[DNS] [1]Re: [DNS] [1]Re: [DNS] geographic 3rd level domains for .com.

[DNS] [1]Re: [DNS] [1]Re: [DNS] geographic 3rd level domains for .com.

From: Mark Allen <mark_allen§hdy.com.au>
Date: 07 Jul 99 17:17:29 +1000
          Reply to:  [1]Re: [DNS] [1]Re: [DNS] geographic 3rd level domains for .c
Thank you for your message. I am on leave until 19 July 1999. Your message has been fowarded to my secretary, Robyn Keen who will take the appropriate action with it. Please call her on 9364 6300 if you want to give her any more information.

Date: 6/8/1999 4:57 PM
To: dns&#167;waia.asn.au
From: Ron Ipsen
can someone unsubscribe this account so that the "ping pong" loop stops please.


At 16:33 07/07/1999 +1000, you wrote:
>          Reply to:  [1]Re: [DNS] geographic 3rd level domains for .com.au
>Thank you for your message. I am on leave until 19 July 1999. Your message
has been fowarded to my secretary, Robyn Keen who will take the appropriate
action with it. Please call her on 9364 6300 if you want to give her any
more information.

Ron Ipsen,
Managing Director,
Gippsland Internet Pty Ltd
Ph: 61 3 51 276543  Fax: 61 3 51 262020
Project Manager,
Gippsland Community Network.

http://www.comu.net.au - Gippslands Community Network
http://www.gips.com.au - bringing Gippsland business online.
http://www.jet-trek.com - Doo'n it for the kids.

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the level of thinking
we were at when we created them." -  Albert Einstien

This article is not to be reproduced or quoted beyond this forum without
express permission of the author.  You don't know who really wrote it.
238 subscribers. Archived at http://lists.waia.asn.au/list/dns (dns/dns)
Email "unsubscribe" to dns-request&#167;waia.asn.au to be removed.

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 Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 16:57:45 +1000
 To: dns&#167;waia.asn.au
 From: Ron Ipsen <ron&#167;comu.net.au>
 Subject: Re: [DNS] [1]Re: [DNS] geographic 3rd level domains for
   .com.au (fwd)
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