out in the last few years with the addition of DNSSEC, but that hasn?t gone so well, either. The Internet hasn?t been quick to adopt DNSSEC, for a variety of reasons, but experts say that there are some reasons to be optimistic about the progress that?s being made on DNSSEC adoption. < <http://threatpost.com/small-signs-of-progress-on-dnssec/108536> http://threatpost.com/small-signs-of-progress-on-dnssec/108536> IT threat evolution Q2 2014 Overview: In April, we reported a new Flash Player zero-day that we believe was used in watering-hole attacks from a compromised Syrian web site. The site (jpic.gov.sy), launched in 2011 by the Syrian Ministry of Justice, was designed to enable citizens to complain about law and order violations. We believe that this attack was developed to target Syrian dissidents complaining about the government. < <http://securelist.com/analysis/quarterly-malware-reports/65340/it-threat-evolution-q2-2014/> http://securelist.com/analysis/quarterly-malware-reports/65340/it-threat-evolution-q2-2014/> Bash software bug could be bigger threat than Heartbleed, experts warn A newly discovered security bug in a widely used piece of Linux software, known as Bash, could pose a bigger threat to computer users than the Heartbleed bug that surfaced in April, cyber experts have warned. < <http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/sep/25/bug-bash-software-could-be-bigger-threat-heartbleed> http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/sep/25/bug-bash-software-could-be-bigger-threat-heartbleed> Honeypot Snares Two Bots Exploiting Bash Vulnerability A honeypot run by researchers at AlienVault Labs has snared two separate pieces of malware attempting to exploit the Bash vulnerability. < <http://threatpost.com/honeypot-snares-two-bots-exploiting-bash-vulnerability/108578> http://threatpost.com/honeypot-snares-two-bots-exploiting-bash-vulnerability/108578> ?Shellshock? Bug Spells Trouble for Web Security As if consumers weren?t already suffering from breach fatigue: Experts warn that attackers are exploiting a critical, newly-disclosed security vulnerability present in countless networks and Web sites that rely on Unix and Linux operating systems. Experts say the flaw, dubbed ?Shellshock,? is so intertwined with the modern Internet that it could prove challenging to fix, and in the short run is likely to put millions of networks and countless consumer records at risk of compromise. < <http://krebsonsecurity.com/2014/09/shellshock-bug-spells-trouble-for-web-security/> http://krebsonsecurity.com/2014/09/shellshock-bug-spells-trouble-for-web-security/> Web attacks build on Shellshock bug A series of attacks on websites and servers using the serious Shellshock bug has been spotted. < <http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-29375636> http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-29375636> The biggest, baddest bug on the internet Dubbed CVE-2014-6271, also known as ?Shell Shock?, the newly discovered vulnerability resides in widely used piece of Linux software -- known as ?Bash? -- which is the software used to control the command prompt on many Unix computers. < <http://www.businessspectator.com.au/article/2014/9/26/technology/biggest-baddest-bug-internet> http://www.businessspectator.com.au/article/2014/9/26/technology/biggest-baddest-bug-internet> Shellshock: 'Deadly serious' new vulnerability found A "deadly serious" bug potentially affecting hundreds of millions of computers, servers and devices has been discovered. < <http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-29361794> http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-29361794> Security Experts Expect ?Shellshock? Software Bug in Bash to Be Significant Long before the commercial success of the Internet, Brian J. Fox invented one of its most widely used tools. In 1987, Mr. Fox, then a young programmer, wrote Bash, short for Bourne-Again Shell, a free piece of software that is now built into more than 70 percent of the machines that connect to the Internet. That includes servers, computers, routers, some mobile phones and even everyday items like refrigerators and cameras. < <http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/26/technology/security-experts-expect-shellshock-software-bug-to-be-significant.html> http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/26/technology/security-experts-expect-shellshock-software-bug-to-be-significant.html> Bot-herders can launch DDoS attacks from dryers, refrigerators, other Internet of Things devices A new malware kit called Spike can infect not only traditional desktops but also routers, smart thermostats, smart dryers and a host of other Internet of Things devices to herd them into massive botnets. < <http://www.networkworld.com/article/2687169/security0/bot-herders-can-launch-ddos-attacks-from-dryers-refrigerators-other-internet-of-things-devices.html> http://www.networkworld.com/article/2687169/security0/bot-herders-can-launch-ddos-attacks-from-dryers-refrigerators-other-internet-of-things-devices.html> New from Verisign Labs - Measuring the Leakage of Onion at the Root If you are trying to communicate anonymously on the Internet using Tor, this paper may be an important read for you. Anonymity and privacy are at the core of what the Tor project promises its users. Short for The Onion Router, Tor provides individuals with a mechanism to communicate anonymously on the Internet. < <http://blogs.verisigninc.com/blog/entry/new_from_verisign_labs_measuring1> http://blogs.verisigninc.com/blog/entry/new_from_verisign_labs_measuring1> ?Attacks On Commonly Used Infrastructure Require Coordinated Response? When the very infrastructure of the Internet is attacked, it is important that not only the operator who is directly targeted responds. In order to mitigate the damage, the other community members need to help out. John Kristoff, Team Cymru Commercial Services, explains in which ways damage can be averted from network services?and how the cooperation could be improved. < <http://international.eco.de/2014/news/attacks-on-commonly-used-infrastructure-require-coordinated-response.html> http://international.eco.de/2014/news/attacks-on-commonly-used-infrastructure-require-coordinated-response.html> ********************** - DOMAIN DISPUTES & SEIZURES ********************** The Unrepentant Bootlegger Early in the morning of June 30, 2010, Hana Beshara woke to a sharp rapping on the door of her condo in East Brunswick, N.J. ... Ms. Beshara was one of the founders of a site called NinjaVideo, which at the time was one of the most popular places online to illegally stream and download TV shows and movies. ... Administrators of NinjaVideo were the first to be charged criminally as a result of Operation In Our Sites; numerous other domain names would be seized and a handful of arrests made. In 2012, the Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation had their splashiest success: They seized and shut down Megaupload, the popular digital locker site that allowed people to share files like movies and music anonymously, and arrested its owner, Kim Dotcom, along with several other high-level executives. They have been indicted by the United States on charges related to copyright infringement, although many legal experts are not sure if a case will ever come to court. < <http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/28/technology/the-unrepentant-bootlegger.html> http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/28/technology/the-unrepentant-bootlegger.html> Piracy Police Chief Calls For State Interference to Stop Internet Anarchy Since last year City of London Police's Intellectual Property Crime Unit have been working with copyright holders to tackle online piracy. The police have already booked some successes but according to PIPCU head Andy Fyfe, more state interference may be needed to stop Internet anarchy. < <http://torrentfreak.com/piracy-police-chief-calls-for-state-interference-to-stop-internet-anarchy-140928/> http://torrentfreak.com/piracy-police-chief-calls-for-state-interference-to-stop-internet-anarchy-140928/> Police chief calls on countries to follow PIPCU lead A UK police chief has called for global cooperation and a worldwide day of action targeting those involved in widespread piracy. < <http://www.trademarksandbrandsonline.com/news/police-chief-calls-on-countries-to-follow-pipcu-lead-4110> http://www.trademarksandbrandsonline.com/news/police-chief-calls-on-countries-to-follow-pipcu-lead-4110> Panel Rules Case is Better Suited for Court When reading the ?Parties? Contentions? section of this decision over the domain <areds2.com>, my mind was starting to fill up with all the potential issues: common-law trademarks, who registered first, fair use, the use of whois privacy services, and the rarity of government agencies asserting their trademarks. However, the panel decided to address none of this. < <http://domainnamestrategy.com/2014/09/22/panel-rules-case-is-better-suited-for-court/> http://domainnamestrategy.com/2014/09/22/panel-rules-case-is-better-suited-for-court/> UDRP filed against Bids.com, and it might be interesting A UDRP was filed against the generic domain name Bids.com yesterday, and this domain has an interesting history that suggests the issue might be bigger than cybersquatting. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2014/09/26/udrp-filed-against-bids-com-and-it-might-be-interesting/> http://domainnamewire.com/2014/09/26/udrp-filed-against-bids-com-and-it-might-be-interesting/> Cartier launches legal attempt to block websites selling counterfeit goods Cartier International, the luxury watch and jewellery company, is attempting to block websites allegedly selling counterfeit goods in a test case that could have far-reaching consequences for the internet. < <http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/sep/25/cartier-legal-attempt-block-websites-counterfeit-goods> http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/sep/25/cartier-legal-attempt-block-websites-counterfeit-goods> Cartier targets ISPs to block sales of counterfeit goods Luxury jeweller Cartier has asked the English High Court to grant an injunction ordering internet service providers (ISPs) to block users from accessing websites allegedly selling goods that infringe its trademark. < <http://www.trademarksandbrandsonline.com/news/cartier-targets-isps-to-block-sales-of-counterfeit-goods-4112> http://www.trademarksandbrandsonline.com/news/cartier-targets-isps-to-block-sales-of-counterfeit-goods-4112> Spamhaus wins Spamhaus.com in UDRP, but it won?t get the domain right away A UDRP panel has awarded anti-spam group The Spamhaus Project the domain name Spamhaus.com, but the group won?t be able to use the domain any time soon. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2014/09/25/spamhaus-com/> http://domainnamewire.com/2014/09/25/spamhaus-com/> ********************** - IPv4/IPv6 ********************** LinkedIn Permanently Enables IPv6 on Its Website Today, LinkedIn permanently enabled IPv6 on its website, joining Google, Facebook, Yahoo!, and millions of other sites that have enabled IPv6 permanently. This is great news! < <http://www.internetsociety.org/blog/tech-matters/2014/09/linkedin-permanently-enables-ipv6-its-website> http://www.internetsociety.org/blog/tech-matters/2014/09/linkedin-permanently-enables-ipv6-its-website> ********************** - MISCELLANEOUS ********************** Exploring Future Internet Architectures by Burt Kaliski UCLA and Washington University in St. Louis recently announced the launch of the Named Data Networking (NDN) Consortium, a new forum for collaboration among university and industry researchers, including Verisign, on one candidate next-generation information-centric architecture for the Internet. < <http://blogs.verisigninc.com/blog/entry/exploring_future_internet_architectures> http://blogs.verisigninc.com/blog/entry/exploring_future_internet_architectures> Report from APTLD Meeting in Brisbane ? September 15 & 16 2014 < <http://aptld.org/system/files/report_from_aptld_meeting_in_brisbane_-_september_15__16_2014_.pdf> http://aptld.org/system/files/report_from_aptld_meeting_in_brisbane_-_september_15__16_2014_.pdf> Escrow.com acquires Agreed.com escrow service For the past year, the number of online escrow companies targeting the domain industry has grown considerably. It?s about the shrink by one. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2014/09/25/escrow-com-acquires-agreed-com-escrow-service/> http://domainnamewire.com/2014/09/25/escrow-com-acquires-agreed-com-escrow-service/> Mike Robertson Hired By DNC Holdings This morning, DNC Holdings, Inc. announced that Mike Robertson was hired by the company as its Business Development Director. < <http://www.domaininvesting.com/mike-robertson-hired-dnc-holdings/> http://www.domaininvesting.com/mike-robertson-hired-dnc-holdings/> Mike Robertson joins DirectNic as Business Development Director DNC Holdings (DirectNic) announced today that it has hired Mike Robertson as Business Development Director. < <http://domainnamewire.com/2014/09/25/mike-robertson-directnic/> http://domainnamewire.com/2014/09/25/mike-robertson-directnic/> The Frame Group checks in with Melbourne Airport IT contract IT services firm, The Frame Group, has been awarded a three-year facilities management contract with Melbourne Airport. < <http://www.computerworld.com.au/article/556119/frame-group-checks-melbourne-airport-it-contract/> http://www.computerworld.com.au/article/556119/frame-group-checks-melbourne-airport-it-contract/> ********************** MOBILE/WIRELESS ********************** Driving while texting with Google Glass as distracting as phone - study The first scientific study of driving while texting with Google Glass found that the hands-free eyewear is no safer to use on the road than a smartphone. < <http://in.reuters.com/article/2014/09/26/usa-florida-google-idINKCN0HK2P620140926> http://in.reuters.com/article/2014/09/26/usa-florida-google-idINKCN0HK2P620140926> Investment in Wi-Fi network testing needed to meet ?explosion? in data traffic More than 55% of all mobile data is expected to be offloaded to Wi-Fi networks in 2017, making it ?imperative? for mobile operators to ensure that Wi-Fi networks are of carrier-grade quality, according to a new report. < <http://www.out-law.com/en/articles/2014/september/investment-in-wi-fi-network-testing-needed-to-meet-explosion-in-data-traffic/> http://www.out-law.com/en/articles/2014/september/investment-in-wi-fi-network-testing-needed-to-meet-explosion-in-data-traffic/> ********************** ONLINE CRIME & LEGAL ********************** au: Crimtrac Acorn system could enable cybercrime reporting by mouse click Reporting cybercrime could become as easy as clicking a mouse, under a government program to be unveiled soon. < <http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/sep/26/crimtrac-acorn-system-could-enable-cybercrime-reporting-by-mouse-click> http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/sep/26/crimtrac-acorn-system-could-enable-cybercrime-reporting-by-mouse-click> ********************** PRIVACY & SURVEILLANCE ********************** Security laws pass Senate amid fears over ?draconian? limits to press freedom The Australian Senate has passed the biggest changes to the powers of the nation?s intelligence agencies in 35 years, despite concerns over ?draconian? provisions limiting press freedom. < <http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/26/senate-passes-security-laws-fears-press-freedom> http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/26/senate-passes-security-laws-fears-press-freedom> Journalists and whistleblowers will go to jail under new national security laws There was no concerted campaign, no unified push by the media to stop this bill, which dramatically expands the powers of intelligence agencies while creating new offences for disclosing information about their operations < <http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/sep/26/journalists-and-whistleblowers-will-go-to-jail-under-new-national-security-laws> http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/sep/26/journalists-and-whistleblowers-will-go-to-jail-under-new-national-security-laws> The murky moves towards metadata retention The ancient Greeks and Romans put their heads together and came up with a word full of conceptual variations and sliding meanings: ?metadata?. It is now rolling off tongues as both a factoid and an abstraction. < <http://www.thesaturdaypaper.com.au/opinion/topic/2014/09/20/the-murky-moves-towards-metadata-retention/1411135200feb52116-b472-433f> http://www.thesaturdaypaper.com.au/opinion/topic/2014/09/20/the-murky-moves-towards-metadata-retention/1411135200feb52116-b472-433f> Anti-terror laws pass Senate, giving Australia?s ASIO spies increased power and protection [AAP] Australian spies will soon get stronger powers to help fight against terrorism. The government?s first tranche of tougher anti-terrorism laws, which beef up the domestic spy agency?s powers, passed the Senate overnight with bipartisan support. < <http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/national/antiterror-laws-pass-senate-giving-australias-asio-spies-increased-power-and-protection/story-fni0xqrc-1227071099923> http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/national/antiterror-laws-pass-senate-giving-australias-asio-spies-increased-power-and-protection/story-fni0xqrc-1227071099923> Terror laws clear Senate, enabling entire Australian web to be monitored and whistleblowers to be jailed Australian spies will soon have the power to monitor the entire Australian internet with just one warrant, and journalists and whistleblowers will face up to 10 years' jail for disclosing classified information. < <http://www.smh.com.au/digital-life/consumer-security/terror-laws-clear-senate-enabling-entire-australian-web-to-be-monitored-and-whistleblowers-to-be-jailed-20140925-10m8ih.html> http://www.smh.com.au/digital-life/consumer-security/terror-laws-clear-senate-enabling-entire-australian-web-to-be-monitored-and-whistleblowers-to-be-jailed-20140925-10m8ih.html> < <http://www.theage.com.au/digital-life/consumer-security/terror-laws-clear-senate-enabling-entire-australian-web-to-be-monitored-and-whistleblowers-to-be-jailed-20140925-10m8ih.html> http://www.theage.com.au/digital-life/consumer-security/terror-laws-clear-senate-enabling-entire-australian-web-to-be-monitored-and-whistleblowers-to-be-jailed-20140925-10m8ih.html> Australian Government Scrambles to Authorize Mass Surveillance This week, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott used recent terrorist threats as the backdrop of a dire warning to Australians that ?for some time to come, the delicate balance between freedom and security may have to shift. There may be more restrictions on some, so that there can be more protection for others.? < <https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2014/09/australian-government-scrambles-authorize-mass-surveillance> https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2014/09/australian-government-scrambles-authorize-mass-surveillance> ------ David Goldstein email: <mailto:david at goldsteinreport.com> david at goldsteinreport.com web: <http://goldsteinreport.com/> http://goldsteinreport.com/ / <http://davidgoldstein.tel/> http://davidgoldstein.tel/ Twitter: <https://twitter.com/goldsteinreport> https://twitter.com/goldsteinreport phone: +61 418 228 605 - mobile; +61 2 9663 3430 - office/home "Every time you use fossil fuels, you're adding to the problem. Every time you forgo fossil fuels, you're being part of the solution" - Dr Tim Flannery -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... 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