DNS: .AU DNS Questions and Comments

DNS: .AU DNS Questions and Comments

From: Jim Fleming <JimFleming§unety.net>
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 21:26:15 -0500
On Monday, June 22, 1998 4:46 AM, Stephen Baxter[SMTP:steve&#167;senet.com.au] wrote:
&#167;I request that either :
&#167;[please feel free to constructively modify these - the following just seem
&#167;to make some sense for an Australian DNS discussion list]
&#167;o  a new mailling list be formed to talk about Australian DNS issues. This
&#167;   list would have strict rules for discussion including :
&#167;   o  all DNS issues in Australia under .au

Who are the 8 "top" people that manage the .AU TLD ?

&#167;   o  ways to improve the stability of the DNS system

Ensuring that each TLD has at least 8 trustees helps to provide
stability for the DNS system, in my opinion.

&#167;   o  suggested policy guidelines for .au and below DNS

I would leave that up to the 8 trustees to initiate.

&#167;   o  global policy that ONLY has direct bearing/influence on .au

Hopefully, the 8 trustees of .AU will listen to inputs from all over
Australia and around the world. Hopefully, the 8 people will be
drawn from diverse viewpoints.

&#167;   o  ways to promote competition under .au and other sub domains

This will likely come naturally, if the .AU TLD has representative stewardship.
Does it ?

Jim Fleming
Unir Corporation - http://www.unir.com - 0:196 .MALL
1998 - The Year of the C+&#167;
Received on Mon Jun 22 1998 - 13:00:42 UTC

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