[DNS] Timefortherulestochangeregardingtransferringdomainnamelicences

[DNS] Timefortherulestochangeregardingtransferringdomainnamelicences

From: Dassa <dassa§dhs.org>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 21:19:55 +1000
|> -----Original Message-----
|> From: dns-bounces+dassa=dhs.org&#167;dotau.org 
|> [mailto:dns-bounces+dassa=dhs.org&#167;dotau.org] On Behalf Of 
|> Kirk Fletcher
|> Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 8:13 AM
|> To: .au DNS Discussion List
|> Subject: Re: 
|> [DNS]Timefortherulestochangeregardingtransferringdomainnamelicences
|> "Dassa" wrote:
|> > 
|> > It is a can of worms, especially when discussing general 
|> conditions 
|> > and issues without specifics.
|> Actually, I think it also gets "wormy" when we do discuss 
|> specifics - such as pricing restrictions, etc... but you're 
|> right.  It's obvious many of us simply disagree on a 
|> fundamental level.
|> This was Bruce's suggestion, which seems to have been lost in the
|> flood:
|> Replace section 3.1 with:
|> "A registrant may transfer their domain name licence to a 
|> proposed new registrant if the proposed new registrant is 
|> eligible to hold the domain name according to the relevant 
|> eligibility and allocation rules;"
|> Regards,
|> Kirk
|> Here's the full details of Bruce's proposed changes:
|> From: http://www.auda.org.au/policies/auda-2004-03/

I'd suggest Bruce or others add to the proposed text for the policy so that
the rest of the policy that relates to the proposed article to be replaced is
also adjusted when the final proposal goes to AuDA.  There are a few articles
left hanging if just 3.1 is replaced.

Perhaps a full suggested replacement policy could be written and placed up
somewhere so that we could look at it and make suggestions?

Personally I'd most likely make a submission against such a simple change
although it is more palatable than having open slather transfers.  I would
prefer to see some other suggestions incorporated such as the mentioned time
limitation on the transfers.

To me the current policy is a fairly good one but I can see that others would
like to see change.  Everyone has the right to be heard and to have their
submissions given every consideration.  I might not agree with the proposals
put forward but I do respect the right for them to be discussed and put up.

Darryl (Dassa) Lynch 
Received on Thu Sep 29 2005 - 11:19:55 UTC

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