Re: DNS: trading domain names

Re: DNS: trading domain names

From: Skeeve Stevens <skeeve§>
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 00:03:15 +1100 (EST)
You, Gary Oliver, shaped the electrons to say:
+You have written several times about "public notification". Do you
+envisage that the existing arrangement where names are pending to be
+public notification with just the time period to be defined. It appears
+to me to have the advantage of being linked to the existing system and
+easily open to public access.
+Happy New Year (to all)

Garry... will you kindly delete the part of the email message you are not
replying to... and reply to individual areas if appropriate..

Leaving in a 150 line message and a few line response is bandwidth 
undfreidnly, and unfriendly to the reader who has to search for your reply..


| Skeeve Stevens - MyInternet    personal.url: |
| email://skeeve&#167;     work.url: | 
| phone://612.9869.3334/         mobile://0414.SKEEVE/      [753-383] |
| Join the Internet Society of Australia - |
Received on Fri Jan 03 1997 - 00:37:18 UTC

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