DNS: IANA Applications for TLDs

DNS: IANA Applications for TLDs

From: Jim Fleming <JimFleming§unety.net>
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 06:03:53 -0500
I suggest that ANY company serious about being a REGISTRY for
a Top Level Domain send the following form to <comments&#167;iana.org>.

This will help to time-stamp people's intentions on the web site.

0a.  (N)ew (M)odify (D)elete....: New
0b.  Auth Scheme................:
0c.  Auth Info..................: 

1.   Comments...................: Application for Top Level Domain

2.   Complete Domain Name.......: 

Organization Using Domain Name

3a.  Organization Name..........: 
3b.  Street Address.............: 
3c.  City.......................: 
3d.  State......................: 
3e.  Postal Code................: 
3f.  Country....................: 

Administrative Contact
4a.  NIC Handle (if known)......: 
4b.  (I)ndividual (R)ole........: 
4c.  Name (Last, First).........: 
4d.  Organization Name..........: 
4e.  Street Address.............: 
4f.  City.......................: 
4g.  State......................: 
4h.  Postal Code................: 
4i.  Country....................: 
4j.  Phone Number...............: 
4k.  Fax Number.................: 
4l.  E-Mailbox..................: 

Technical Contact
5a.  NIC Handle (if known)......: 
5b.  (I)ndividual (R)ole........: 
5c.  Name (Last, First).........: 
5d.  Organization Name..........: 
5e.  Street Address.............: 
5f.  City.......................: 
5g.  State......................: 
5h.  Postal Code................: 
5i.  Country....................: 
5j.  Phone Number...............: 
5k.  Fax Number.................: 
5l.  E-Mailbox..................: 

Billing Contact
6a.  NIC Handle (if known)......: 
6b.  (I)ndividual (R)ole........: 
6c.  Name (Last, First).........: 
6d.  Organization Name..........: 
6e.  Street Address.............: 
6f.  City.......................: 
6g.  State......................:
6h.  Postal Code................:
6i.  Country....................:
6j.  Phone Number...............:
6k.  Fax Number.................: 
6l.  E-Mailbox..................: 

Prime Name Server
7a.  Primary Server Hostname....:
7b.  Primary Server Netaddress..:

Secondary Name Server(s)
8a.  Secondary Server Hostname..: 
8b.  Secondary Server Netaddress:

Jim Fleming
Unir Corporation - http://www.unir.com
1998 - The Year of the C+&#167;
IS Coordinator for the AM Radio Station Registry - http://www.DOT.AM
Received on Sat Jun 13 1998 - 22:21:27 UTC

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