Re: DNS: Re: Issues raised by Simon Hackett

Re: DNS: Re: Issues raised by Simon Hackett

From: Deus Ex Machina <vicc§>
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 20:29:06 +1000 (EST)
>_From: Peter Gerrand
> >Lets make this clearer:
> >
> >The place where the rubber meets the road is 
> >
> >The place where the rubber meets the road is
> >
> >The place where the rubber meets the road is
> It also appear to be the place where otherwise rational beings become
> mindlessly obsessive!

youll find that our "obsessive" behavior arrises from the 
inherent "frustration" built into the system.

> We are submitting voluntarily to the introduction of a higher level of
> competition than is present in other industries (including the mainstream
> telecommunications industry), and the quid pro quo is that we have a fair
> say in the way it is done. To the extent that this means exercising a right
> of veto, then yes, we will exercise that limited right of veto. 

I have to take objection to this point,  no industries I know of
require a $300k liquidity as an entry condition. no industries
have any right of veto over the competition. your comments
can only be interpreted as self serving behavior or your asking for
a fiasco. 

Received on Thu Apr 02 1998 - 21:10:58 UTC

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