[DNS] One number for the Phone and the Homepage

[DNS] One number for the Phone and the Homepage

From: Cooke, Tony <tony.cooke§deaconslaw.com.au>
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 14:55:10 +1100
Article:  Phone Numbers replace dot com addresses.

This sounds like an interesting idea.  It is not (despite title of article)
being proposed as a replacement, but rather another method of getting to the
right page.  I would think that the idea would be irresistible if it was
universal in application, or at least run by the phone company (Telstra in
Aus) so that a search of the phone directory online would provide an
immediate link to the website, where enabled.

Of course it doesn't stop the Zuccarini type errors of typing the wrong
phone number.  see 

The Website of the company behind this says"

"  Just a small Sample of some enabled web sites once you have downloaded
and installed the browser try them out and find out for yourself just how
simple it is. 

Williams Solicitors - Australia Qld 33975010 
Thentec Software - Australia Qld 33716611 
Bris IT - Australia Qld 38067777
Bris IT Information - Australia Qld 38067777 ext 100
Bris IT Contact - Australia Qld 38067777 ext 150
Bris IT Register - Australia Qld 38067777 ext 200 
Bobs Home Page - Japan Osaka 67653668 "

The first site, Williams, at 
is an interesting testimonial!

Tony Cooke
Senior Associate
Deacons, Lawyers
Received on Fri Dec 01 2000 - 11:55:13 UTC

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