[DNS] Place Names Again ?

[DNS] Place Names Again ?

From: anthony white <anthonywhiteartwork§hotmail.com>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 14:06:19 EST
To David Appleby,

Alot of place names are named after peoples surnames. Think about how they 
where named in the first place.

Why do you want Appleby.com.au anyway ? Why don't you just fork out the 
million dollars to by Appleby.com if it is so important.

www.AuDomains.com is currently selling a heap of Australian place names .com 
at the moment. All about $40 000.00.

Is dot geo or dot that going to solve this problem. I doubt it.

Anthony White
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Received on Thu Oct 19 2000 - 12:06:23 UTC

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