[DNS] Australia registers more .au than .com domains

[DNS] Australia registers more .au than .com domains

From: Vic Cinc <vicc§cia.com.au>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 13:50:13 +1000
info&#167;enigmaticminds.com.au [info§enigmaticminds.com.au] wrote:
> The key issue with "opening up" .au for direct registration is the 
> "closing down" of all future 2LDs. It does not make sense to "open" one 
> new domain extension only to "close" the possibility of any other new 
> extensions in the future.

there is no requirement to close any 2lds in order to open .au

we have suggested that all .com.au are copied into .au for free for a renewal
cycle (2 years), owners can then decide during that perdiod if they want to keep both extensions,
sell one off or let one lapse.

given choice the market will decide for itself which extensions have the greatest value. 

and importantly this proposal maintains the value for registrants.

Received on Tue Jun 19 2007 - 03:50:13 UTC

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