RE: [DNS] domain names

RE: [DNS] domain names

From: Adrian Kinderis <adrian§>
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2004 09:38:06 +1000
And my typing is so very bad this early... sorry for the terrible

Adrian Kinderis
Managing Director - Sales and Marketing
AusRegistry Pty Ltd
Level 6, 10 Queens Road
Melbourne. Victoria Australia. 3004
Ph:  +61 3 9866 3710
Fax: +61 3 9866 1970
Email: adriank&#167;

-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian Kinderis 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 9:34 AM
To: dns&#167;
Subject: RE: [DNS] domain names

Ron et al,

Actually AusRegistry registered a heap of names, quite legitimately, at
"go live" for its staff and associates. was one of these
names. Namescout was our Registrar of choice then, and they mistakenly
entered our information.

It is in the process of being rectified (while we transfer them).

Go to for everything The is
even a tutorial at 

While we are on topic, we have been very please with the continued
ongoing response of We are seeing a large number of names being
renewed and a high conversion rate of "promotional" names to "paid up"


Adrian Kinderis
Managing Director - Sales and Marketing
AusRegistry Pty Ltd
Level 6, 10 Queens Road
Melbourne. Victoria Australia. 3004
Ph:  +61 3 9866 3710
Fax: +61 3 9866 1970
Email: adriank&#167;

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Stark [mailto:ronstark&#167;] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 6:26 AM
To: dns&#167;
Subject: RE: [DNS] domain names

What prompted the question is that in the process of looking for name
availablility, I came across, which doesn't seem to
with any recognisable policy.

The registrant is listed as Adrian Kinderis, which looks a bit odd.
shows the contact name is shown as Mark Sinclair.  Strange.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Smith [mailto:smithi&#167;] 
> Sent: Tuesday, 8 June 2004 3:45 AM
> To: Ron Stark
> Cc: dns&#167;
> Subject: Re: [DNS] domain names
> On Mon, 7 Jun 2004, Ron Stark wrote:
>  > Not having supplied any before, I'm curious as to the 
> policy for qualifying  > for a domain name.  Is it an 
> exact match of registrant's name, the  > registrant's contact 
> name, or either.
> Not having registered one before, I was curious too, so 
> checked the AuDA site, as you do.
> <aside> 'Web Standards' having broken once perfectly good 
> HTML with M$ 'older browser obsolescence enforcement 
> scripting' </aside> .. I was still able to find the policies 
> index page and eligibility criteria :)
> When would a registrant's name differ from his or her contact 
> name, when only individual aussie residents are eligible for 
> an
>  > Can it also be like the domains, a derivative of 
> either the  > registrant's or contact's name?
> A nickname even, as you'll have found by now I expect.  Some 
> registrars run too clever by half code auto-suggesting a 
> small pile of variations, some quite amusing.  Not that we 
> have open slather, of course :) 
> But again Ron, who might be the registrant for one, but oneself?
> Cheers, Ian
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