auDA CONSUMER ALERT NetRegister letter contains incorrect information Registrants of domain names may have recently received a letter from "NetRegister" about Internet Name Group (ING) going out of business. This letter contains statements that are inaccurate and may mislead registrants. "NetRegister" is a business name registered to Internet Registry Pty Ltd. This company has been the subject of a previous auDA Consumer Alert (see Neither "NetRegister" nor Internet Registry Pty Ltd have any connection whatsoever with auDA accredited registrar NetRegistry Pty Ltd. In auDA's view, the "NetRegister" letter may mislead registrants in various ways, including by implying that ING was a registrar and that many domain names have already expired or are about to. In particular, auDA is concerned that the letter implies that registrants are in danger of losing their domain name. This is NOT TRUE. 1. If registrants were not customers of ING The information contained in the "NetRegister" letter is of no relevance and should be discarded. 2. If registrants were customers of ING These registrants should read "Internet Name Group - Information for Domain Name Registrants" on auDA's website at For further information, contact auDA by emailing info§ on Fri Oct 03 2003 - 00:00:00 UTC
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