[DNS] *.com.au & *.au.com.au

[DNS] *.com.au & *.au.com.au

From: James Davis <james§tekscape-its.com>
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 23:41:51 +0800
> Anyway, you can see that not all the entities who have registered
> ccTLD.com.au are evil - just a few of them are.

I included the link to the email to auda from Steven Baxt regarding Domain 
Monetisation, as I found it just laughable that he is the owner of the two 
domains in question.

> If I am not mistaken you should be able to neutralise this on the Unix
> DNS side by specifiying the zones in question to be "delegation-only".

That was one of the first things we looked at, but it would have 
ramifications to other services so we had to rule it out.

> Another way to do this would be to setup the zones ccTLD.com.au and
> GTLD.com.au yourself and always return NXDOMAIN.

This is one option thats on the table at the moment. The other option is 
rolling out a small registry fix which will set the dns suffixes to the 
internal servers and avoid breaking anything, in combination with shutting 
down all external dns access and only allowing it through the proxy. Another 
option is XP SP2, which although is still a few weeks away from acceptance 
into production. - Again not a small job with over 10000 work stations and 
20 sites.

> That should be one of their primary considerations without requiring
> petitioning or anything else.

Well as you said, it SHOULD be their primary consideration, obviously not a 
lot of research was done on the ramifications of opening up this can of 
worms. If the domains had been used properly, fine, but it's a link portal, 
and it's using wildcarded DNS.
I'm just hoping auda, or the people responsible for this oversight might be 
willing to re-evaluate their position on opening up these domains.

Received on Mon Jul 24 2006 - 15:41:51 UTC

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