On Monday, June 22, 1998 7:41 AM, James Austin[SMTP:jea§rainer-group.com] wrote: §> Whatever might happen, it would not be that - the University of Melbourne §> has nothing whatever to do with the AU namespace (other than being an §owner §> of MelbourneIT which is a manager of COM.AU). Managing AU doesn't §generally §> need any urgent attention, should I vanish, there would be plenty of time §to §> find some other person, or body, to take over before it became a problem §that §> it was running on self control (the last substantive change in AU itself §was §> a couple of years ago...). § §If this is true why is it so hard to do it with you here? § §If it would be so easy without you it should be even simpler with you. § §I would think you could start as chairman of the new body. §or is that to easy? § I believe that Robert Elz just stated that he has no intention of driving that process and also does not know how to build consensus. Apparently he is an academic, not a business person or manager. I suggest that you identify and document the TOP 8 people in the .AU TLD and take that story to the IANA and get the delegation changed if that is what those 8 people vote. If Robert Elz is one vote out of 8 and he votes no, the IANA should be given that information. Just remember...July 4, 1998 is coming... §@@@ http://www.columbia.edu/acis/bartleby/paine/2.html "The nearer any government approaches to a republic the less business there is for a king." §@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Jim Fleming Unir Corporation - http://www.unir.com - 0:196 .MALL 1998 - The Year of the C+§Received on Tue Jun 23 1998 - 00:31:08 UTC
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