[DNS] mail.com.au

[DNS] mail.com.au

From: David Jones <dj_david_jones§yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 03:44:48 +0100 (BST)
--- Bennett Oprysa <bennett&#167;enetica.com.au> wrote:

> > I was just noting that enetica obviously supports
> > domain monetisation and presumably includes it in
> it's business model
> yes we do

OK. Now I understand and can see how Vic wants to push
for a top level .au 

How is this new venture going?

I am tempted to sign up but didn't want to put my cc
details in an unsecure form. Can you fix that.

What happens if the domains don't generate any revenue
is there a penalty clause or additional fees involved.

Am I tied into a 2 year contract?

Oh well can't beat em join em. I suppose I had better
get the dictionary out.


Try the all-new Yahoo! Mail. "The New Version is radically easier to use" ? The Wall Street Journal 
Received on Thu Aug 17 2006 - 02:44:48 UTC

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