[DNS] Domain news - 14 December

[DNS] Domain news - 14 December

From: <david.goldstein§nic.at>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 11:51:43 +0100
Hi all

More news.


A Change for Sex.com (Law.com) 14Dec
Entrepreneur Gary Kremen registered the lucrative domain name "Sex.com" in
the early days of the Net, lost it due to fraud for several years, and then
had a judge rule it should be re-registered to him last month. Although he
reclaimed the name, Kremen may appeal the decision in an attempt to have
domain names treated as tangible assets that should be covered by property

Versign bietet Registrierung neuer Toplevel-Domains an (Net Business) 14Dec
Seit heute ist es m�glich, sich f�r die neuen Toplevel-Domains ".info" und
".biz" anzumelden. Der Server von Networksolutions brach daraufhin erstmal

Gnadenloser Streit um sex.com (Welt Woche) 14Dec
Ein unbeschriebenes Blatt ist Stephen Michael Cohen nicht. Eine vierj�hrige
Gef�ngnisstrafe wegen Betrugs macht nur einen Teil seines Strafregisters
aus. Nun wird ihm vorgeworfen, seinem einstigen Wohnpartner Gary Kremen den
Domainnamen sex.com gestohlen zu haben. Mit einem gef�lschten Brief vom 15.
Oktober 1995 soll er die damals f�r die Zuteilung von Dotcom-Adressen
zust�ndige Registrier-Stelle Internic dazu gebracht haben, ihm die URL zu

Writers Seek Their Internet Names (Washington Post) 13Dec
R.L. Stine has told some scary stories over the years, but this one is a
little too real: Although Stine's children's books have sold tens of
millions of copies, the author does not possess his own name on the
Internet. A British company named Old Barn Studios Ltd. has claimed ".com"
ownership of Stine's and many other authors' names. In other words, should
Stine want to start his own Web site, he could not call it rlstine.com.

Register.com opens bidding for taken Net names (CNET) 13Dec
Register.com announced the launch of a service that allows individuals and
companies to bid for any of the 20 million Web site addresses already taken.
Also see Register.com To Launch Address Auction (ZDNet) 13Dec

RealNames sees layoffs as signal of success (CNET) 13Dec
RealNames, which maintains a simplified system of addressing Web pages that
bypasses URLs, has been shrinking its work force markedly throughout the
year. Since June, the company has shed through layoffs or attrition nearly
60 percent of its employees.

Class action tilts at NSI domain name hoard (Register) 13Dec
Aggrieved wannabuy domain name punters are invited to join a lawsuit to
force Network Solutions International (NSI) to release its hoard of expired
and pdomain names.

New VeriSign Domain Name Info Site 'Swamped' (Newsbytes) 13Dec
A new VeriSign Inc. Web site allowing consumers to ask for domain names in
soon-to-be-introduced Internet "neighborhoods" such as .biz, .name and
.info, has been so deluged with requests today that it was inaccessible as
of this writing.

Domain Name Across the Strait Unified (People's Daily) 13Dec
CNNIC and TWNIC have recently reached a preliminary consensus on the
authorization of transferring of domain names. As reported, the first to be
set up is a reversible system of code transferring from traditional Chinese
character to the simplified ones and net surfing by the end of this month.

HK to Strengthen Internet Domain Name Management (People's Daily) 13Dec
Sources from Hong Kong say that Hong Kong SAR will appropriate a fund of
HK$3 million for founding a new Internet domain name institutional setup and
put it in charge of Internet domain name management to speed up its Internet
and E-business construction.
Received on Thu Dec 14 2000 - 18:53:18 UTC

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