Re: [DNS] Consumer Alert

Re: [DNS] Consumer Alert

From: Deus Ex Machina <vicc§>
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2003 17:23:23 +1100

Nicholas Bolton [nick&#167;] wrote:
> Vic,
> By auDA definition uregister are not a .au reseller of Bottle Domains.   
> They have chosen not to participate in our reseller program, nor have  
> they agreed to our reseller terms and conditions.

nevertheless they have access to your reseller system? surely they are a reseller
in the common sense of the word? so are you claiming they have registered less then 10 domains?

> If auDA requests that all registrars restrict the sale of .au domains  
> to this entity, then of course we will honour our registrar  
> responsibilities.

so what action will you be taking against uregister? are you saying
you will quietly pocket all money they send your way or are you prepared to shut down
whatever access they have to your reseller system?

what about your responsiblity to the misguided registrants whose transfers
you are profiting from? will you be returning any monies relating to the auda
consumer alert? if not what action will you be taking in relation to the consumer alert?

what action will you be taking to prevent uregister from "temporarily" modifying
registrant details to self-authorise transfers? how many such self-authorised
transfers have taken place?

Received on Fri Oct 03 2003 - 00:00:00 UTC

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