[DNS] Australia's luckiest man?

[DNS] Australia's luckiest man?

From: magic2147&#167;optushome.com.au <(magic2147§optushome.com.au)>
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2005 14:58:55 +1000
On 13 Oct 2005 at 14:13, Graham Miller wrote:

> Perhaps we should be asking which registrar is allowing this bulk generic
> name purchasing from one person. Unless he is using all of them to avoid the
> normal traps that would flag such activity.

I am sure Bennett would confirm that the registrant is intending to create a number of internet 
portals or some such and that he is using the same "stringent review" process as he applied 
a couple of years ago or so to a domain registered to a deregistered company transferred to 
him whilst the domain was the subject of a review by the original registrar by a person who 
had use of the registrant's emails.

Isn't that right Bennett? Or is it a case of "I rely entirely on the warranty of the registrant". 
Either way Pontius Pilate was a tyro.

Of course auDA sat on their hands during that rort as I am sure they will in regard to this one.

Received on Thu Oct 13 2005 - 04:58:55 UTC

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