+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Check out http://auda.org.au/domain-news/dn-news for the latest domain news. By close of business 28 March Melbourne time, a more recent edition of the news should be posted to the auDA web site. The domain name news is supported by auDA. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Is the US practicing Internet imperialism? http://americasnetwork.com/americasnetwork/article/articleDetail.jsp?id=313994 ICANN-UN debate comes to Wellington http://computerworld.co.nz/news.nsf/UNID/44D83EC29A6A713FCC257133007EDC19 nz: Support for internet red light zone http://tvnz.co.nz/view/page/488120/684404 auDA wants input on domain rules http://zdnet.com.au/news/communications/soa/auDA_wants_input_on_domain_rules/0,2000061791,39247511,00.htm au: Spoof PM site caught in crossfire http://smh.com.au/news/breaking/howard-spoof-site-caught-in-crossfire/2006/03/22/1142703433900.html CIRA Suspends Participation in ICANN http://www.circleid.com/posts/cira_suspends_participation_in_icann/ ICANN Creates Area on Universal Acceptance of TLDs http://www.circleid.com/posts/icann_on_universal_acceptance_of_tlds/ ICANN Posts Draft of Final Version of Strategic Plan http://www.circleid.com/posts/icann_posts_draft_of_final_strategic_plan/ Denial of service attacks a worry, says VeriSign http://computerweekly.com/Feeds/RS/Articles/2006/03/22/214951/Denialofserviceattacksaworry,saysVeriSign.htm *********** GOVERNANCE *********** Is the US practicing Internet imperialism? The Internet, like the moon or Antarctica, is supposed to be above the control of any individual government. But some other countries, including China and Brazil, say US influence over the international Internet address system is out of keeping with that idea and they have some valid concerns. http://americasnetwork.com/americasnetwork/article/articleDetail.jsp?id=313994 ICANN-UN debate comes to Wellington Discussions on internet governance can be expected to form a significant part of the ICANN deliberations in Wellington. The governance issue first emerged into prominence at the preparatory meetings for the first World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva in 2003. http://computerworld.co.nz/news.nsf/UNID/44D83EC29A6A713FCC257133007EDC19 Go Digital: Your digital world In this the final edition of Go Digital we discuss the progress of the UN's plan to connect every village in the world to the internet by 2015. As a counterpoint we speak to someone who thinks the expansion of digital technology should all be left in the hands of the free market. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/1478157.stm **************** DOMAIN NAMES **************** au: auDA seeks public?s opinion on domain monetisation (news release) auDA announces the release of an issues paper that asks for public comment on whether or not domain monetisation should be included within the meaning of auDA?s "close and substantial connection" rule. http://auda.org.au/news.php?newsid=54 auDA wants input on domain rules Australia's domain name administrator today called for public comment on the practice of registering large numbers of domain names for the purpose of selling click-through advertising. http://zdnet.com.au/news/communications/soa/auDA_wants_input_on_domain_rules/0,2000061791,39247511,00.htm au: Spoof PM site caught in crossfire The fate of a spoof John Howard website created as an act of satire remains in limbo as the organisations involved in its closure attempt to justify why it was blocked without any consultation with its creator. http://smh.com.au/news/breaking/howard-spoof-site-caught-in-crossfire/2006/03/22/1142703433900.html http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/03/20/oz_satire_site/ CIRA Suspends Participation in ICANN The Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) has issued a public letter to ICANN calling on the organization to follow accountable, transparent, and fair processes. Until the concerns are addressed, CIRA says it is suspending its voluntary contributions to ICANN http://www.circleid.com/posts/cira_suspends_participation_in_icann/ http://computerwire.com/industries/research/?pid=6C0EA323%2D8CB9%2D4760%2D928E%2D6D375672ECDB ICANN do IT in Wellington (news release) >From March 27-31, InternetNZ is hosting ICANN Wellington. This is big: There are 700+ delegates from around the globe attending ICANN Wellington; 90 governments from Congo to the Cayman Islands are represented. http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/SC0603/S00044.htm ICANN Meeting: The Road to Wellington by Susan Crawford What would it take for this upcoming meeting to be a success? I am a big believer in ICANN?s core principles, and in the forum it provides for private self-governance of domain names and numbers. I think the ICANN model continues to have great potential as a form of governance. For this meeting to be a success for me, personally, I?d like to see those core principles made more visibly operational?or at least see a start made on this effort. I?m putting a stake in the ground with these posts, and we?ll see whether progress happens or not. http://www.circleid.com/posts/icann_meeting_the_road_to_wellington/ ICANN Creates Area on Universal Acceptance of TLDs ICANN creates area on universal acceptance of TLDs in order for the full resources of the Internet to be available to all users globally, service and application providers must make use of the complete range of TLDs. To promote accessibility of up-to-date TLD information, ICANN is making available a new page of resources related to this topic. http://www.circleid.com/posts/icann_on_universal_acceptance_of_tlds/ ICANN Posts Draft of Final Version of Strategic Plan Development of the July 2006 to June 2009 strategic plan began at the ICANN meeting in Luxembourg in July 2005 and has included extensive consultation with the community through small group workshops in English, French and Spanish, workshops with Supporting Organizations and Advisory committees, public forums at ICANN meetings and public forums on the ICANN website. http://www.circleid.com/posts/icann_posts_draft_of_final_strategic_plan/ ICANN Posts Proposed Version of Annual Operating Plan for Review and Comment ICANN today posted a draft version of the 2006-07 annual Operating Plan, comprised of projects to be undertaken in order to achieve the goals set out in ICANN's Strategic Plan. Feedback on the plan will be gathered during consultative sessions during the Wellington meeting and thereafter. ICANN will then post a plan in accordance with the comment received. http://icann.org/announcements/announcement-21mar06.htm ICANN Creates Area on Universal Acceptance of TLDs In order for the full resources of the Internet to be available to all users globally, service and application providers must make use of the complete range of top-level domains (TLDs). To promote accessibility of up-to-date TLD information, ICANN is making available a new page of resources related to this topic. http://icann.org/announcements/announcement-20mar06.htm It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad ICANN by Bret Fausett Every once in a while, ICANN pushes so far past the limits of acceptable decision-making processes that the only suitable response becomes satire. Here are three recent examples: http://blog.lextext.com/blog/_archives/2006/3/20/1830779.html CFIT Updates ICANN Complaint The Coalition for ICANN Transparency announced this week that it has filed an amended complaint in the US District Court in San Jose. http://www.thewhir.com/marketwatch/032006_CFIT_Updates_ICANN_Complaint.cfm US Senate restarts .XXX debate Plans to force creators of content that features 'lewd exhibition of the genitals' into an Internet red-light zone have been proposed by two US Democratic senators http://news.zdnet.co.uk/internet/0,39020369,39258374,00.htm http://itvibe.com/news/3986/ http://dmeurope.com/default.asp?ArticleID=14318 .xxx tag ignores porno problems INTERNET domain name regulation is a clandestine world. The modern-day equivalents of money trees, not-for-profit regulators largely operate free from government intervention and accountability. http://smh.com.au/news/technology/xxx-tag-ignores-porno-problems/2006/03/20/1142703275024.html nz: Support for internet red light zone A proposal for an internet red light zone has won the cautious approval of local internet groups. http://tvnz.co.nz/view/page/488120/684404 us: Family & Porn Groups Team Up To Kill Bill When ICANN lacked the fortitude to withstand the flurry of protestations against the proposed .xxx domain for pornographic websites, two U.S. Senators took up the cause proposing not just the domain's creation but also a .com eviction notice. http://webpronews.com/topnews/topnews/wpn-60-20060320FamilyPornGroupsTeamUpToKillBill.html Denial of service attacks a worry, says VeriSign VeriSign has warned of potential chaos caused by new dangerous types of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. http://computerweekly.com/Feeds/RS/Articles/2006/03/22/214951/Denialofserviceattacksaworry,saysVeriSign.htm Report on DNS Amplification Attacks In this newly released paper Randal Vaughn and Gadi Evron discuss the threat of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks using recursive DNS name servers open to the world. The study is based on case studies of several attacked ISPs reported to have on a volume of 2.8Gbps. One reported event indicated attacks reaching as high as 10Gbps and used as many as 140,000 exploited name servers. http://www.circleid.com/posts/report_on_dns_amplification_attacks/ us: City lets Web site domain name expire Dyersburg's city Web site, cityofdyersburg.org, expired from the Internet's domain registration on March 10 before it was renewed on March 16. http://www.stategazette.com/story/1144613.html Ireland to implement ENUM contact directory Ireland is to be the third country in the EU to implement an ENUM contact directory, but the opt-in system may be weakened by low participation among consumers. http://electricnews.net/frontpage/news-9675964.html CIRA dreht ICANN den Geldhahn ab Die "Canadian Internet Registry Authority" (CIRA), verantwortlich f?r die Verwaltung der country code Top Level Domain .ca, verweigert die weitere Zusammenarbeit mit der Internet-Verwaltung ICANN. http://www.intern.de/news/7790.html http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/71050 ?Qui?n es qui?n en el .cat? Grupos independentistas y pancatalanistas se encuentran tras la Fundaci?n que ha creado el nuevo dominio de Internet http://www.elmundo-eldia.com/2006/03/23/illes_balears/1143068403.html Ciberespeculadores se har?n con la mayor?a de los dominios ".eu" disponibles El 7 de Abril comienza el libre registro de dominios ".EU" d?ndose por finalizado el llamado "sunrise period". A partir de esta fecha cualquier persona o sociedad podr? hacerse con la propiedad de un dominio que se encuentre libre y las artima?as para hacerse con los m?s llamativos ya se han puesto en marcha con la complicidad del registrador EURID http://www.latinoamericann.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1239&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0 Un soutien s?natorial pour le .XXX Deux s?nateurs am?ricains proposent une loi pour obliger les professionnels de la pornographie ? s'afficher en .XXX. http://domaines.info/vie_extensions.php?vde_id=875 Des pr?cisions sur les nouvelles extensions chinoises L'arriv?e de trois extensions chinoises provoque un certain malaise eu sein de la communaut? du nommage. Pourtant, les extensions en question existent depuis deux ans. D?codage. http://domaines.info/vie_extensions.php?vde_id=862 Un domaine pour la Bretagne "Un domaine pour la Bretagne !", telle est la revendication de l?association PointBZH. Celle-ci propose une p?tition en ligne afin que l'AFNIC et l'ICANN, organismes charg?s de r?guler les extensions Internet, entendent sa requ?te : la cr?ation de l?extension .bzh (pour Breizh). http://www.journaldunet.com/breve/france/1699/un-domaine-pour-la-bretagne.shtml La France, 2?me en nombre de .EU actifs Avec pr?s de 3 000 noms de domaine en .EU d?j? actifs, la France devient le deuxi?me pays d'Europe en volume de .EU d'ores et d?j? exploitables par leurs propri?taires. http://domaines.info/vie_extensions.php?vde_id=881&z=100 Is the US practicing Internet imperialism? http://americasnetwork.com/americasnetwork/article/articleDetail.jsp?id=313994 ICANN-UN debate comes to Wellington http://computerworld.co.nz/news.nsf/UNID/44D83EC29A6A713FCC257133007EDC19 nz: Support for internet red light zone http://tvnz.co.nz/view/page/488120/684404 auDA wants input on domain rules http://zdnet.com.au/news/communications/soa/auDA_wants_input_on_domain_rules/0,2000061791,39247511,00.htm au: Spoof PM site caught in crossfire http://smh.com.au/news/breaking/howard-spoof-site-caught-in-crossfire/2006/03/22/1142703433900.html CIRA Suspends Participation in ICANN http://www.circleid.com/posts/cira_suspends_participation_in_icann/ ICANN Creates Area on Universal Acceptance of TLDs http://www.circleid.com/posts/icann_on_universal_acceptance_of_tlds/ ICANN Posts Draft of Final Version of Strategic Plan http://www.circleid.com/posts/icann_posts_draft_of_final_strategic_plan/ Denial of service attacks a worry, says VeriSign http://computerweekly.com/Feeds/RS/Articles/2006/03/22/214951/Denialofserviceattacksaworry,saysVeriSign.htm *********** GOVERNANCE *********** Is the US practicing Internet imperialism? The Internet, like the moon or Antarctica, is supposed to be above the control of any individual government. But some other countries, including China and Brazil, say US influence over the international Internet address system is out of keeping with that idea and they have some valid concerns. http://americasnetwork.com/americasnetwork/article/articleDetail.jsp?id=313994 ICANN-UN debate comes to Wellington Discussions on internet governance can be expected to form a significant part of the ICANN deliberations in Wellington. The governance issue first emerged into prominence at the preparatory meetings for the first World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva in 2003. http://computerworld.co.nz/news.nsf/UNID/44D83EC29A6A713FCC257133007EDC19 Go Digital: Your digital world In this the final edition of Go Digital we discuss the progress of the UN's plan to connect every village in the world to the internet by 2015. As a counterpoint we speak to someone who thinks the expansion of digital technology should all be left in the hands of the free market. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/1478157.stm **************** DOMAIN NAMES **************** au: auDA seeks public?s opinion on domain monetisation (news release) auDA announces the release of an issues paper that asks for public comment on whether or not domain monetisation should be included within the meaning of auDA?s "close and substantial connection" rule. http://auda.org.au/news.php?newsid=54 auDA wants input on domain rules Australia's domain name administrator today called for public comment on the practice of registering large numbers of domain names for the purpose of selling click-through advertising. http://zdnet.com.au/news/communications/soa/auDA_wants_input_on_domain_rules/0,2000061791,39247511,00.htm au: Spoof PM site caught in crossfire The fate of a spoof John Howard website created as an act of satire remains in limbo as the organisations involved in its closure attempt to justify why it was blocked without any consultation with its creator. http://smh.com.au/news/breaking/howard-spoof-site-caught-in-crossfire/2006/03/22/1142703433900.html http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/03/20/oz_satire_site/ CIRA Suspends Participation in ICANN The Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) has issued a public letter to ICANN calling on the organization to follow accountable, transparent, and fair processes. Until the concerns are addressed, CIRA says it is suspending its voluntary contributions to ICANN http://www.circleid.com/posts/cira_suspends_participation_in_icann/ http://computerwire.com/industries/research/?pid=6C0EA323%2D8CB9%2D4760%2D928E%2D6D375672ECDB ICANN do IT in Wellington (news release) >From March 27-31, InternetNZ is hosting ICANN Wellington. This is big: There are 700+ delegates from around the globe attending ICANN Wellington; 90 governments from Congo to the Cayman Islands are represented. http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/SC0603/S00044.htm ICANN Meeting: The Road to Wellington by Susan Crawford What would it take for this upcoming meeting to be a success? I am a big believer in ICANN?s core principles, and in the forum it provides for private self-governance of domain names and numbers. I think the ICANN model continues to have great potential as a form of governance. For this meeting to be a success for me, personally, I?d like to see those core principles made more visibly operational?or at least see a start made on this effort. I?m putting a stake in the ground with these posts, and we?ll see whether progress happens or not. http://www.circleid.com/posts/icann_meeting_the_road_to_wellington/ ICANN Creates Area on Universal Acceptance of TLDs ICANN creates area on universal acceptance of TLDs in order for the full resources of the Internet to be available to all users globally, service and application providers must make use of the complete range of TLDs. To promote accessibility of up-to-date TLD information, ICANN is making available a new page of resources related to this topic. http://www.circleid.com/posts/icann_on_universal_acceptance_of_tlds/ ICANN Posts Draft of Final Version of Strategic Plan Development of the July 2006 to June 2009 strategic plan began at the ICANN meeting in Luxembourg in July 2005 and has included extensive consultation with the community through small group workshops in English, French and Spanish, workshops with Supporting Organizations and Advisory committees, public forums at ICANN meetings and public forums on the ICANN website. http://www.circleid.com/posts/icann_posts_draft_of_final_strategic_plan/ ICANN Posts Proposed Version of Annual Operating Plan for Review and Comment ICANN today posted a draft version of the 2006-07 annual Operating Plan, comprised of projects to be undertaken in order to achieve the goals set out in ICANN's Strategic Plan. Feedback on the plan will be gathered during consultative sessions during the Wellington meeting and thereafter. ICANN will then post a plan in accordance with the comment received. http://icann.org/announcements/announcement-21mar06.htm ICANN Creates Area on Universal Acceptance of TLDs In order for the full resources of the Internet to be available to all users globally, service and application providers must make use of the complete range of top-level domains (TLDs). To promote accessibility of up-to-date TLD information, ICANN is making available a new page of resources related to this topic. http://icann.org/announcements/announcement-20mar06.htm It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad ICANN by Bret Fausett Every once in a while, ICANN pushes so far past the limits of acceptable decision-making processes that the only suitable response becomes satire. Here are three recent examples: http://blog.lextext.com/blog/_archives/2006/3/20/1830779.html CFIT Updates ICANN Complaint The Coalition for ICANN Transparency announced this week that it has filed an amended complaint in the US District Court in San Jose. http://www.thewhir.com/marketwatch/032006_CFIT_Updates_ICANN_Complaint.cfm US Senate restarts .XXX debate Plans to force creators of content that features 'lewd exhibition of the genitals' into an Internet red-light zone have been proposed by two US Democratic senators http://news.zdnet.co.uk/internet/0,39020369,39258374,00.htm http://itvibe.com/news/3986/ http://dmeurope.com/default.asp?ArticleID=14318 .xxx tag ignores porno problems INTERNET domain name regulation is a clandestine world. The modern-day equivalents of money trees, not-for-profit regulators largely operate free from government intervention and accountability. http://smh.com.au/news/technology/xxx-tag-ignores-porno-problems/2006/03/20/1142703275024.html nz: Support for internet red light zone A proposal for an internet red light zone has won the cautious approval of local internet groups. http://tvnz.co.nz/view/page/488120/684404 us: Family & Porn Groups Team Up To Kill Bill When ICANN lacked the fortitude to withstand the flurry of protestations against the proposed .xxx domain for pornographic websites, two U.S. Senators took up the cause proposing not just the domain's creation but also a .com eviction notice. http://webpronews.com/topnews/topnews/wpn-60-20060320FamilyPornGroupsTeamUpToKillBill.html Denial of service attacks a worry, says VeriSign VeriSign has warned of potential chaos caused by new dangerous types of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. http://computerweekly.com/Feeds/RS/Articles/2006/03/22/214951/Denialofserviceattacksaworry,saysVeriSign.htm Report on DNS Amplification Attacks In this newly released paper Randal Vaughn and Gadi Evron discuss the threat of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks using recursive DNS name servers open to the world. The study is based on case studies of several attacked ISPs reported to have on a volume of 2.8Gbps. One reported event indicated attacks reaching as high as 10Gbps and used as many as 140,000 exploited name servers. http://www.circleid.com/posts/report_on_dns_amplification_attacks/ us: City lets Web site domain name expire Dyersburg's city Web site, cityofdyersburg.org, expired from the Internet's domain registration on March 10 before it was renewed on March 16. http://www.stategazette.com/story/1144613.html Ireland to implement ENUM contact directory Ireland is to be the third country in the EU to implement an ENUM contact directory, but the opt-in system may be weakened by low participation among consumers. http://electricnews.net/frontpage/news-9675964.html *************************** CYBERCRIME, CYBERSECURITY AND PRIVACY *************************** au: Charges over web death threat A Central Coast high school student has been accused of making death threats to two teachers and a 14-year-old girl over the internet. http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2006/03/24/1143083951297.html uk: Warning to chatroom users after libel award for man labelled a Nazi A political argument that erupted in a remote corner of cyberspace and descended into vicious name-calling could lead to a spate of libel actions by contributors to internet message boards, the man at the centre of the case claimed yesterday. http://technology.guardian.co.uk/news/story/0,,1737444,00.html uk: Net defamation suit leads to libel award Michael Keith Smith of the U.K. Independence Party has become the latest person to win substantial damages after being defamed on the Internet. http://news.com.com/Net+defamation+suit+leads+to+libel+award/2100-1030_3-6053070.html us: Big Crackdown on Child Pornography A new battle line has been drawn in the fight against child pornography. The word from the federal prosecutor in Detroit is: no plea deals, and maximum sentences. http://www.detnow.com/wxyz/nw_local_news/article/0,2132,WXYZ_15924_4567241,00.html us: Four men charged in Nigeria e-mail scam A quartet of suspected e-mail scammers -- three of them Nigerian citizens -- could face scores of years in prison if convicted on fraud and conspiracy charges, the US Justice Department said on Thursday. http://zdnet.com.au/news/security/soa/Four_men_charged_in_Nigeria_e_mail_scam/0,2000061744,39247806,00.htm ************************** GOVERNMENT & PUBLIC POLICY ************************** New FEC Rules Would Regulate Paid Web Ads The Federal Election Commission proposed new rules Friday that would leave almost all Internet political activity unregulated. The proposal would, however, require paid advertisements for federal candidates on the Internet to be paid for with money regulated by federal campaign law. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/F/FEC_INTERNET us: Election commission takes light touch with Net regs The Internet's freewheeling days as a place exempt from the heavy hand of federal election laws are about to end. http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9595_22-6053986.html ***************************** INTERNET & NEW TECHNOLOGY USE ***************************** People use Internet to satisfy other addictions In regards to the story on March 9 about "Internet addiction" ("Internet addiction affects some students"), it seems that we are treating the wrong disorder. The story presents us with the fact that the Internet (in this "addiction" context) is usually just a means to an end. http://www.purdueexponent.org/index.php/module/Issue/action/Article/article_id/3373 eu: Television is going Mobile - and needs a pan European policy approach Sppech by Viviane Reding, Member of the European Commission responsible for Information Society and Media. International CeBIT Summit, Hannover, Germany, 8 March 2006. http://europa.eu.int/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=SPEECH/06/157&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sources include Quicklinks <http://qlinks.net/> and BNA Internet Law News <http://www.bna.com/ilaw/>. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (c) David Goldstein 2006 Send instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger.yahoo.comReceived on Mon Mar 27 2006 - 05:16:03 UTC
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