Being a professional - CODE of ETHICS

Being a professional - CODE of ETHICS

From: Sylvester Max <maxs§>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 14:44:26 +1100
Below is something that i think all members of this group should read! It
was cut and pasted from:

This industry needs a similar code and it needs to be enforced and rights to
register domain names withdrawn for non-compliance!!! 

Does anyone know if such a code exists????


4. Code of Ethics 

4.1 To uphold and advance the honour, dignity and effectiveness of the
profession of information technology and in keeping with high standards of
competence and ethical conduct, a member must: 
be honest, forthright and impartial, and 
loyally serve the community, and 
strive to increase the competence and prestige of the profession, and 
use special knowledge and skill for the advancement of human welfare. 
4.2 The personal commitments set out in NR4.3 and NR4.4 bind each member
with regard to that member's professional conduct. 
 4.3 Values and Ideals: I must act with professional responsibility and
integrity in my dealings with the community and clients, employers,
employees and students. I acknowledge: 

4.3.1 Priorities: I must place the interests of the community above those of
personal or sectional interests. 
 4.3.2 Competence: I must work competently and diligently for my clients and

 4.3.3 Honesty: I must be honest in my representations of skills, knowledge,
services and products. 

 4.3.4 Social Implications: I must strive to enhance the quality of life of
those affected by my work. 

 4.3.5 Professional Development: I must enhance my own professional
development, and that of my colleagues, employees and students. 

 4.3.6 Information Technology Profession: I must enhance the integrity of
the information technology profession and the respect of its members for
each other. 

4.4 Standards of Conduct 
The standards of conduct set out in these National Regulations explain how
the Code of Ethics applies to a member's professional work. The list of
standards is not necessarily exhaustive and should not be read as
definitively demarking the acceptable from the unacceptable in professional
conduct in all practical situations faced by a member. The intention of the
standards of conduct is to illustrate, and to explain in more detail, the
meaning of the Code of Ethics in terms of specific behaviour. The fact that
a member engages in, or does not engage in, these standards does not of
itself guarantee that a member is acting ethically, or unethically, as
applicable. A member is expected to take into account the spirit of the Code
of Ethics in order to resolve ambiguous or contentious issues concerning
ethical conduct. 
4.5 Priorities 
In accordance with NR4.3.1: 
 4.5.1 I must endeavour to preserve continuity of information technology
services and information flow in my care. 

 4.5.2 I must endeavour to preserve the integrity and security of the
information of others. 

 4.5.3 I must respect the proprietary nature of the information of others. 

 4.5.4 I must endeavour to preserve the confidentiality of the information
of others. 

 4.5.5 I must advise my client or employer of any potential conflicts of
interest between my assignment and legal or other accepted community

 4.5.6 I must advise my clients and employers as soon as possible of any
conflicts of interest or conscientious objections which face me in
connection with my work. 

4.6 Competence 
In accordance with NR4.3.2: 
 4.6.1 I must endeavour to provide products and services which match the
operational and financial needs of my clients and employers. 

 4.6.2 I must give value for money in the services and products I supply. 

 4.6.3 I must make myself aware of relevant standards, and act accordingly. 

 4.6.4 I must respect and protect my clients' and employers' proprietary

 4.6.5 I must accept responsibility for my work. 

 4.6.6 I must advise my clients and employers when I believe a proposed
project is not in their best interest. 

 4.6.7 I must go beyond my brief, if necessary, in order to act

4.7 Honesty 
In accordance with NR4.3.3: 
 4.7.1 I must not knowingly mislead a client or potential client as to the
suitability of a product or service. 

 4.7.2 I must not misrepresent my skills or knowledge. 

 4.7.3 I must give opinions which are as far as possible unbiased and

 4.7.4 I must give realistic estimates for projects under my control. 

 4.7.5 I must qualify professional opinions which I know are based on
limited knowledge or experience. 

 4.7.6 I must give credit for work done by others where credit is due. 

4.8 Social Implications 
In accordance with NR4.3.4: 
 4.8.1 I must protect and promote the health and safety of those affected by
my work. 

 4.8.2 I must consider and respect people's privacy which might be affected
by my work. 

 4.8.3 I must respect my employees and refrain from treating them unfairly. 

 4.8.4 I must endeavour to understand, and give due regard to, the
perceptions of those affected by my work. 

 4.8.5 I must attempt to increase the feelings of personal satisfaction,
competence, and control of those affected by my work. 

 4.8.6 I must not require, or attempt to influence, any person to take any
action which would involve a breach of the Code of Ethics. 

4.9 Professional Development 
In accordance with NR4.3.5: 
 4.9.1 I must continue to upgrade my knowledge and skills. 

 4.9.2 I must increase my awareness of issues affecting the information
technology profession and its relationship with the community. 

 4.9.3 I must encourage my colleagues, employees and students to continue
their own professional development. 

4.10 Information Technology Profession 
In accordance with NR4.3.6: 
 4.10.1 I must respect, and seek when necessary, the professional opinions
of colleagues in their areas of competence. 

 4.10.2 I must not knowingly engage in, or be associated with, dishonest or
fraudulent practices. 

 4.10.3 I must not attempt to enhance my own reputation at the expense of
another's reputation. 4.10.4 I must co-operate in advancing information
processing by communication with other professionals, students and the
public, and by contributing to the efforts of professional and scientific
societies and schools. 

 4.10.5 I must distance myself professionally from someone whose membership
of the Society has been terminated because of unethical behaviour or
unsatisfactory conduct. 

 4.10.6 I must take appropriate action if I discover a member, or a person
who could potentially be a member, of the Society engaging in unethical

 4.10.7 I must seek advice from the Society when faced with an ethical
dilemma I am unable to resolve by myself. 

 4.10.8 I must do what I can to ensure that the corporate actions of the
Society are in accordance with this Code of Ethics. 

 4.10.9 I acknowledge my debt to the computing profession and in return must
protect and promote professionalism in information technology. 
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