Re: DNS: Implementation of Changes to COM.AU Naming Policy and Renewals Policy

Re: DNS: Implementation of Changes to COM.AU Naming Policy and Renewals Policy

From: Gary Oliver <gary.oliver§>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 1997 17:33:45 +1100
[Much snipped from Prof. Peter Gerrand's msg to cut to the quick:]

> (a) an initial back-log of 2,500 DNs which were registered free during
> October-November 1996, on the explicit understanding that they would
> need to be renewed at a fee by end of December 1996, with a grace period
> of one month (to end of January 1996).
> (b) new registrations (some 2,000) made with payments since 1 November
> 1996.
> 2. Allowance for Migration of Historical DNs
> All historical DNs - like other DNs - will need to be renewed with
> payment by 17 March 1997, to avoid being deleted from the Zone
> Files, as part of the current validation and updating of the DNS.


Congratulations on finding a way forward.

Can you please clarify 2 points for me: (1) In your message snipped
above you quote some dates. Does this mean that the latest effective
date for renewals is now 16 March 1997? (2) Where do business names fit
(i.e. sole traders, partnerships etc which don't have  pty ltd or ltd
status. Thank you

Received on Thu Jan 23 1997 - 17:50:22 UTC

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