With asn.au now charging... does that mean others who currently are not charging, are planning to ? .org.au for example. I look after about 50 .org.au which are churches or Christian organisations/charities and so on... with .asn.au being loosely defined as associations, or groups or people... the sort who normally don't have much money or financial structure... now being charged... I thought the question worth asking. Will universities pay for .edu.au? governments pay for .gov.au? and will CSIRO have to pay a big bucket of money for csiro.au ? There is also info.au, conf.au, .id.au (some already charged I think?) and so on... Is the Australian namespace now going to be a commercial only activity? or is there still room for the charity there once was... I am sure .org.au and .asn.au have a very small turnover compared to the commercial .com.au and .net.au... whoever becomes a registry I am sure could continue to offer to process these currently free domains as they are... A business can afford a domain name... even though Australian domains are a almost double the price of .com/.net/.org, but small groups such as churches, sports clubs and other collectives are often not in that position.... Any comments? _______________________________________________________ Skeeve Stevens Email: skeeve§skeeve.org Website: www.skeeve.org - Telephone: (0414) 753 383 Address: P.O Box 1035, Epping, NSW, 1710, Australia _______________________________________________________ Avis est! Aeronavis est! supervir est! -- This article is not to be reproduced or quoted beyond this forum without express permission of the author. 312 subscribers. Archived at http://listmaster.iinet.net.au/list/dns (user: dns, pass: dns) Email "unsubscribe" to dns-request§auda.org.au to be removed.Received on Sat Oct 27 2001 - 12:40:44 UTC
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