Re: DNS: ADNA Memoranda & Articles

Re: DNS: ADNA Memoranda & Articles

From: Sandra Davey <sldavey§>
Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 17:58:09 -0900
G'day Everyone,

>i did bring up the points at the meeting that certain DNA's should be given
>exemption of the licence fee assuming they were to remain free... suggested
>were,, and (as well as

I tend to agree here. However, I'm also concerned to ensure that if these
2LD's remain as volunteer roles, that there are 'fair and just' mechanisms
put in place for organisations to receive their requested domain(s) without
too much frustration, and that the volunteersr have the resources to manage
these services. I would also like to see a consistent set of access
guidelines for organisations requesting domains within the .asn and .org
structures and other 'non-chargeable' domains. Just because these domains
may not offer commercial potential, doesn't mean they should be left in the
>ADNA is a decent idea... but im not concinced it has to be so complicated.

Agreed, however, having the M & A online is just one of the ways in which
intiaa is attempting to promote public discussion regarding these issues.
Admittedly, it has taken intiaa a little longer than most of us would have
liked to get this public discussion happening, it is happening. The
documents have been available with sufficient time for us to think about
their implications and issues and to raise points for discussion. 

>One amusing note of the last meeting was how luke wanted ADNA to also be 
>responsible or have control over domain names outside the .au space (.net .com
>etc) that were used in Australia.

Skeeve: I think this is a little unfair. Luke Carruthers did not argue for
domains outside of .au to fall under the ADNA structure. It was simply an
idea thrown open for discussion. This was a brief conversation during the
meeting where most agreed that it would be inappropriate to do so.

Sandra Davey
Received on Sat May 10 1997 - 18:05:47 UTC

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