Trevor, Good points. I am an individual DNA for and Telstra support my role, but I, individually, am the DNA. I see no reason whatsoever I should pay personal money from my bank account for a role I undertake as a volunteer and a function that is undertaken without cost. So its not going to happen. Is the entire concept of ADNA broken? I'm not sure, but certainly in its current incarnation I see no way I can ever play within its structures even if I possibly wanted to. Geoff At 02:45 PM 8/5/97 +1000, Trevor Hales wrote: >ADNA Memoranda & Articles > >The current M and A creates an unnecessary barrier to participation by >current DNAs to ADNA's decision making from its inception. > >In theory, the current M and A allows a DNA to subscribe as an associate >member. However, in practice it creates a barrier by not setting the >membership fee for associate members and indicating that their fee will be >set by the ADNA Board at some future date. No prudent DNA will become a >member of a body where its financial obligations are undecided and open ended. > >There is a simple solution to this problem which is to structurely >separate the Associate Membership from the DNA licence fee. The >Associate Membership fee should be declared in the M and A and it is >suggested that the fee should be set at the same level as for full >membership. The DNA licence fee should be decided by the ADNA Board >based upon several factors, including the commercial value of the >licence to the DNA. > >It is recommended that the next draft of the M and A be amended >accordingly. > > > >Received on Fri May 09 1997 - 19:12:02 UTC
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