Hi all News relating to domain names for today. Cheers David Callisa bietet kostenlose .de-Domains (akademie.de) 4Dec http://www.akademie.de/news/langtext.html?id=7979 Domains gab es bei Billig-Hostern ja bislang schon f�r ein paar Mark monatlich. Jetzt bietet callisa als Kundenservice ab Januar die Registrierung einer .de-Domain v�llig kostenlos an. Der By-Call-Provider der callando GmbH hat ausserdem als weiteren Zusatzdienst ein WebMail-Angebot gestartet. Domains mit .tv werden zusammen mit .com und .net angeboten (Golem) 4Dec http://www.golem.de/0012/11143.html Das Unternehmen dotTV will k�nftig Domains mit der Endung ".tv" im Rahmen eines strategischen B�ndnisses mit Network Solutions anbieten. Network Solutions betreibt eine Registrierungsstelle von Domain-Namen mit den Endungen com, .net und .org. Also see Bei Network Solutions gibt es jetzt auch .tv-Domains (akademie.de) 1Dec http://www.akademie.de/news/langtext.html?id=7974 Canadian Internet Domain Registration Deadline Passes (Computer User) 3Dec http://www.computeruser.com/news/00/12/03/news6.html Several thousand Canadian Web site operators had their Internet addresses shut as the deadline to re-register Internet names in the sovereign ".ca" domain lapsed. Also see Canadian Internet Domain Registration Deadline Passes (Newsbytes) 1Dec http://www.newsbytes.com/news/00/158875.html Neue Top Level Domains - die EU wills genau wissen (Heise) 3Dec http://www.heise.de/newsticker/data/jk-03.12.00-001/ Die EU-Kommission bekr�ftigt den Anspruch der Regierungen auf ein Mitspracherecht bei der Auswahl der neuen Top Level Domains und l�dt zu einem �ffentlichen Hearing. Charge! New rules mean Belgian domain names are on the block as of December 11, 2000 (Europemedia.net) 2Dec http://www.europemedia.net/shownews.asp?ArticleID=800 Have you ever tried to obtain a domain name in Belgium? If you have tried as a company, you know how time consuming and costly it was. If you have tried on behalf of a company, you know how difficult it was explaining to your client why such a small matter involved so much effort. And if you haven't, you're pretty lucky because, as of December 11th, 2000, new rules will come into effect that will greatly facilitate domain name registrations in Belgium. Also see http://www.dns.be/e/news/index.html for more information. Five Questions With...Esther Dyson, Chairman of Edventure Holdings (Business 2.0) 1Dec http://www.business2.com/content/channels/ebusiness/2000/12/01/23230 The outgoing chairman of ICANN discusses the new set of recently named domain suffixes, the next phase of the privacy debate, the effects of wireless technologies on human interaction, and a host of other issues. Kiwi Tax Unit Grabs Domain Info (Wired) 1Dec http://www.wired.com/news/print/0,1294,40439,00.html New Zealand's tax gathering agency, the Inland Revenue, has acquired the personal details linked to all New Zealand-registered domain names. The wide legal powers of New Zealand's tax agency mean New Zealand's Internet registry, Domainz , has little choice but to hand over the information. The Inland Revenue says it needs this information in order to figure out what to do about taxing e-commerce. Network Solutions switches on .tv (internet.com) 1Dec http://www.uk.internet.com/Article/100968 Domain name registrar Network Solutions has signed a deal with DotTV, the small company that currently runs the lucrative .tv domain, so that it can offer the domain itself. nic.at Internet Verwaltungs- und Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. Jakob-Haringer-Stra�e 8 A-5020 Salzburg Infos zur Domainverwaltung http://www.nic.at Email: david.goldstein§sbg.nic.at Tel.: +43 (662) 4669-0 Fax: +43 (662) 4669-19 In Oesterreich gebuehrenfrei: Tel.: 0800 800 888-0 Fax: 0800 800 888-19Received on Mon Dec 04 2000 - 23:23:09 UTC
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