DNS: FW: White Paper follow up

DNS: FW: White Paper follow up

From: Jim Fleming <JimFleming§unety.net>
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 01:25:36 -0500
While we are waiting for Kim to come up with the topics
that she wants to talk about people might want to address
Australia's role in the newest White Paper meeting organizer.


It seems like the IPv4/6 world is determined to limit the world
to 3 major regions. In the IPv8 Plan we divide the world into
8 regions which in my opinion provides for more representation.

Also, in the IPv8 Plan Australia, New Zealand and the South
Pacific are decoupled from the Pacific Rim areas which seem to
have a different approach to the Internet.

I am not sure how many people are going to be able to afford
to fly to all of these meetings. Instead, as always, I suggest
that "nothing but net" be the driving philosophy. That way people
are not left out, especially the handicapped people who can not
easily travel.

Jim Fleming

From: 	laina&#167;singnet.com.sg[SMTP:laina§singnet.com.sg]
Sent: 	Sunday, June 21, 1998 7:21 AM
To: 	apia-members&#167;apia.org; apple§apnic.net; Tan Tin Wee; apnic-talk§apnic.net
Subject: 	White Paper follow up

Dear all,

Please note that any AP associations which would like to be added to the Steering Committee of 
the initiave (see Press Release below) can do so. APIA has volunteered to act as facilitator 
(since we were the only AP association so far involved in the discussions) and would appreciate 
the involvement of others in the region. 

The aim of the meetings is to try and consolidate the many meetings that have been announced, 
including the one at INET'98 to ensure some consolidation and more importantly to ensure that as 
many interested parties as possible can attend and be kept informed. There is even discussion of 
having a fellowship fund to ensure that people who cannot afford it can also attend, and this is 
in an effort to ensure global participation. The Europe meeting will also reach out to the 
Middle East and Africa and the Asia Pacific one will hope to encourage Pacific island 
participation as well. The regional meetings are an attempt to reach out.

The meetings are not meant to push any one agenda, but rather to solicit views of others on the 
White Paper and to gather views to see how we can move forward on creating this new 
not-for-profit entity. The meetings will invite current stakeholders including Dr Postel, etc 
and hopes to gather as wide base support and input as possible,

We do hope to enlisten your views and support so if you have any suggestions for the regional 
meeting in AP, please e-mail them to me at laina&#167;getit.org and please refer to the new 
International Forum on the White Paper website at www.ifwp.org. The details of the Asia meeting 
will be announced later on the APIA website as well as on the asiapacific.ifwp.org website 
(under construction), and we are targetting early August.

Hope to have your support in these initiatives (please read the press release below)


Laina Raveendran Greene
Policy Advisor



For Immediate Release
Contact: Janis Langley, Optimum   [phone: +1 (703) 847-0192   email:
press&#167;ifwp.org ]

Internet Stakeholder Associations to 
Advance White Paper Process

Associations Plan Coordinated International Forum

Washington, DC, USA - June 19, 1998 - Responding to the U.S. Government
White Paper on the Technical Management of Internet Names and Addresses, a
broadly based coalition of Internet stakeholder associations is calling for
an international forum to prepare for the transition from government to
private management.
The International Forum on the White Paper (IFWP) is an international
initiative sponsored by a diverse group of associations representing
numerous Internet stakeholder interests from around the world.  The IFWP is
sponsoring coordinated international meetings to discuss the issues of
Internet technical administration of names and numbers left open in the
"White Paper" and the transition to a new corporation for Internet
technical administration.

In a White Paper released June 5, the U.S. government announced its
intention to relinquish control of the Internet to a private, non-profit
organization by September 30, 2000. The new organization will be created
from among the diverse parties that have a stake in how domain names,
Internet numbers and other Internet identifiers for the Internet are managed. 

The IFWP consists of associations around the world representing diverse
Internet interests.  Its purpose is to provide an organizing framework for
the coordinated international meetings. 
The preliminary work to ensure that the international meetings are
coordinated is being undertaken by an international, volunteer steering
committee of IFWP sponsors.

The first regional IFWP meeting will be held on July 1-2, at the Hyatt
Regency Reston, Reston, Virginia, USA. Chaired by Professor Tamar Frankel
-- a world-renowned expert on incorporation -- of the Boston University
School of Law -- the two-day event will seek to identify key issues, views
and opinions on the areas left open by the White Paper to private sector

- more -
These issues include the formation of the private sector corporation for
the technical administration of names and numbers; the development of a new
domain name registry and dispute resolution system; and security and
privacy issues associated with the Internet's technical infrastructure.

Additional meetings are planned around the world during the summer in
anticipation of the end of existing U.S. Government contracts that manage
the current Internet name and number systems.  Two other meetings are
currently being planned, one in Europe in July and another in Asia in early

Further information about the International Forum on the White Paper,
including a list of sponsoring associations, is available at

Press contact:
Janis Langley, Optimum   [phone: +1 (703) 847-0192   email: press&#167;ifwp.org ]

Current IFWP Sponsoring Organizations (as of June 19, 1998):

Association for Interactive Media  [AIM]
Association of Internet Professionals  {AIP]
Association of Online Professionals  [AOP]
Asia and Pacific Internet Association  [APIA]
Camara Argentina de Bases de Datos y Servicios en Linea  [CABASE]
Canadian Association of Internet Providers  [CAIP]
Commercial Internet eXchange  [CIX]
Computer Science and Services Association  [CSSA]
European Internet Service Providers Association  [EuroISPA]
Internet Alliance  [IA]
Internet Law and Policy Forum  [ILPF]
The Internet Society [ISOC]
Internet Service Providers' Consortium [ISP/C]
Information Technology Association of America  [ITAA]
Society for College and University Planning  [SCUP]
US Council for International Business  [USCIB]


-----------------End of Original Message-----------------

Name: Laina Raveendran Greene
E-mail: laina&#167;singnet.com.sg
Date: 21/06/98
Time: 12:21:03

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