Check out for the most recent edition of the domain news, it's already online! The domain name news is supported by auDA. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Put Free Expression on the Internet Governance Forum Agenda by Milton Mueller Debating Internet Governance The End User: Adults only? Not so fast Unlikely bedfellows block internet porn xxx porn domain name has a quiet burial The Web: Arabic-language Internet *********** GOVERNANCE *********** Put Free Expression on the Internet Governance Forum Agenda by Milton Mueller The Internet Governance Project has joined free-expression advocacy organizations Reporters Without Borders and Article 19 to push for including Internet censorship and filtering problems on the agenda of the first meeting of the new Internet Governance Forum, a multistakeholder deliberation body created by the World Summit on the Information Society. Debating Internet Governance Yesterday on Slate Glenn Reynolds, Tim Wu, and Jack Goldsmith discussed their respective books on internet governance as part of Slate's Book Club. Glenn Reynolds authored "An Army of Davids" and Tim Wu and Jack Goldsmith recently published "Who Controls the Internet." **************** DOMAIN NAMES **************** The End User: Adults only? Not so fast When asked, my 6-year-old daughter strongly endorsed the idea of a separate space on the Internet for pornography. Unlikely bedfellows block internet porn A bid to create a virtual red light district on the internet has been blocked by a "coalition of the unwilling" consisting of unlikely bedfellows the United States, Australia and Iran. xxx porn domain name has a quiet burial Its tough going for ICANN which meets in Wellington this week. The two major issues that are set to dominate the agenda are DOS attacks and the creation of a red light zone for porn material on the Internet. WELLINGTON, New Zealand - Its tough going for ICANN, which meets in Wellington this week. The two major issues that are set to dominate the agenda are the denial of service attacks and the creation of a red light zone for porn material on the Internet.,7204,18653001%5e16123%5e%5enbv%5e,00.html,,2-10-1462_1908412,00.html;436012311;fp;16;fpid;0 .xxx domain could be canned A SPECIAL domain for sex websites has bitten the dust at an international meeting in New Zealand today, with Australia, the US and the European Union moving to kill off a proposal for ICANN to create a ".xxx" domain for pornography.,7204,18653001%5e15306%5e%5enbv%5e,00.html,20281,18653413-5001028,00.html Another delay for .xxx domain Plans to approve the creation of a controversial .xxx TLD at an ongoing meeting of ICANN in New Zealand have been dashed, according to reports. More NeXXXotiation by Bret Fausett The Board has approved a resolution authorizing ICANN Staff to continue negotiations with ICM Registry in accord with the advice received from the public (aka the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Government Advisory Committee). By the time these negotiations conclude, it will be about a year since the Board first authorized negotiations to begin. While the Board says that this does not mean that it will approve .XXX when a final agreement it presented, I find it hard to believe that they would expend such serious staff resources on a project that ultimately was going nowhere. My understanding is that .XXX already has the votes on the Board necessary to approve it. The end game is satisfying the critics that their concerns are being addressed. Web address row headed for court The global internet naming body ICANN met in Wellington on Thursday and rejected a request to reconsider its decision to award monopoly rights to an American company. Identity, ICANN, and Public Meetings By Bill Manning Ok, so I had a day in Wellington that was not busy with other things so I thought I'd wander over to the ICANN venue and sit in on the PUBLIC Forum... I saw friends on the walk over and we entered the venue, chatting about several different things. They pulled out their badges. I didn't have one. They were admitted, I was denied entrance. ICANN Tackles Future of Internet Amid brewing controversies, ICANN's 25th International meeting officially opened on Monday in Wellington, New Zealand. ICANN Posts Final Version of Strategic Plan after Wellington Consultation Revisions to the Strategic Plan recommended as a result of consultations at the ICANN Wellington meeting have been incorporated into the plan previously posted on 18 March 2006 (the previous version of the plan can be read at The entire consultation process can be reviewed at It has been posted today with a view to having the plan adopted at the Wellington meeting. The document will be translated into French and Spanish and posted in the near future. ICANN: SSAC Releases Report on Alternative TLD Name Systems and Root Name Services In this report, SSAC considers conditions and factors that could accelerate fragmentation, destabilize root name service and alter the existing name system management framework to a much greater degree than pure for-profit initiatives. We present a rudimentary classification of alternative root name server systems and alternative TLD name system administrators. For each class, we attempt to identify the stated or implied incentives for operating an alternative root name service and managing alternative TLDs. We describe the operational models and the technical mechanisms each class of operators employs to provide name resolution and registration services. We then consider the impact on Internet users and service providers, domain name registrants, and registries that operate under agreements with ICANN. ICANN: SSAC Releases Security Advisory for DNS Distributed Denial of Service Amplification Attacks In early February 2006, name servers hosting Top Level Domain zones were the repeated recipients of extraordinary heavy traffic loads. Analysis of traffic by TLD name server operators and security experts at large confirmed that DNS packets comprising the attack traffic exhibited characteristics associated with previously attempted DDoS attacks collectively known as amplification attacks. This advisory describes representative incidents, identifies the impacts, and recommends countermeasures that TLD name server operators can employ for immediate and long-term relief from the harmful effects of these attacks. ICANN Publishes Third Annual Update on the InterNIC Whois Data Problem Report System This Report summarizes ICANN's experience with the operation of the Whois Data Problem Report System (WDPRS) during a 12-month reporting period that ended 28 February 2006. ICANN developed this system to receive and track complaints about inaccurate or incomplete Whois data entries. Individuals who encounter such entries may notify ICANN by completing an online form, which is then forwarded to the registrar of record for appropriate action. The WDPRS is one of the tools that ICANN uses to improve the accuracy of Whois data. ICANN Posts Approved Resolutions from Wellington Board Meeting The Board Wave by Bret Fausett We had a really wonderful moment in the Board meeting just now. Susan Crawford tabled a thoughtful resolution providing the community with advance notice of a new gTLD process (look for applications on or about January 1, 2007), and the Board approved it unanimously by a wave. They stood up, in serial fashion, to show their agreement with the resolution. Nice to know they haven't lost their sense of humor after a long week of meetings. Vint Cerf/ICANN Pacific Ministers Meeting Three photos from Thursday's forum of 16 Pacific Communications Ministers, chaired by David Cunliffe. Thursday saw a visit to the Pacific forum by ICANN chair Dr Vint Cerf and ICANN CEO/President Dr Paul Twomey. Firms Kick-Start Secure Internet Domains Rollout The Internet Systems Consortium and UltraDNS Corp are hoping to kick-start the worldwide deployment of DNSSec, the domain name system security spec, following a 12-year standards process and in the face of political uncertainties. The Web: Arabic-language Internet The Egyptian Tourist Authority this week launched a new Website, but the domain name,, like all others in the Arab world, is in English, not Arabic. That may change in the coming years, however, experts tell United Press International's The Web column, as interest in Internet usage is growing in the Arab world, and authorities consider the creation of Internet addresses made up of Arabic alphabet characters, not just ones from the English language. A few parallel Internets A few months ago I had written a column on the "ownership" of the Internet. The issue is becoming active once again. People's Daily, regarded as the most influential newspaper in China, published an article announcing changes to the country's domain name system. China's moves to create its own domain system (a possible prelude to a new, country-specific, alternate root system). There was also buzz that Google might be looking to create its own Internet.,000200170001.htm Major website blackout blamed on massive attack Some of the world's most popular internet sites suffered blackouts on Tuesday following a co-ordinated and distributed online attack. Company websites hit by DNS DoS attacks Thousands of companies? websites have been hit as a result of denial of service attacks on their domain name registrar. ICANN frets over security threats ICANN has put security at the top of its discussion list for its latest gathering in New Zealand. A 'Grown-Up' Google Hires Lobbyists "It's sad," said Esther Dyson, editor of the technology newsletter Release 1.0 and former chairwoman of ICANN. "The kids are growing up. They've lost youth and innocence. Now they have to start being grown-ups and playing at least to some extent by grown-up rules." nu: On a tiny island, catchy Web name sparks a battle The arrival of the Internet brought a rare bit of good fortune to Niue, a tiny, impoverished island in the South Pacific. Its national Internet suffix, dot-nu, has become a big hit in Sweden, as "nu" means "now" in Swedish. An entrepreneur in Medfield, Mass., named Bill Semich, who acquired the rights to operate and sell the dot-nu domain name in the late 1990s, has plowed some of the profits from Sweden into making Niue (pronounced New-Ay) the world's first nation with free wireless Internet for all of its citizens, about 1,200 people. VeriSign Gets Boost From Domain Name Registration VeriSign's fiscal first quarter is tracking slightly better than expected, driven by an increase in domain name registrations that will contribute to revenue going forward, according to a report from research firm Piper Jaffray. uk: Don't lose domain name in the great internet scramble TIME is rapidly running out for Yorkshire firms to avoid paying "exorbitant" prices to register their own internet domain names, a Leeds-based lawyer has warned. us: Domain name gifts: Dot-com boon for charities When Tom Bird started receiving six-figure offers for his domain name,, the Massachusetts- based entrepreneur this month made an unlikely move: he donated the Internet address to the Boston Foundation. us: There's plenty in a domain name, RTA-related sites reveal It's a coincidence. Really. The owner of a marketing company hired to persuade county residents to vote for the Regional Transportation Authority's plan says he didn't intend to divert people from the opposition's Web site when he bought the rights to a nearly identical domain name. 500.000ste ".at"-Domain vergeben Insgesamt 500.000 Domains mit der ?sterreichischen Endung ".at" gibt es derzeit. N?chste Woche beginnt der gro?e Run auf die ".eu"-Domains. ICANN schmettert Antr?ge auf ?berpr?fung des .com-Vertrags ab Die Diskussion um die Frage, ob f?r pornografische Inhalte ein eigener Adressraum geschaffen werden sollte, um den Jugendschutz zu erleichtern, l?uft seit fast zehn Jahren. Fast schon schien sie ausgemacht - und droht nun wieder am Widerstand der USA zu scheitern.,1518,408762,00.html ICANN schmettert Antr?ge auf ?berpr?fung des .com-Vertrags ab Eine erneute interne ?berpr?fung der Vergabe der .com-Domain an VeriSign durch die ICANN wird es nicht geben. Das f?r solche internen ?berpr?fungen zust?ndige "Reconsideration"-Komitee des ICANN-Vorstands hat den Antrag der Registrare und eine Eingabe des fr?heren Chefs der ICANN General Assembly, Danny Younger, rundheraus abgeschmettert. Es wird erwartet dass der ICANN-Vorstand in seiner Sitzung am Freitag der Ablehnung folgt. Sobald das US-Handelsministerium zugestimmt hat, ist der Weg f?r VeriSign als Dauerbetreiber von .com frei. ICANN: Spam-Bek?mpfung und neue Top Level Domains Ein Abkommen internationaler Regierungen im Kampf gegen Spam h?lt der Neuseel?ndische Minister f?r Informationstechnologie, David Cunliffe, f?r notwendig. Cunliffe nannte zum Auftakt des Treffens der ICANN in der neuseel?ndischen Hauptstadt Wellington ein solches multilaterales Abkommen ein Beispiel f?r eine verbesserte multilaterale Zusammenarbeit in Fragen globaler Internetpolitik (Internet Governance). Neuseeland bereite augenblicklich ein Anti-Spam-Gesetz vor. "Wenn wir dieses Gesetz verabschiedet haben, werden wir uns f?r bilaterale, wechselseitige Ma?nahmen mit anderen L?ndern verst?ndigen", k?ndigte Cunliffe an. Ein multilaterales Abkommen gegen Spammer k?nnte die Ma?nahmen effektiver machen. ICANN testet internationale Top-Level-Domains Bereits seit geraumer Zeit k?nnen so genannte Second-Level-Domains auch international Sonderzeichen wie "?" oder "?" enthalten. Nun sollen auch die Top-Level-Domains international werden, so dass beispielsweise chinesische Domains komplett in Landessprache eingegeben werden k?nnen. Regierungsbeirat der Internet-Verwaltung zieht von Br?ssel nach New Delhi Das Sekretariat des Regierungsbeirats (Government Advisory Committee, GAC) der ICANN zieht bereits Ende Juni von Br?ssel nach New Delhi um. Das best?tigte sowohl das Br?sseler GAC-Sekretariat als auch das GAC selbst in einem Kommuniqu?, das heise online vorliegt. In der neuseel?ndischen Hauptstadt Wellington findet noch bis zum 31. M?rz das 25. ICANN-Treffen statt. Zwar berichten GAC-Mitglieder jetzt, dass die EU bereits 2005 angek?ndigt habe, die Sekretariatsaufgabe abgeben zu wollen, doch wirkt der nun bekannt gegebene ?bergabetermin ?berhastet. Offener Test f?r nicht-englische DNS-Adresszonen Die ICANN will einen offenen Test f?r verschiedene Konzepte starten, um chinesische, japanische, arabische oder andere nicht-englische Top Level Domains (TLD) umzusetzen, also vollst?ndig nicht-englischsprachige Adresszonen im Domain Name System zu erm?glichen. ICANNs Pr?sident Paul Twomey betonte in einem Pressegespr?ch beim ICANN-Treffen im neuseel?ndischen Wellington, die verschiedenen getesteten Konzepte w?rden auf keinen Fall im Anschluss direkt umgesetzt. Vielmehr sollen die testweise in die Rootzone des DNS eingetragenen nicht-englischen Adresszonen nach dem Test allesamt wieder gel?scht werden. ICANN schmettert Kritik an VeriSign-Vertrag ab Die ICANN h?lt an ihrer Entscheidung, die Verwaltung der Top-Level-Domain erneut an VeriSign zu vergeben, fest. Einige Registrare hatten den geplanten Vertrag scharf kritisiert, doch die ICANN schmetterte diese Kritik nun ab. ICANN-Chef w?hlt sich Schattenkabinett Ein hochrangiges Komitee soll k?nftig den Pr?sidenten der ICANN beraten. Beim Treffen der Internetverwaltung im neuseel?ndischen Wellington benannte Paul Twomey, CEO und Pr?sident der ICANN, die ersten Mitglieder dieses als "Strategie-Ausschuss des Pr?sidenten" vom ICANN-Vorstand im vergangenen Dezember bewilligten neuen Gremiums. Mit von der Partie sind Carl Bildt, ehemaliger schwedischer Premierminister und bereits fr?her als ICANN-Gutachter berufen, der ehemalige Bildungsminister von Mali, Adama Samassekou, und der lettische Diplomat Janis Karklins. Neue DNS-Adressen kommen im n?chsten Jahr Die ICANN will in K?rze eine Vorank?ndigung zur Einf?hrung neuer TLD ver?ffentlichen. Sp?testens am 1. Januar 2007 soll der Prozess f?r weitere neue Adresszonen starten. Die Vorank?ndigung soll interessierten Unternehmen ausreichend Zeit geben, konzeptionelle und finanzielle Vorbereitungen zu treffen, sagte ICANN-Mitglied Susan Crawford, die die Vorank?ndigung vorgeschlagen hatte und beim Wellingtoner Treffen des Vorstands am Freitag morgen erl?uterte. La chronique de Wellington - III La premi?re r?union ICANN de l'ann?e 2006 c'est cette semaine ? Wellington, en Nouvelle Z?lande. Pr?sent ? cette r?union aux antipodes, S?bastien Bachollet, pr?sident de l'Internet SOCiety France, nous en raconte les points forts. La chronique de Wellington - IV La premi?re r?union ICANN de l'ann?e 2006 c'est cette semaine ? Wellington, en Nouvelle Z?lande. Pr?sent ? cette r?union aux antipodes, S?bastien Bachollet, pr?sident de l'Internet SOCiety France, nous en raconte les points forts. Un soutien s?natorial pour le .XXX Deux s?nateurs am?ricains proposent une loi pour obliger les professionnels de la pornographie ? s'afficher en .XXX. Internet : une nouvelle croix sur le .XXX Les Etats-Unis viennent ? nouveau de faire pression sur l?Icann lors d?un sommet organis? par le gestionnaire des noms de domaine ? Wellington. C?est maintenant la troisi?me fois que le projet est report? ? une date ult?rieure, au grand d?sespoir de la firme canadienne ICM Registry ? qui l?ICANN avait confi? cette extension. La soci?t? a d?j? d?pens? 2,5 millions de dollars sur ce projet, ? fonds perdus, depuis cinq ans maintenant. Elle esp?re toujours pouvoir vendre 60 dollars chacune de ces extensions. C?est le d?partement du commerce qui aura eu une nouvelle fois raison du triple X, pouss?, estiment les critiques, par les lobbies ultraconservateurs am?ricains. ? Plusieurs gouvernements sont oppos?s ? la perspective de voir introduire le .XXX ? a d?clar? laconiquement l?ICANN. Dieci sfide per l'Icann Iniziati in Nuova Zelanda i lavori dai quali dovrebbe nascere il piano triennale dell'organizzazione. Molti i temi sul tavolo, incluso il supporto agli alfabeti nazionali.,1254,0_ART_69050,00.html Crescimento da Internet gera disputa por registro de dom?nio Com o uso de Internet explodindo, governos mundo afora, principalmente de pa?ses em desenvolvimento, est?o descobrindo o poder dos c?digos de seus pa?ses nos nomes de dom?nio, como s?o chamados os endere?os da Internet. Come?am a ver tais nomes como fonte de receita, uma forma de aumentar sua presen?a no ciberespa?o e como parte de sua soberania nacional - tal qual o sistema rodovi?rio ou a empresa de correios - que deve ser administrada como eles acharem melhor. Domain XXX Ditangguhkan Domaian .xxx yang ditujukan untuk melokalisasi situs porno kemungkinan besar tidak disetujui. Anggota-anggota komite penasehat dari pemerintah tidak menyetujui usulan tersebut pada pertemuan internasional ICANN di Selandia Baru. Tov?bb cs?szik az .xxx cs?cs?domain bevezet?se Kedvencekhez ad Az ICANN ?j-Z?landon megtartott legut?bbi konferenci?j?n sem sz?letett d?nt?s az erotikus tartalmakat elk?l?n?to cs?csdom?n ?gy?ben, amely ez?ttal is az Egyes?lt ?llamok ellen?ll?s?n bukott meg. Story on .xxx in Russian +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sources include Quicklinks <> and BNA Internet Law News <>. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (c) David Goldstein 2006 David Goldstein address: 4/3 Abbott Street COOGEE NSW 2034 AUSTRALIA email: Goldstein_David § phone: +61 418 228 605 - mobile; +61 2 9665 5773 - home ____________________________________________________ On Yahoo!7 Answers: Real people ask and answer questions on any topic. on Fri Apr 07 2006 - 07:50:27 UTC
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