Hi all The final Internet news. As much as I would love to continue, these are things that budget cuts bring about... For those celebrating christmas and new year, enjoy, for those that don't, enjoy the holiday break. All the best. Regards David The Name Game (Forbes) 8Jan http://www.forbes.com/forbes/2001/0108/240.html An Internet address ending in "dot-com" remains a prized asset, but the suffix is largely meaningless in Chinese, Arabic or Korean. Some 33 million Web addresses are registered worldwide, but new entries in the Pacific Rim alone could hit 100 million in three years, Yankee Group says. In China 30 million users may require two names to satisfy two sets of characters. ICANN Public Comment Forum - At Large Study (ICANN) http://forum.icann.org/atlargestudy/ Now that ICANN has completed the At Large membership and election process in the year 2000, it is time to launch a comprehensive study of the At Large concept, structure, and mechanisms. After discussions with many individuals who have been involved in the At Large effort, the ICANN staff made a set of recommendations about how the study might be organized, emphasizing the need for an effort that is effective, credible, and open to broad participation. At its recent meeting in Los Angeles, the ICANN Board called for public comments on the staff recommendations -- key issues include the study's structure, composition, timetable, and funding. ICANN actively invites input from any interested individual or organization. The deadline for public comments is 27 December 2000, midnight GMT/UTC. S��warenkonzern will "Kinder"-Domain freiklagen (Heise) 22Dec http://www.heise.de/newsticker/data/psz-22.12.00-000/ Der �sterreichische Zweig des S��warenkonzerns Ferrero hat die Web-Agentur Mediaclan, Betreiberin von Kinder.at, auf �berlassung der Domain verklagt. Das berichten die �sterreichischen Zeitungen Der Standard und Kurier �bereinstimmend. Die Agentur, die auf ihrer vor rund zwei Jahren angemeldeten Domain nach eigenen Angaben den Aufbau eines Portals f�r Eltern und Kinder zu Erziehungsthemen plant, will nicht nachgeben, sondern den Streit vor Gericht ausfechten. Battle Heats Up Over Dot-Biz Web Address (Yahoo) 21Dec http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20001221/wr/tech_icann_dc_1.html An independent Internet company has asked the U.S. government to resolve a dispute over who has the rights to license the ``.biz'' suffix on Internet addresses. Time Warner Wins Potter Domains (Wired) 21Dec http://www.wirednews.com/news/business/0,1367,40785,00.html Time Warner Entertainment emerged the winner from the latest hair-raising Harry Potter adventure, this time fought out in the world of cyberspace. Also see Time Warner wins Harry Potter Web sites (CNN) 21Dec http://europe.cnn.com/2000/TECH/computing/12/21/harry.potter.ap/index.html WIPO Rules All Harrys Should Go in One Potter (Variety) 22Dec http://ev.variety.com/index.asp?layout=ev_story&articleid=VR1117790912 Time Warner erklagt sich 107 Harry-Potter-Domains (Wirtschafts Woche) 21Dec http://wiwo.de/WirtschaftsWoche/Wiwo_CDA/0,1702,10692_53514,00.html Time Warner hat die Rechte an 107 Internetadressen zugesprochen bekommen, die mit dem Namen des Kinderbuchhelden Harry Potter in Verbindung stehen. Also see Time Warner gewinnt Streit um Harry-Potter-Internet-Adressen (Heise) 21Dec http://www.heise.de/newsticker/data/wst-21.12.00-001/ Time Warner gewinnt Streit um Harry Potter (tecChannel.de) 21Dec http://www.tecchannel.de/news/20001221/thema20001221-3274.html Wo Harry Potter draufsteht, soll auch Time Warner drin sein (Der Spiegel) 21Dec http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzkultur/0,1518,109092,00.html Seit einigen Wochen mahnt das US-amerikanische Medienunternehmen Time Warner Websites ab, die "Harry Potter" im Namen f�hren. F�r den Konzern ist das ein Vorgehen gegen Domain Grabbing - f�r die (oft kleinen) Betroffenen eine Entt�uschung. New service back-orders domain names (Network World Fusion) 21Dec http://www.nwfusion.com/news/2000/1221newnames.html A Web site launching in early January will monitor Internet domain name registrations globally and allow corporations to back-order names that were previously owned by competitors or speculators. Immer �fter besch�ftigen sich Gerichte mit Internet-Adressen (Berliner Zeitung) 20Dec http://www.berlinonline.de/wissen/computer/.html/200012/comp20101.html Wenn ein Privatmann sich die Internet- Adresse "weideglueck.de" registrieren l�sst, f�hrt er nach einem Richterspruch Sittenwidriges im Schilde. Summary of New Top Level Domain Applications (Elexica) 29Nov http://www.elexica.com/scripts/checklink.asp?area=Items&resource=d9i74b6e9.h tm Review of current stage in the ICANN application process for new Top Level Domains (TLD)Received on Fri Dec 22 2000 - 19:54:37 UTC
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