[DNS] .vn opens top level

[DNS] .vn opens top level

From: Vic Cinc <vicc§cia.com.au>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 09:13:23 +1000
oh david. you are just so far out on a limb now its not even funny.

where ever possible I base my beliefs on facts not gut feels. If you had 
bothered to listen to what I was saying at the auda conference
you might have picked up on that little point.

I dont remember mentioning the right to vote. nor do I remember stating I was 
pro democracy. democracy or mob rule is an evil concept where the majority 
can do whatever they like to a minority. this is why we choose republics over 
democracy, a republic as in the the constitutional limitation of government 
to impose that majority abuse.

but which perticular fact have I got wrong david? enlighten us.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Goldstein" <goldstein_david&#167;yahoo.com.au>
To: ".au DNS Discussion List" <dns&#167;dotau.org>
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 7:40 AM
Subject: Re: [DNS] .vn opens top level

> What crap Vic. Do you know anything of socialism or
> communism? Have you read any of Marx's writings? If
> you had of, one thing would have been bleeding obvious
> - universal suffrage is an integral part of
> socialism/communism.
> You're like Stephen Colbert, you know it's right
> because your gut tells you so, no matter what the
> facts say.
> David
> --- Vic Cinc <vicc&#167;cia.com.au> wrote:
>> greg,
>> no. the reds have moved to the right, making them
>> and our bleeding heart leftist friends
>> indistinguishable. the terms is the correct one to
>> use to describe the moonbats whos superficial
>> undersanding of the world predominates these kinds
>> of lists.
>> for your information both fascism and nazism are
>> both offshoots of socialist idealogy, both emerged
>> in the union movement, both are virulantly against
>> capitalism, in other words both are left wing.
>> soviets where internationalist commie and nazism
>> where nationalist commies. the correct term for
>> nazies was national socialist party. the common
>> preoccupation with nazies being far right is
>> communist propaganda. they where to the right of
>> soviets but are clearly to the left of democratic
>> capitalism.
>> I am libertarian, which means pro capitalism, and
>> pro freedom.
>> Vic
>>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>>   From: Greg Tenni
>>   To: .au DNS Discussion List
>>   Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 5:46 PM
>>   Subject: Re: [DNS] .vn opens top level
>>   For as long as fascist fools can't see past their
>> ideological baggage.
>>   Stick to the point, Vic. The reds got out from
>> under the bed 30 years ago.
>>   Time to build a bridge, comrade.
>>   Greg
>>   Vic Cinc wrote:
>> what a load of absolute crap. how much longer do we
>> have to endure
>> this kind of juvenile commie viewpoint?
>> Vic
>> Jason Backshall [jbackshall&#167;staff.iinet.net.au]
>> wrote:
>>   I suspect this would provide greater benefit to
>> the registrars, rather
>> than the internet community in general.
>> J.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> dns-bounces+jbackshall=staff.iinet.net.au&#167;dotau.org
> [mailto:dns-bounces+jbackshall=staff.iinet.net.au&#167;dotau.org]
>> On Behalf
>> Of Vic Cinc
>> Sent: Wednesday, 16 August 2006 11:51 AM
>> To: .au DNS Discussion List
>> Subject: [DNS] .vn opens top level
>> Vietnam offers top domain name on Internet
> http://www.thanhniennews.com/education/?catid=4&newsid=18868
>> even the commies are doing it, how long before .au
>> does it?
>> Vic
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