RE: FW: [DNS] End of the times

RE: FW: [DNS] End of the times

From: Ian Johnston <ian.johnston§>
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 00:44:30 +0800
Adam Todd wrote Sunday, October 28, 2001 3:52 PM:

> Ohhh!
> >subsidised access to domain name licences on social and,
> >perhaps, economic grounds.  Here's a number of starting points:
> >
> >- auDA should ensure universal access to a domain name licence for all
> >Australians.
> Oh that's VERY good!  VERY VERY GOOD!  It will NEVER happen beyond a
> "token" statement, because how do you define who is less needy than
> another?  And if they can afford access to the Internet, can't
> they afford a domain name?


I concede that eligibility is a difficulty issue, but it's unavoidable as
has been demonstrated by the intense interest of the Internet community on
this and the Link Lists.

I had a hand in creating the legislative framework for community service
obligations (CSOs / USOs) in Telecom and Postal legislation in the late
1980s / early 1990s. The postal services obligation seems to have worked
well, but I can't say the same thing about telecommunications USOs.

With digital divide emerging as a major issue, universal access is an issue
that governments and auDA can't ignore.  Hopefully public and private access
costs will fall significantly over the next few years, even if that is only
achieved through government subsidies, eg Scandinavian countries.

> I had this argument in pre ICANN days, you might find the details on some
> online archive if you hunt around.  There was a VERY extensive debate.

I came across some excellent submissions by David Keegal, but none of yours

> >- auDA should ensure the provision of (affordable) domain name
> > licences for those with a demonstrated need.
> Again, same point as above.  But I like the wording :)

Agreed, same again.

> >- Hypothesis: Given the scale and scope of domain name
> >registrations in namespace, under new registry t
> >arrangements the marginal cost of issuing a domain name
> >licence should approach zero.
> /me laughs
> Now that's where you're wrong.  It will go UPWARDS simply because no
> business is going to subsidise or support someone else's business.

In posing the above hypothesis, I wasn't taking a position one way or the
other.  I posed it as something to be tested and objected to by those who
are better informed on the practicalities.  However, economic theory would
have it that there are economies of scale and scope to be reaped, and shared
between all.

I agee with your latter point about subsidy.  But the way is open for auDA
to consider the concept of universal provision, in consultation with

The question of any subsidies for universal access to a domain name licence
for all Australians is something for auDA to consider, as the embodiment of
the industry and the custodian of the .au namespace; a public resource to be
managed in the public and national interest.

> The messy times are yet to come, watch the massive downfall of auDA in
> about 18 months.
> But please do keep the pressure on!  It's good to see people actually
> thinking lateral rather than literal!

I'll try to do just that through election to the auDA Board, continuing
small business association briefings to SETEL, ACCI & the Small Business
Coalition, and in other ways.



Ian Johnston
Candidate for the auDA Board

Consultant, Australian Information Brokers
02 6259 7777(B)   02 6258 3409(F)   0413 990 112 (M)   mailto:ian.johnston&#167;

Policy Consultant
Small Enterprise Telecommunications Centre Limited (SETEL)   mailto:ian.johnston&#167;

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