On Tuesday, June 23, 1998 6:52 AM, Adam Todd[SMTP:at§ah.net] wrote: <snip> § §Why so? I have a number of key known factors already. Using this §information should allow me to create MOST of the database without too much §effort from almost all NICs. § §After that a quick cross refenance between the local obtained data and the §DNS will allow me to see I have everything for the DNS covered and that §will also in most cases identify the Handles of the users. § Adam, Remember, there are three important keys to the future of the .AU TLD and the G6 region. 1. LDAP 2. LDAP 3. LDAP While many people are preparing to fly around the world IPv8 advocates should be preparing for July 4, 1998. The standard (recommended) platform has now been tested, and all of the pieces are in place. The various vendors barely made it in time, but we should now be poised to have a real meeting on the net with... "nothing but net...." Here are the additions that I recommend for your NT gateway: http://www.quicknet.net Phone Jack $149 NT Beta Software - FREE http://www.microsoft.com/netmeeting/ils/ NT Net Meeting - FREE NT ILS Server - FREE http://www.wingate.net Single Session - FREE By the way, who said the IETF was the only place that standards are set ? See also...http://www.imtc.org BTW...unlike on the IPv4 Internet, you will be free to use your new TLDs on the ILS LDAP network. With enough people participating, we will likely have a significant percentage of the population using the technology covered. This should help to calm the people who like to claim that they have a larger market share. I look forward to talking to people, seeing people and interacting with people via the net. The ILS servers we will be using will be announced July 4, 1998. See you then... Jim Fleming Unir Corporation - http://www.unir.com - 0:196 .MALL 1998 - The Year of the C+§Received on Tue Jun 23 1998 - 23:13:48 UTC
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