Re: DNS: US White Paper

Re: DNS: US White Paper

From: George Michaelson <ggm§>
Date: Tue, 09 Jun 1998 13:40:53 +1000
  Leni Mayo said:
  Lots of other points of interest that others have covered well on this
  list.  A couple more:

  * still no elucidation on what they didn't like about the IAHC

I expect we'll never get a clear statement, but I also suspect that it has
a certain amount of not-invented-here syndrome.

  * the promotion of payment *before* registration as a mechanism
     for discouraging cybersquatting.

Yes, I noted that. I think its going to work but it demands delivery of
outcome within a clear window, and those thorny issues about refunds for non
successful applications. Did you like the comments about the so-called TAX
money? Gee, and I thought it was going to be refunded to everybody (not) but
it leaves open the question: what will it be spent on? I suggested the ietf/iab
on the mou-list and got laughed down, but I'd say it again: why not spend this
money on funding the core processes which keep the wheels turning worldwide?

  * the technique of installing an interim board to get the process
    kick-started, with the intention that these folks are there to do the
    organisation-building, before passing the baton.

Uh.. don't overstate that one. I think the Interim board is going to be a long
lived beast. This area needs longterm continuity and stability, not semi
permanent transition.
My expectation is that there will be a large pool of people one tier behind
a far smaller board who make all substantive decisions. After all, every 2LD
(country) has a vested interest in the shared spaces at some level. They're all
going to want to have a nominal role. Thats far too wieldy a process to sustain
for day-to-day management. 


George Michaelson         |  DSTC Pty Ltd
Email: ggm&#167;    |  University of Qld 4072
Phone: +61 7 3365 4310    |  Australia
  Fax: +61 7 3365 4311    |
Received on Tue Jun 09 1998 - 14:10:18 UTC

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