Reply to: [1]Re: [DNS] Give Austalian Business a go Thank you for your message. I am on leave until 19 July 1999. Your message has been fowarded to my secretary, Robyn Keen who will take the appropriate action with it. Please call her on 9364 6300 if you want to give her any more information. -------------------------------------- Date: 6/7/1999 6:41 PM To: dns§ From: Ari No. What we have a problem about is the seemingly haphazard/biased way domain names are allocated.,, etc. all seem to be registered by certain organisations, but equally generic names blocked to others. In nothing I have said do I advocate open slather on domain names. Just an open clear system. Reserve all the generic names and keep them aside for "special use". Just let everyone know what they are. I do not advocate deregulation, but rather a clearer regulation of the current system. I have proposed an idea before that all such generic domain names be registered by the relevant DNS body and linked to an information site and the relevant pages of several search engines. Surely that would not stretch anyone's resources? Malcolm suggested a variation of this where specific index pages with links are created. This could work if an income stream is generated to support this project, but even if it were not feasible, simple links to search engines achieve most of the goals: - clarity in which generic domains are not registerable - safekeeping by a public body of these domains for some perceived future use - education of the public not to use the DNS as a search engine - minimal cost Enough from me on this issue. I think my point of view is clear. What else is a topic of conversation on this list? Ari Maniatis On Tue, 6 Jul 1999, 2:31:48 AM GMT Anthony Hill wrote: >I just dont understand what people are hoping deregulation will gain for >the internet community at large. Rules that make it easier for one person >to register a domain, will make it impossible for the next person who >wanted that same name. Open-slather will mean that more people miss out >on names that represent what they do rather than less (IMHO anyway). > >I think many of the deregulation arguments are comming from individuals >and organisations hoping for a cut of the profits that are to be made, and >that until now, have been restricted to a chosen few. I understand this >point of view, but I dont understand what the internet community is going >to gain from increasing the chosen few domain rego organisations to a >chosen score. --------------------------> ish group pty ltd 43 Moverly Rd Kingford NSW 2032 Australia phone +61 2 9314 1267 fax +61 2 9349 5720 email info§ PGP fingerprint 08 57 20 4B 80 69 59 E2 A9 BF 2D 48 C2 20 0C C8 -- This article is not to be reproduced or quoted beyond this forum without express permission of the author. You don't know who really wrote it. 238 subscribers. Archived at (dns/dns) Email "unsubscribe" to dns-request§ to be removed. RFC822 header ----------------------------------- RECEIVED: from SF_Database by POP_Mailbox_-1280756350 ; 07 JUL 99 16:49:06 UT Received: from GOSPEL.IINET.NET.AU by with SMTP (QuickMail Pro Server for MacOS 1.1.2); 07-Jul-1999 16:48:31 +1000 Received: (from list§localhost) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) id OAA23928; Wed, 7 Jul 1999 14:06:48 +0800 Resent-Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1999 14:06:48 +0800 X-Authentication-Warning: list set sender to dns-request§ using -f Delivered-To: waia-dns§ Subject: Re: [DNS] Give Austalian Business a go Message-Id: <000000539733014095270§> In-Reply-To: <19990706123148.65313§> From: Ari§ (Aristedes Maniatis, ish group pty ltd) Date: Tue, 06 Jul 1999 18:41:10 +1000 Organization: ish group pty ltd X-Mailer: CommuniGate 3.1.3b To: dns§ MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Resent-Message-ID: <"4p2KU3.0.mr5.tvkWt"§> Resent-From: dns§ Reply-To: dns§ X-Mailing-List: <dns§> archive/latest/13 X-Loop: dns§ Precedence: list Resent-Sender: dns-request§ on Wed Jul 07 1999 - 14:52:57 UTC
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