A couple of months ago when pg/kre floated the original proposal that Melbourne IT take over the administration of the .com.au domain name I was about the only person on this list who raised objections to the proposal. My comments at the time: *That the management of .com.au should be by a non-profit organisation that was representative of the people who paid the money *That everyone would be outraged if the corollary of the proposal was suggested - ie. that one for-profit .com.au company administered and charged a fee for administering the .edu.au domain names. At that stage no one else seemed to think it was an issue, and no one - certainly not pg or kre - was willing to even discuss the second point above. I am therefore finding the current discussion on the fees hugely amusing. Regards, Mark * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Message From : HUGHES, MARK * * Location : AUSTRALIA-CCA HDQ * * KOMAIL ID : N17503 (CCAMCQN1) * * Date and Time: 11/13/96 06:54:20 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Received on Wed Nov 13 1996 - 10:03:32 UTC
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