Re: [DNS] .AU can continue to reflect the TLDs [was: the roadahead]

Re: [DNS] .AU can continue to reflect the TLDs [was: the roadahead]

From: Antony <antony§>
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 12:29:21 +1000 (EST)
> Please remember that people in the UK don't find at all confusing.
> In fact they view as confusing because they are used to two letter
> 2LD's

They just _had_ to be different didn't they :)  Now we've got .za, .nz, .cn
and .ca all following the two-letter 2LD. Hopefully the world will move to a
move consistant naming approach.

> The point is that there are no absolute's here. There is no one right way.

This is why things like LDAP or X500 style systems will take over. There
will be just too much information spread around too many sources to make the
current system hold up.

Unfortunately there is no easy approach, but that's what gives us challange.


  Antony Healey		ISOC-AU Founding Member		Ph:  +61 2 9834 6055
  General Manager					Fax: +61 2 9834 6249
  Healey Communications Australia  --  Giving you the world...
Received on Wed Jun 24 1998 - 10:29:23 UTC

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