[DNS] Autoreply: interesting article about the geographics

[DNS] Autoreply: interesting article about the geographics

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A LOCAL, virtually secret, version of the internet funded by Australian =

web users is an expensive flop. Anyone who has bought an ".au" internet =

address has contributed to the $1.7 million that the administrator auDA =

has spent on creating the Community Geographic Domain Name system.

Chaired by former federal Liberal Party president *Tony Staley*, the =

system aimed to foster community groups to craft a website specifically =

for their locality. But only 18 of the 22,000 available "community" =

names =97 0.07 per cent =97 have been registered, and board minutes show th=
e =

target number of sites to be reached by 2009 has been revised downwards, =

to 75.

Chief executive of internet hosting company Net Registry, *Larry Bloch*, =

quit the board of the administrator in part because of the establishment =

of the system. "It's completely pathetic =85 a monumental waste of cash," =

he said. "The way that auDA has embraced empire building is completely =

outside their brief as a regulator." The complicated process and poor =

internet access in some regional areas have turned off groups. Only 47 =

applications have been received since the launch in August last year. =

Fourteen communities have cancelled their applications, with two =

reapplying and three on hold.

Major sponsor Sensis, the company behind the Yellow Pages, has not =

revealed whether it will continue its sponsorship of the project. The =

system's general manager *Leonie Parkinson* defended the program, saying =

it was in its infancy. "There's only 3000 (localities) which have more =

than 200 people," she said. "And because there's only one name for each =

location, it's very important they are preserving it for the community.


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Received on Sat Oct 13 2007 - 01:38:27 UTC

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