[DNS] Telstra DNS redirection

[DNS] Telstra DNS redirection

From: Tony Owen <tony§seol.net.au>
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2009 14:06:45 +1030
I'm probably speaking out of turn here, but Bigpond are in a unique 
situation ...

I have asked the following questions of some Bigpond users, and below 
represents loosely their responses:

Q: Do you believe you get great pricing?
A: Probably not.

Q: Do you get a great service?
A: Not sure

Q: Do you get good support?
A: Laugh: from India ?

So, broadly .. I really don't think they will mind.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brett Fenton" <brett.fenton&#167;netregistry.com.au>
To: ".au DNS Discussion List" <dns&#167;dotau.org>
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: [DNS] Telstra DNS redirection

> Hi,
> Like I think I was correctly quoted as saying.
> A small number of technical people are going to be upset about this. The 
> rest
> of the world is going to be indifferent/ignorant.
> I think that's where we are at. I'm happy to be swayed, but I'm being
> agnostic, I need to see some real damage in the real world - Telsra 
> beaking
> their own service doesn't count!
> Past that it's an emotive issue (obviously) those passionately against it 
> are
> vocal. As I've also said I'm indifferent, I don't think it's good or bad. 
> So
> it's a bit pointless me debating with people who are pretty passionate 
> about
> it.
>> Hi Brett,
>> On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 2:11 AM, Brett Fenton
>> <brett.fenton&#167;netregistry.com.au> wrote:
>> > Rather than give me a list of hypothetical potential issues, this type 
>> > of
>> > service has been launched in other markets, Telstra unsuprisingly 
>> > aren't
>> > the first. Are there any real world incidents that are documented that
>> > show this as being a problem.
>> http://www.computerworld.com.au/article/317356/telstra_internet_outage_poin
>> ts_dns_failure
>> How about when they deployed it?
>> If they screwed up deployment so badly, why would upgrades be any
>>  different?
>> It is fairly late / early morning where I am (depending on your point
>> of view), but I'll respond to the
>> > I googled for 30 minutes and couldn't come up with anything.
>> I googled for 3 minutes but I was not able to determine whom the
>> technology provider in this case is -- if you were, then I am sure I
>> can follow the deployed locations to find other instances of problems
>> occurring in the real world.
>> Anand
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Received on Thu Nov 19 2009 - 19:36:45 UTC

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